Task Management Software

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Home » Tracking Tasks » Don't overload employees with jobs or you get procrastinations
Don't overload employees with jobs or you get procrastinations  

Don't overload employees with jobs or you get procrastinations


The challenges of increasing customer demand and changing technologies make businesses more complicated and leave the employees feeling overwhelmed. Many employees feel that their work is overloaded and they have too many tasks to perform. This becomes an unfortunate side effect of business success, and the upper management needs to resolve this issue. To eliminate work overload and prevent procrastinations, the manager must always look for the areas of waste, find reasons for poor performance and eliminate them. Then, the freed up resources can be used to avert overload from happening again. To find the areas where the employees for some reason waste their time and abilities, the manager should intend to create a system that is more effective and less overwhelming for the employees.

Such a system can be based on rules and methods of task management.VIP Task Manager is task management software system that allows to track work overload and employee performance. The manager can useVIP Task Manager to assign tasks and track working hours of the employees. Each task can have Start and Finish dates and also Due date so that the workforce will be aware of when to start the task and when it should be completed. The system automatically compares current date and time with planned Start and Finish dates and highlights procrastinated tasks in common task list.VIP Task Managerallows to keep all tasks on track in real time and quickly respond to procrastinations and work overload by making task reassignments. A as result, the company management optimizes working hours and workforce are less overloaded with tasks.

Action plan:

  1. Start VIP Task Manager
  2. Assign tasks to the employees. In Start Time and Finish Time fields you can set working hours. You can also use Actual Time and Estimated Time fields.
  3. To track performance, you can use Task Tree/List view, Filter Panel and notifications
  4. You can create daily workload reports by using 'Export to Excel' feature

See also:

 When you are delegated a task, think if you are able to accomplish it

CentriQS Tracking Tasks Solution

Task Time Tracking in CentriQS is very flexible. Users can track time they spend on tasks both manually by entering actual/remaining task duration or adding time logs and automatically by using task timer that adds time logs when you pause or stop it. Task property "Deviation" informs users whether they are "On Schedule", "Ahead of Schedule" or "Behind Schedule" by calculating the difference between "Estimate" and "Actual+Remain".

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