Task Management Software

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Step 4. Customizing engineering company task fields  

Step 4. Customizing engineering company task fields


VIP Task Manager allows to customize tasks by creating and setting custom fields. Task custom fields give engineering company a way to create unique task parameters and provide managers with a powerful calculating mechanism and familiar interface to access engineering company solution's features. By using the software it is possible to manage project costs and budgets, define and compare task time duration, plan and estimate project.

Budget and Cost Management

Budget and cost management provides the core to management and forecasting of financial success of projects. VIP Task Manager delivers a comprehensive business solution for managing the budget development process and comparing budgets to actual costs. Engineering company activities are mostly projects so the company management can apply project indicators to evaluate and measure task performance. One of the most important project indicators is its budget and costs. Engineering company can use custom field feature to add budget and costs in project.

For example, "Horizontal Drilling Project" has three major phases. On t he first phase "1.PRELIMINARY PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT" the project budget and potential costs are defined in the task "4. Estimating potential costs and stating budget". We can add custom fields "Budget" and "Costs". VIP Task Manager allows to use math formulas and logical expressions in custom fields to specify project calculations. By using Building Report capabilities you are able to build cost reports in graph or text view.

Task Time Management

Task time management aims to improve task time use by employees and efficiently empowers managers to be able to keep track of the time spent. VIP Task Manager allows employees to report their time usage and managers to keep track of time spent on individual task and the whole project. When planning a project, the company management should appoint time duration per task needed for task accomplishment.

VIP Task Manager allows to set planned task Start & Finish dates to compare them with actual dates. To define actual time per task the manager of engineering company can create custom field "Actual Duration" which is defined as difference between task date started and task date completed. The custom field "Actual Duration" enables project managers to calculate time for the project phase as well as the total time for the project.

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