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Online task management systems  

Online task management systems


Today you can find many different online task management systems that offer options to manage tasks online, create group schedules, design project timelines and collaborate with users. You can use such systems to organize your workday, manage teamwork, plan meetings, run webinars and conferences, etc. In order to understand whether you need to select software or some another solution, let's briefly review reasons for choosing your solution as well as unhide disadvantages.

Here are some reasons that may force you to use online task management tools:

  • Mobility. You can view tasks, schedules and projects across multiple computers. No matter whether you use a desktop computer at work, a laptop while traveling, and a personal computer at home, you can always manage tasks online. Besides, modern iPhone based solutions can be always 'on hand'.
  • Stability. One more reason is that you cannot guarantee that your computer or laptop won't crash today or tomorrow. As you store all tasks and related information online, you can prevent tragic consequences in case of computer crashes.
  • Live collaboration. It entails live collaboration between users. You can send an email, notification or reminder to your colleagues and receive an immediate answer.

After reading the listed reasons, it may seem that online systems are great solutions that almost everyone can use for managing tasks online. But if you deepen into various online task management reviews and comparisons, you will find out that there are also a great number of problems and issues that force people choose alternatives to web-based packages. For example, here are some points that show hidden disadvantages of online systems:

  • Low-speed Internet connection is a real obstacle to managing tasks online and collaborating with users.
  • Regular fees for online services may become inefficient from financial point of view.
  • You cannot be completely sure about confidentiality of your business information when you keep it online.
  • A non-standard and unusual interface of web based tools force you to spend more time on adaptation and reading tutorials.

Considering the listed disadvantages, it's reasonable to find and introduce a complex and flexible task management system that offers optimized functionality for managing tasks.

VIP Task Manager can be considered as an optimized task management system based on client-server technologies. The system supports live collaboration and real time information exchange allowing using both LAN and Internet to access databases stored on local/remote servers. It's a combination of task management tools to create, manage, track and report tasks, schedules and projects. You can install VIP Task Manager on your desktop office computer, on your laptop while traveling, and on your home computer and send task notifications and reminder messages to your mobile devices by email. The software is easy-to-use, has an intuitive interface and doesn't require any additional software components.

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