Task Management Software

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Project Management KPI Software  

Project Management KPI Software


Project management KPI definition: These are quantifiable measurements, invented beforehand to the project, to reflect and qualify its critical success factors. They reveal a high-level snapshot of a project to let its managers identify the ongoing state of its health. KPI are used to indicate the overall and areal performance of the project team. Therefore it is necessary to determine the project objectives in quantifiable terms, and then agree with the project stakeholders upon the KPIs to be used (prior to the project’s starting), as well as to prove them as ones matching the project’s needs and mission. That software is a professional instrument to monitor these key indicators (analyzing information without manually gathering data) and to define if the project’s progress runs according to plan.

What is role of the software?

This kind of software was designed to satisfy needs of project managers who wish to keep tracking over the project’s health and performance, as a plenty of factors including external ones may affect them. There are the following major functions of such software (explained with a help of specific example – VIP Task Manager): 

  • Tracking – the project may be broken-down into dozens of particular tasks assigned to multiple performers and units. Each task has its own parameters on time, costs, priority, etc, and through using a program you can first decompose the job into smaller activities explained in terms of their parameters, and then get a high-level overview of these parameters summarized in KPI reports.

VIP Task Manager is a collaborative software product that provides an easy-to-use interface for navigating and consuming tasks-oriented information across your project(s). Here you can find some KPI examples that can be controlled by the means of this product. 


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Project Management KPI Software
  • Dashboard – why not to manage a sole dashboard where the project tasks are listed in a systematized manner to let you observing their KPIs? It looks like a flexible and intuitive method to facilitate the efforts of project managers on gathering the performance-related data. Since MS Excel is widely used, managers worldwide have been using some Excel-based files to drive such a dashboard, however, that’s not really convenient as collecting data and its updating was still a routine task of the managers and their assistants. 

VIP Task Manager provides collaborative capabilities to improve connectivity and to make it transparent with a help of real-time delivery mechanisms allowing updating Task List view. In other words it functions like a KPI sharepoint where collaborators working on different workstations are connected to the shared database to contribute their data.

  • Templates – in order to optimize incoming of information you need to employ appropriate patterns to assimilate data pieces and consolidate them into a sole picture of your project. With a help of VIP Task Manager you can use three agile modes (Task List, Task Tree and Calendar) to customize your view and overlook embedded samples associated with certain components of work (tasks, objectives, employees, etc). 

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