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Home » Task Analytics » Viewing task data in various ways through Pivot Grid
Viewing task data in various ways through Pivot Grid  

Viewing task data in various ways through Pivot Grid


One of the ways to gain task analytics for decision making is to use pivot grid within an OLAP cube model. Pivot grid is a two-dimensional spreadsheet that consists of task attributes used as measures and dimensions for OLAP cube. It is created as a result of pivoting which is one of the operations for representing the cube’s data for analytical reports.

Pivot grid usually combines a certain set of task attributes that serve a specific purpose or intention. The benefit is that the grid allows developing a focused task analytics report that displays needed dimensions on OLAP cube. Moreover, pivot grid rotates the cube to create other perspectives of the same data. Thus, analysts are enabled to view task data in various ways.

The following instructions generally explain how to use pivot grid for task analysis:

  • Select needed task attributes among a variety
  • Design a spreadsheet that groups and sorts out these attributes by cube dimensions
  • Define common metrics for the attributes
  • Apply the spreadsheet to OLAP cube
  • Carry out the pivoting operation to rotate the cube variously
  • Develop an analytics report that summarizes task data gained by needed rotation of the cube.

CentriQS Task Analytics Solution

CentriQS provides users with Task Analytics OLAP cube that allows analyzing employee performance, project progress and other parameters from multiple perspectives. Users can work with Pivot tables to group analytical data, visualize it on charts of various types or gather Pivot table and most frequently used charts on one dashboard.

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