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Home » Solutions » Media Organization » Step 5: Planning tasks in workflows of media organization
Step 5: Planning tasks in workflows of media organization  

Step 5: Planning tasks in workflows of media organization


For any business including your media organization, task planning is a vital process for succeeding. Task planning process becomes a part of strategic planning and development of your media company since you feel that your staff members need to plan their tasks and jobs from day to day. To make task planning process efficient and to get the most out of time management, staff members of your media company can use VIP Task Manager. The software allows planning and scheduling tasks by priorities and due dates.

Setting Priorities
Task prioritizing is an essential part of task planning process. If not using priorities in task planning process, everything on common task list assumes equal importance. That's why employees of your media company may tend to waste time and fail tasks. They are just unable to see what tasks to do first of all, what tasks are of urgent importance and whether they should set current work aside and start doing more important tasks. By using Task List tool of VIP Task Manager, you can plan tasks by priorities. Every task in common task list can have a priority (from Lowest to Urgent), so your people will see in which order they should do tasks (from more prioritized tasks to less important ones). For example, when journalists of your media company are going to visit some party where there are so many celebrities, they can review lists of the party guests and then prioritize who should be interviewed first of all.

Setting Due Dates
Good time management assumes that tasks have deadlines to show employees how much time they have available for doing and competing their jobs on schedule. Employees of your media organization should also see task deadlines (due dates) in order to plan their time better and avoid procrastination.VIP Task Manager will help you set deadlines per task. The software allows setting Start Date, Finish Date and Due Date and displaying tasks in shared schedules. Calendar tool of the software will show your journalists when they should prepare reports on events (conferences, parties, exhibitions, etc). And scriptwriters will know time limits for submitting new scenarios for approval. Employees of your media company can use Calendar tool to track and share task deadlines.

Task Sorting
VIP Task Manager allows putting tasks of media projects in proper order by using Manual Sorting and Alphabetic Sorting. When you need to use checklists or templates to plan media workflows, you can apply Alphabetic Sorting to tasks in common task list.VIP Task Manager applies Alphabetic Sorting to task lists automatically. If you need to reorganize tasks in common task list, you can use Manual Sorting.

Step 6: Sharing task in workflows of media organization

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