Sub-projects are smaller, interrelated projects that compose larger projects. If sub-projects belong to one and the same project or programme, they are dependent upon each other in some way.
Dependencies are necessary in any task decomposition design that includes at least two elements. Task dependency allows reaching an understanding of how tasks and sub-tasks are linked to each other and in what sequence they need to be executed.
Tasks that belong to one and the same project are usually dependent on each other in some way. They are dependent because they may share common risks, consume the same resource base, or have an impact on each others’ start or finish date.
Dependencies between tasks can be set within a project or across multiple projects. Task dependencies are logical relationships that show how tasks are linked to each other and how they relate to their parent projects and sub-projects.
Dependencies between tasks can be set by identifying risks that surround these tasks. Risk-based task dependency means that two or more tasks which are impacted by common risks can be linked to a sequence of dependent activities.
Critical Path is a popular method of project planning that lets define and set task dependencies in projects. The method uses time estimation as the basis for developing project schedules.
Design Structure Matrix is an analysis tool to identify and assign task dependency. It is designed in the form of a flat (two-dimensional) table in which tasks appear at rows and columns governed by certain rules of dependency.
Dependencies show specific relationship between two or more tasks which belong to one and the same project. In a project breakdown design task dependencies identify how tasks relate to each other, what common objectives they deal with, and under what constraints they are supposed to be performed.
Hierarchical to-do lists let decompose projects into smaller interrelated tasks and sub-tasks for further planning and management.
PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) chart is a project planning tool that helps schedule, organize and coordinate interrelated tasks and activities within a project.
Discover the methods and techniques of creating dependencies between tasks and activities. Visit this section to find out best practices of task dependency and explore how to plan dependent tasks in projects. Understand how to set various kinds of dependencies and what tools to use in managing dependent tasks.