Task Management Software

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Home » Tracking Tasks » Employee daily attendance and task management software
Employee daily attendance and task management software  

Employee daily attendance and task management software


Tracking employee daily attendance in a business company is an important task of effective employee management that requires managers to reduce time wasting and increase employee productivity. Sometimes this task is managed with help of task planning software that allows creating to-do lists and employee daily attendance sheets. Task planning software makes it easier to plan employee tasks, assignments and jobs. Managers can set up performance metrics and criteria for measuring employee efficiency and also calculating how much time an employee has spent on a selected task. They can also make employee daily attendance records and track performance.

VIP Task Manager is a great example of task planning software that helps make to-do lists and schedules for managing employee tasks. In VIP Task Manager, you can attach Excel sheets directly to tasks and track performance. The Custom Fields functionality of the software will help you calculate employee allowance and also estimate monthly wages.


  1. Use Task Tree view in VIP Task Manager to make daily todo lists, templates and checklists.
  2. Go to Task List view to prioritize tasks and set up due dates.
  3. Make new fields and columns to sum up employee daily allowance.
  4. Read more information about attendance and also download some guides on effective employee management.

CentriQS Tracking Tasks Solution

Task Time Tracking in CentriQS is very flexible. Users can track time they spend on tasks both manually by entering actual/remaining task duration or adding time logs and automatically by using task timer that adds time logs when you pause or stop it. Task property "Deviation" informs users whether they are "On Schedule", "Ahead of Schedule" or "Behind Schedule" by calculating the difference between "Estimate" and "Actual+Remain".

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