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Time tracking system  

Time tracking system


Time tracking system is a software solution for planning and measuring the amount of employee time spent on different tasks or projects. It allow management teams to create plans for scheduling working hours and building various reports on working hours consumption. Such documents as timesheets, schedules, to-do lists, project plans and cost estimates can be designed by means of that system. Often such a system is used as a complex solution for planning, supervising, measuring and reporting working time and tasks assigned to employees.

Here are the major benefits:

  • Using timesheets and schedules for planning employee working hours.
  • Tracking employee time spent on different tasks and projects.
  • Viewing employee schedules sorted and filtered by shifts.
  • Creating cost estimates to measure the amount of money spent on different tasks and projects.
  • Planning projects by phases and durations.
  • UsMonitoring employee activities and performance.
  • Supervising project costs and time.
  • Keeping project data in one database and accessing this database over local area network (similar to SharePoint time tracking system technologies) or Internet.
  • Building reports that summarize time consumption and performance.

Employee system helps you feel comfortable when planning and monitoring employee tasks, projects and schedules. It can be desktop solutions and web-based (online) applications. Desktop time tracking system free solutions allow using both local and remote network resources to access databases and keep track of employee time and tasks. Online time tracking systems allow using web browsers and live Internet connection to access remote databases and view employee tasks and time.

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Time tracking system

Those packages can be designed for multiple users (group solutions) and single users (personal solutions). Group project time tracking systems allow team members to collaborate with each other, share projects and work on achieving common goals. Team leaders can assign working hours to several employees and track team performance. Personal software products allow an employee to plan workday, develop schedules and track working hours. They can be used by managers to schedule individual plans and assignments.

VIP Task Manager is an excellent example of group time management software that helps your team plan, track, measure and report working hours, projects and tasks. The software uses a client-server technology to allow your team to access a centralized database over LAN and Internet. Functionality of VIP Task Manager is powerful and can give you all the benefits listed above.

Although VIP Task Manager isn’t an open source time tracking system, you can try it for free – there’s an evaluation copy available for free during 30 days.


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