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What is time management?  

What is time management?


Today, when business seeks for new ways of increasing returns per each unit of resources invested, trying to gain new level of productivity from every individual, it is very useful to consider time management as one of the proper practices to reach higher results. This is an article created in a form of FAQ to explain different positions of this discipline:

What is time management definition? This is a skilful manner of operating and dealing with time as with a valuable and principal business resource indispensably utilized for accomplishing any projects, tasks and objectives. Time management may help you to reach a better efficiency of work.

What is time management and why is it important? As far as time management is the discipline (set of different methodologies) focused on better using of time, it is highly important to apply it when working at projects, because time is among any project’s key resources and constraints.   

What are time management strategies? These are corporate policies and arrangements, focused at increasing the company’s overall productivity via bettering results both of individuals and workgroups (organizational units) through streamlining their time management attitudes along with refining the techniques they are accustomed to.

What are time management techniques? These include different kinds of time planning and scheduling practices, re-organizing and refining working processes with regard to a right way of prioritization (concentrating efforts at right aims and activities), fighting against multi-tasking and distractions, using different tools to control time’s content and utilizing, etc.

What are time management skills? These important skills include correct manners for creating to-do lists, prioritizing tasks, planning daily workloads, forecasting distractions, estimating duration of working efforts, operating with appropriate time management tools, avoiding multi-tasking, time-wasters and disregarding thankless tasks.

What is time management in the workplace? This means process and practice of implementing appropriate time management environment and approaches at every working position of the organization, so that each employee can independently benefit from these methods, while making their own efforts more profitable and productive.

What is time management in project management? This is especially important business methodology that refers to time as an element of project management constraints (quality, costs and time) and of project management resources (budget, HR, technology and time), so that correct manner of operating with time is a key success factor for every project manager.

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What is time management

What are time management games? These are special trainings that are based on modeling situations that are close to real-life specificity. They can be arranged on the enterprise in order of assisting employees on mastering time managerial approaches and tools.

What are time management tools? These tools include working calendars, to-do lists, timetables and timesheets. Traditionally these tools are paper-based, while today the most of them can be transferred into a better electronic format (making them more agile and manageable).

What is time management matrix? This is a special table where you can group your tasks and activities as Urgent-Important, Important-Not Urgent, Urgent-Not Important and Not Urgent-Not Important.

What is time management software? This is a computer-based time management program (for individuals or for group-based collaboration) that provides functionality of working calendars, to-do lists, timetables and timesheets.

What is time management system? This is multiuser time management software that can interconnect multiple employees with their superiors to let them sharing their working calendars, task lists, timetables and timesheets. Good example of such groupware is VIP Task Manager represented below in details.

VIP Task Manager is a client-server program that can help different levels and departments of one company to collaborate and share their efforts in terms of creating synergy of their tasks. This program is easy to use and administrate, it is quick to master, and flexible enough to be adjusted up to your company’s specifics (as well as to specificity of all professional divisions existing in your organization), and also it can work equally well both through your LAN and via the Internet. This tool is a great instrument for organizing time managerial co-operation in terms of tasks, project objectives and timelines, costs and priorities, etc.


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