Task Management Software

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Planning Human Resource(HR) - company(department) tasks  

Planning Human Resource(HR) - company(department) tasks


VIP Task Manager allows prioritizing HR tasks.

VIP Task Manager is software that can facilitate process of task and time management and team collaboration within HR-company or HR-department. HR professionals can plan and prioritize their HR operations, processes and procedures. HR company management can plan tasks for subordinates and set priority for each task (6 levels, from Lowest to Urgent) to make them aware what tasks are really important at the moment and what tasks can be postponed for a while. Task priority can be easily changed any moment, and HR specialist will be instantly notified that certain tasks have the level of urgency increased. The Task List mode is most convenient mode to group and sort tasks by priority.

VIP Task Manager allows setting HR tasks order.

HR activity includes a number of different business processes, procedures and checklists related with staff recruitment, assessment, training, hiring, discharging, career planning, processes of quality management, various HR documents workflows etc. The essential characteristic of processes is that all operations within process should follow in certain order. VIP Task Manager allows HR specialists to plan their processes by order and modify them when business circumstances require this. The Task Tree mode is most convenient for creating of break down structure of HR business processes and planning operation by order and time.

VIP Task Manager is date and time planning instrument for HR operations.

A lot of tasks, operations and processes within HR company/department should be precisely planned in time. HR specialists should always be able to check what events and appointments are planned for certain date and time. VIP Task Manager is a groupware instrument which is intended for tasks, meetings, trainings, operations, business processes etc. scheduling and reporting. VIP Task Manager can be used as common HR team scheduling system because it allows multiple users simultaneous access to one database. Tasks can be planned by Start and End dates, Due dates, Estimated durations, Recurrence.
VIP Task Manager provides HR professionals with convenient Scheduler mode (Calendar view) which allows viewing and planning tasks on customizable time grid and in different time period regimes.

VIP Task Manager provides HR professionals with convenient Scheduler mode (Calendar view) which allows viewing and planning tasks on customizable time grid and in different time period regimes.
  1. Choosing human resources company software
  2. Organizing HR-company staff
  3. Setting HR-company/department workflow
  4. Customizing HR company/department tasks
  5. >> Planning HR-company tasks
  6. Sharing HR company tasks
  7. Documenting HR company tasks
  8. Tracking HR company tasks
  9. Reporting HR company tasks
  10. Managing HR company KPI

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