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Purchasing Management Process  - making decision  

Purchasing Management Process - making decision

How to improve purchasing department productivity
in 3 minutes
How to improve purchasing department productivity  with VIP Task Manager Professional

When a list of appropriate suppliers is already worked out, it’s time for purchasing officer to make final purchase decision. It’s very important moment and requires careful examination of all candidates’ conditions and offers. Lack of carefully organized system may cause many problems.

Poor information for making right decision

If the tracking of suppliers’ offer list is not well-organized and causes difficulties, purchasing officer may miss any important information or not take into account some useful details and the result is the arrangement of unprofitable for the company deal.

purchase decision

Poorly reasoned decision

Made decision must be well documented and there must be an easy way to show reasons of such choice to interested parties. Otherwise purchasing officer may stand accused in dishonest and preconceived supplier choice.

making purchase decision

Easy but weighty solution

In order that it will be easier for the purchasing officer to make a right decision, it’s better to use special purchasing system software, that allows to track all candidates’ information easily and on the given basis make right purchase decision .

Such software is VIP Task Manager. VIP Task Manager is specific software that has all required features to manage purchasing process. It is a perfect tool for tracking suppliers’ offers by any required field and making final decision about the best offer.

With the help of VIP Task Manager you can easily track the whole list of suppliers’ offers via several mouse clicks. They can be sorted and filtered by any field you are interested of at this moment. It’s easy to compare all candidates in order to select the most suitable suppliers who offer the most advantageous conditions, make final decision and change selected offer’s status to “Approved”.

how to make purchasing decision

It’s very convenient to assign all approved suppliers’ offers to “Approved Offers” group. When a new offer is considered and approved it can be placed to “Approved Offers” task group via one mouse click. And next time when there is a need to purchase the same or similar product, it will be easier first to track “Approved Offers” list and in that way save the time and efforts that can be used for more important and urgent tasks.

With the help of VIP Task Manager it’s also very convenient to track performance of suppliers from “Approved Offers” list and decide whether each of them is still as advantageous as was earlier.

Any time each concerned person can track suppliers list by himself and make sure that this particular decision was made under objective reasons. VIP Task Manager allows to make process of suppliers’ approval fair and clear for everyone.

As you can see, the use of VIP Task Manager software in your Purchasing process will help you to make right final purchase decision and avoid waste of time, money and energy.

How to use VIP Task Manager to make final purchase decision

  • Start VIP Task Manager
  • Create a new task group “Quotations”
  • Create new custom fields, for example “Supplier”, “Price”, etc
  • When there is a need to consider a new offer, create a new task, e.g. “Quotation 1” and enter its custom fields values, e.g. “Supplier” value is “Supplier 2”, “Price” is “15.25”, etc
  • Enter all additional information into task notes section, add required files or links into attachment section
  • Track your offers list and sort it by any field to make a decision about the best offer. It will help you carefully consider all suppliers’ offers and fairly select the most suitable and profitable one
  • When the offer is accepted, its “Status” may be changed to “Approved”, and next time you can first find required candidate and his offer among the tasks with “Approved” value of “Status” field
  • From time to time track the tasks with “Approved” value of “Status” field to decide whether they are still advantageous
  • The suppliers that are constantly worked with may be marked by changing their “Supplier type” to “Regular” value

Next stage of Purchasing Management process - Ordering

Groupware applications

  • VIP Task Manager is synchronous groupware for task management. This client/server software allows planning, scheduling, sharing, tracking and reporting tasks, appointments, projects, and any company activities. Authorized users can simultaneously access the common database through Local Network (LAN) to see, add, edit and delete their team or personal tasks, if they are granted appropriate permissions.

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