Task Management Software

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Step 6: Sharing tasks in workflows of media organization  

Step 6: Sharing tasks in workflows of media organization


When building a strong team of people who are expected to participate in one or several media workflows at a time, it's supposed that workflow data (tasks, schedules, documents, white papers, plans, files, templates, etc.) can be shared between all project participants. Data sharing is required for creating a collaborative work environment where each employee acts as an independent but controllable element in the workflow system of your media organization. In other words, managers can share workflow data between employees and workgroups, assign tasks, and track workflow progress while keeping control of information exchange.

Tasks serve as building materials for any workflow, including media workflows. That's why it's important to pay maximum attention to task allocation and sharing. VIP Task Manager offers task sharing and allocation solutions to exchange tasks between employees easily and according to specific needs of your workflows.

Permissions level

As it's mentioned before (see "Step 1: Criteria for choosing software solution for media organization"), VIP Task Manager allows setting permissions to sharable media workflows and tasks by means of Permissions Panel. This panel will let you set permissions level per sharable task per employee. It means employees from Publishing Department won't see tasks of their colleagues from Radio/TV Department. Permissions Panel gives you flexible tools to change permissions level easily in real time mode, so such things as work delegation and task re-assignment are quite applicable to media workflows and projects.

Event notification system
When you want media content to be shared, you use Permissions Panel. But you also expect that employees are notified of changes once any workflow element is modified. VIP Task Manager offers an efficient event notification system that allows sending email and pop-up alerts to all concerned employees. For example, reporters from Radio/TV Department participate in the same media projects and work on sharable tasks. If one of these tasks is modified, the event notification system will inform reporters of the task changes immediately.

Associated media content

Sharable tasks of any media workflow may have specific information and some associated media content to make these tasks more comprehensive. VIP Task Manager allows creating, sharing and editing any associated media content in the form of task comments and attachments. Comments Panel will let leave instructions and feedback on how to do tasks. If you need media workflows and tasks to be more specific, you can attach files and documents to tasks. For example, sound engineers from Radio/TV Department can attach files of any format (mp3, ACC, AVI, etc.) to tasks and always have these files on hand while doing their work.

Step 7: Tasks and documents in workflows of media organization

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