Task Management Software

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Home » Tracking Tasks » Gain more benefits from outsourcing
Gain more benefits from outsourcing  

Gain more benefits from outsourcing


Outsourcing is an option to choose the best strategy for your business and bring down costs. When the company outsources, there are two immediate advantages that are gained. The first one is cost savings and the second one is the freeing up of in-house human resources to concentrate them on core competencies. The company is open to growing operational efficiency and getting opportunities in terms of skills and experience. The company gets the opportunity to assess whether the performance on the task outsourced is higher than inside the organization.

To manage outsourced tasks and track performance, the company management can use task management software like VIP Task Manager . This program provides the management with possibility to create and assign to-do lists to outsourced employees, and monitor task status by using Notifications Panel. Task performance can be assessed through using custom fields. VIP Task Manager allows to create a single database which will be accessed by all outsourced resources through Internet. You can closely track the performance and communicate with the employees in real time. Each outsourced employee will have strict access to the database and be able to see only those tasks which are supposed to be watched. You can manage permissions to the tasks and set up roles basing on the duties and responsibilities of the remote employees.

Action plan:

  • Start task management software
  • Go to Resource List view and add employees outsourced. You can specify an employee's name, position, department, email, contact information and password
  • Go to Task Tree view and set up permissions per resource by using Permissions Panel
  • Create and assign to-do lists to the outsourced employees
  • Use Comments Panel to communicate with the remote employees

See also:

 When you are delegated a task, think if you are able to accomplish it

CentriQS Tracking Tasks Solution

Task Time Tracking in CentriQS is very flexible. Users can track time they spend on tasks both manually by entering actual/remaining task duration or adding time logs and automatically by using task timer that adds time logs when you pause or stop it. Task property "Deviation" informs users whether they are "On Schedule", "Ahead of Schedule" or "Behind Schedule" by calculating the difference between "Estimate" and "Actual+Remain".

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