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Project management evaluation  

Project management evaluation


Project management evaluation is a review of actual project operations and activities that occur within a project. Such a review lets identify whether current work succeeds and what lessons can be learnt for future projects. Also it is a project’s lifecycle phase which involves development of criteria and use of techniques to analyze project data and compare actual performance with expected one. Briefly, the assessment phase is like the variance analysis in business that lets investigate “before-project” and “after-project” situations.

Why is it important ?

The importance consists in opportunities that project managers get to coordinate joint effort, make current project more predictable and analyze data. Multiple methods allow defining the project success rate which is caused by the following forces:

  • Expectations
  • Actual Results
  • Actions required to reduce the difference or gap between expectations and actual results

Both evaluation and assessment are very important because project managers can consider the forces to mitigate risks of project failure, avoid waste of time and money, allocate budgets properly, delegate jobs and tasks, etc.

As a project manager, you can develop and use project evaluation and appraisal criteria to determine whether the gap between Expectations and Actual Results were favorable or un-favorable, avoidable or unavoidable. And evaluation and control actions will follow after the Expectations/Actual Results analysis to define executives and subordinates responsible for your success or failure. All conclusions and decisions will be included in the final report to be created at the end of your work.

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How to make project evaluation and implementation

One of the simplest ways to evaluate and implement projects is to use PM templates created by means of project management software. Such templates will allow you to design criteria in advance (before your project actually starts), so you will use the criteria to compare expectations with actual results obtained during the course of the project. At the end of your project, templates can be used for project evaluation and reporting purposes, including creating job reports.

VIP Task Manager is a multi user project evaluation and management solution that can help you design, share and duplicate various templates. It allows managing your project throughout the whole project’s life cycle, including planning, executing and reporting phases. You can use tracking tools of the software to make project evaluation and reviews and build project evaluation and monitoring reports. VIP Task Manager supports information sharing in real time, so you can share forms and templates. It also has permission tools that allow you to define user access to project data.


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