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Home » Task Analytics » Task Data Gathering – Capture and Log Input Data for Task Analytics
Task Data Gathering – Capture and Log Input Data for Task Analytics  

Task Data Gathering – Capture and Log Input Data for Task Analytics


Task Data Gathering is the first step in creating task analytics. It is about collecting, capturing and recording any information that appears to be essential to task analysis. The step aims to create a pool of task data that can be used for further task monitoring and reporting.

As a process, data gathering takes place early when tasks and their attributes are defined, and hence there is data that can be captured and logged for analysis, sorting and refining. This process contains the following activities:

  • Pre-collection: confirming  that task attributes (target date, cost, budget, assignee, dependency, others) are defined and ready for capturing
  • Gathering: performing the gathering activity to make records about ongoing state of task attributes
  • Analysis: sorting and filtering task records to create a pool of refined analytics data

Once all these activities are done, tasks are ready for further investigation and tracking. Gathered data will be used as inputs for task analytics. Analysts usually combine task data into tables and spreadsheets which simplify task charting and performance visualization.

CentriQS Task Analytics Solution

CentriQS provides users with Task Analytics OLAP cube that allows analyzing employee performance, project progress and other parameters from multiple perspectives. Users can work with Pivot tables to group analytical data, visualize it on charts of various types or gather Pivot table and most frequently used charts on one dashboard.

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