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Step 2: Organizing Telecommunication Company staff  

Step 2: Organizing Telecommunication Company staff


Step 2: Organizing Telecommunication Company staff

Staff in Telecommunication Company includes telecommunications craft workers (who are engaged in equipment and technical infrastructure installation , maintenance, and repair ) and specialists who are engaged in office work – telecommunications managers, administrative workers, customer support specialists etc. Structure of departments and register of specialists, including their roles, are the essential elements of task management solution (designed on basis of VIP Task Manager) for needs of Telecommunication Company .

Departments of Telecommunication Company :

Tracking building company tasksThe point of this task management solution is to achieve coordination and collaboration between different departments of Telecommunication Company . Set and structure of departments as well as their names can vary from company to company, because of different business specializations and sizes, but basically, specialists working in small/medium Telecommunication Company can be grouped into the following exemplary departments including sub-departments:

  • Client accounts department – takes care of relationships with current clients, manages clients’ subscriptions to telecommunication services, handles customer claims, complaints, requests and suggestions along with keeping records on services provided to clients. Includes specialists of customer support service , office managers, records/accounts management clerks and others. Closely collaborates with Sales and Technical departments.
  • Sales and Marketing department – takes care of engaging new clients and increasing the market share serviced by Telecommunication Company. This department designs and supports marketing propositions to sell telecommunication services to businesses and residential customers , takes care of advertisement, studying competitors and researching market of telecommunications. Includes sales, promotion and marketing experts . Closely collaborates with Client accounts department.
  • Technical department – department of technical practitioners and engineers. This department may include different line installers and repairers , cable installers, telecommunications equipment installers and repairers , different computer professionals, qualified telecommunication engineers who plan cable routes, networks, equipment installations, take care of existing infrastructure development , and solve other complicated technical problems. This department closely coordinates activities with Sales and Client accounts departments.
Resource List of Telecommunication Company :
  • Personal accounts:

Tracking building company tasksVIP Task Manager is task management software that features Resource List mode where staff of Telecommunication Company can be registered, allocated among departments, and each person can be described with specific personal and professional attributes – Name (Login), Phone, Email, Address, Job title and Department. Every person within the team can be provided with personal password for entering system. Every team member can automatically get secure individual task folder for placing there personal tasks.

  • Roles and permissions:

Every professional in Telecommunication Company can be assigned to standardized or specific working role – set of responsibilities and tasks, including level of authorization for studying content of telecommunication projects. Assigning different roles and tasks to telecommunication specialists in VIP Task Manager is realized through flexible system of Permissions which can be set regarding task groups and tasks. The standardized bunch of permissions that determine level of user’s authorization and possibilities in operating with tasks is called Role.

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