Task Management Software

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Task distribution  

Task distribution


The idea of task distribution seems to be very simple: there can be a group of employees and each employee needs to do assigned tasks, while the group manager needs to distribute tasks according to skills, abilities, workload and duties of employees. In real practice, realization of this idea may become challengeable because the group manager needs to know real skills of employees, clearly understand their abilities, estimate workload and consider existing duties in order to distribute and assign tasks appropriately.

To help you with making task distribution, this review shows that distributing task can be represented as a process that has several phases and that can be managed by using task management software. Such software will help create diagrams, prepare total task presentations, and make critical selections.

The process of distribution consists of the following phases:

  • selection – During the first phase of the task distribution process, you think over the work you need to get completed. For example, you can be a project manager responsible for completion of project work. You start selecting jobs and tasks to plan and schedule the project. The task selection phase results in creation of tasks, to-do lists and job lists.
  • presentation – When you have defined the work and divided it into tasks and jobs, your next step is to prepare task presentation. The purpose of the presentation phase is to show and explain employees what they are expected to do, what tasks and jobs are selected, and within what timeframes the work is planned being accomplished. The task presentation phase is very important for team building, and you as a project manager will pass through this phase when running the project keep-off meeting.
  • dispatching – This phase is critical to defining internal/external duties of employees and delegating tasks. After tasks and jobs have been presented to employees involved in your project, you need to dispatch descriptions of the project work to project resources. During the task dispatching phase, you take care of timely sending and delivering of tasks and jobs, and task management software will be helpful as it supports collaboration between users, immediate information exchange, and secure project data sharing.
  • authorization – Once all assigned resources have received descriptions of the project work and tasks have been dispatched, your next step is to authorize tasks. The task authorization phase means local managers and team leaders (often in outsourced projects) make sure that all tasks and jobs are assigned to appropriate resources. After inspection of resource assignments is completed, local managers and team leaders report to senior management, and the end of the task authorization can be formally considered as the start point of project implementation.
  • outsourcing – This is an optional phase of the process, as not every project is fulfilled (partly or completely) by outsourced resources. The outsourcing phase means you consider outsourcing as an opportunity to hire foreign human resources which will do tasks and jobs of your project. Often outsourced projects are effective enough but less predictable and manageable, so the phase should be considered carefully. The phase is closely linked to and dependent on the dispatching phase, because outsourced resources need to receive clear, unambiguous and timely information about assigned tasks and jobs.

These five phases of the task distribution process are recommended to be considered and carried out by project managers. If you are going to follow the phases, you will need to use business task management software. CentriQS is an example of such software. CentriQS is a client-server, multi-user program for managing tasks, jobs and schedules within projects. This software program supports user collaboration allowing you sharing tasks examples and strengthening presentation chaining.


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