Task Management Software

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Step 5. Planning engineering company tasks  

Step 5. Planning engineering company tasks


Task planning is an important part of task management in engineering company. In order to able to create good plans, managers of engineering company need a convenient and comprehensive tool. VIP Task Manager allows to learn how to use the time effectively, to plan tasks accurately, and to achieve goals in planned intervals of time. Better task planning means better management of resources like time, employees, funds, etc. VIP Task Manager offers a complete mechanism to draw up task plans by task time, priorities and resource assignment.

Planning task by time Planning tasks by time is a way to bring tasks of engineering company in accordance with the company management objectives. VIP Task Manager is an easy tool that allows to structure and plan task time . The managers can use due dates, start & finish dates, estimated and actual time to work out task plan. In VIP Task Manager also there is a powerful Custom field tool that allows to create customized task parameters. By using these parameters the managers of engineering company can plan estimated task duration and set task recurrences. Tasks can be filtered by any of these time attributes to know what tasks should be done today, tomorrow, next week, etc.

Planning task by priority

Task priorities allow to line up all task by importance that is to set priority sort order in the task list. In VIP Task Manager the manager of engineering company can assign several priorities to tasks. There are six types of priorities: Lowest, Low, Normal , High, Highest, and Urgent. Each of the priorities has individual graph icon, making a task to be easy found in the task list. When planning tasks, Manager of Geotechnical Operations Department can use filter and task grouping to display tasks in convenient view. VIP Task Manager is easy-to-use application due to possibility of saving sharable column layouts in a profile. While planning, the managers of engineering company can use column layout to display tasks grouped and sorted tasks by priorities.

Planning task by assignment

When task time and priority are set, Manager of Geotechnical Operations Department needs to make assignments to resources. By using VIP Task Manager, he can plan the optimum resource assignments according to the stages of project. In our example we have Horizontal Drilling Project. The manager assigns tasks to Drilling Operators, and Senior Engineering Technician. In Task Tree view he can filter and sort tasks by assignment and save column layout. The layout can be shared between involved employees giving convenient way for task planning and executing.

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