Task Management Software

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Task training solutions  

Task training solutions


Task training solutions are designed to assist people in getting prepared to carry out their functions, as for some tasks it is necessary to get a course of introductory learning (in addition to employee’s existing professional skills), or to get ready for some specific conditions that an employee will have to work in. It is a type of managerial tools that would be helpful not only in offices of large corporations, but for every active business organization that seeks for innovative methods to improve their performance. Such a system can be used for administering a bunch of training courses on a variety of ongoing tasks to ensure proper preparedness of the staff.

What a Task Training Process is?

Good examples of that process are preparative steps that are applied to people who are going to work in some new to them and more challenging environments – let’s say civil specialists who are contracted to serve the operating army in areas suffering from armed conflicts (cargo vehicles drivers, food suppliers, civil engineers, etc). These people, being good experts in their professional duties, can be completely untrained to survive in extreme conditions of war. In such a case special plan is elaborated and being taught to them in order to make them more geared-up.

Their program may include the following elements:

  • Description of their actual on-site tasks;
  • Description of the location where they will be delegated to (current situation, climate, etc);
  • Using protective equipment (helmet, gas-mask, body armor, etc);
  • Using military communicational means;
  • Accepting military subordination;
  • Instructions and behaviors to survive in emergency cases;

The length, scope, content and costs of a program are defined by consideration of the task it supports: its efficiency, complexity and safety requirements. Task training system can serve any kind of training programs, disregarding industry, purpose, etc – it provides instruments to cope with time, scope, content and costs, in order not to run over these constraints.

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Task Training Solutions

What is the practical use of those solutions?

Task training matrix can be used to guide the maintenance of a training program, as it is a single document to consolidate a reference on program’s components, learning objectives, hours allotted, etc. A good example of task software that works as an electronic matrix is VIP Task Manager providing you with the following capabilities:

  • Establishing a list of the employees who need training, along with business coaches who can provide these trainings (task training list of resources);
  • Identifying all training courses that can be included into your daily plan;
  • Planning and scheduling trainings, courses, attendants and coaches (interactively updated plan);
  • Prioritizing mandatory and optional trainings;
  • Appointing the coordinators to track courses and to report results on examinations, certifications, issues, etc;
  • Storing files right with associated items within database of software (ex: attaching the task training videos, plans or other files to the record, among other essential attributes);

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