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Team Leader System  

Team Leader System


Many of SMEs recognize that the potential key to keeping up well with their business performance, despite of any conventional problems in global business environment, is through the development of their managers, supervisors and team leaders. Team development is about improvement of a manager’s personal leadership qualities and skills to support his/her professional traits and merits, so this manager will become an expert in making subordinated team well-organized, productive, motivated, conflict-free and ready “to fight” for their goals. All these benefits come as sure effects produced by proper team management. According to opinions of foremost business experts, only profound, in-depth and continuous programs can ensure really effective way of apprenticeship enabling them to successfully pass the following-up examinations, including official certification, and the most important examination – “survival” in real-life business environment. Such intensive trainings can be ordered from different consulting companies, and the obtained leadership skills can be combined with using proper software to support their effects.

Short Presentation (what does it mean to be a modern leader?):

Let’s consider brief conceptual introduction (just several essential features):

  • Manages not subordinates, but effective contacts and relations between different personalities in the team;
  • Continually guides, coaches, helps, motivates and supports the group, as a person responsible for common results;
  • Never puts himself above the rest of the team to prove his authority, but facilitates a consensual decision-making;
  • Provides regular and consistent encouragement or judgment to the team, recognizes different opinions in the team;
  • Delegate and support certain operational freedom to other personnel (as a part of general motivation practice that encourages employees to make decisions);
  • Team Leader assessment is usually performed though a set of specific leadership qualities that characterize one’s creativeness, independence, innovative approaches, etc;

What is Team Leader System?

We can name in this way any software product that helps to carry out administration to help such an executive to deal with diverse workplace challenges and issues in the most productive way. Let’s consider some essential key functions that such a system should provide (with a help of specific example – VIP Task Manager):

  • Planning – such software should give a team leader special means and tools to undertake workflow planning within his/her team (allocate tasks among employee, approve their assignments, supervise performance to verify results, etc), or to receive tasks from higher managerial levels of organization. VIP Task Manager is a client-server instrument that can help a team leader in his planning efforts, as it is task and time management software to schedule and delegate tasks (appointments, goals, expected results, etc) to multiple team members, and to track how well these tasks are accomplished;

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Team Leader System
  •  Team Leader Communication – once a team leader is a facilitator who supervises interactions and relations within a team, he/she needs to employ special means enabling him to stay in touch with ongoing communications between team members. VIP Task Manager is a tool that can cope with this purpose as it is a client-server program for creating virtual environment over the corporate LAN (or over the Internet), so the team leader can supervise and analyze effectiveness of collaboration and teamwork between people. 
  •  Team Leader Evaluation – as far as team leader is responsible for effective interactions and communications between team members, one of his tasks is to track (control) the status of tasks and activities taking place in his workgroup, so he needs an instrument to overview the progress or issues across different elements of workflow, such as VIP Task Manager that enables a manager to take under control different working matters such as working priorities (to guide employees), costs of the tasks (to meet appointed budget), time frames to fit project’s target dates and milestones, carry out appraisal of achievements to remunerate workers;

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