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Home » Tracking Tasks » How to disclose progress within employee's productivity and work execution speed?
How to disclose progress within employee's productivity and work execution speed?  

How to disclose progress within employee's productivity and work execution speed?


Business process is a sequence of certain steps which should be done before it is successfully finished. Business process can be represented as consecution of tasks and each of them may have certain duration of execution which is documented and fits company's business schedule. In this case employee who performs business process needs to receive plan of this process where all steps, stages and their durations are written out. Employee will follow this plan and can track its performance by marking out "done" steps and note time spent and time left. After process is finished employee or his/her manager can see how much time was spent for each step and define issues that cause delays. Then, when employee will have several recurring processes performed, he/she can compare them by each step and disclose discrepancy between actual and estimated durations, so it will be possible to track if employee works faster and improve productivity.
VIP Task Manager is task planning and reporting groupware that allows processes management, productivity management and automatic tracking of task durations. It is excellent instrument for team work performance tracking and analyzing because it allows:

  • business process planning
  • time planning and tracking
  • task duration planning and tracking
  • using filters and charts

To disclose progress within employee's productivity you can use such method:

  • start your planning application
  • create typical business process (create tasks, set order, set estimated time) within task group
  • save business process template
  • assign business process to employee
  • create additional task attribute "Actual task duration" of Duration type with formula $date_completed-$date_started (it will calculate actual task duration - from status "In progress" till status "Complete" )
  • wait until employee has at least two same processes completed
  • use Bar or Column diagrams to assess total durations (estimated duration vs. actual task duration) of two processes (two task groups) and compare them
  • if diagram shows different results - analyze the details
  • make comparison of estimated duration vs. actual task duration by each step of the processes
  • print out comparison charts for each of two processes
  • compare durations by each separate tasks and decide if employee exactly meets the business process schedule (if employee works faster or slower)
When you are delegated a task, think if you are able to accomplish it

CentriQS Tracking Tasks Solution

Task Time Tracking in CentriQS is very flexible. Users can track time they spend on tasks both manually by entering actual/remaining task duration or adding time logs and automatically by using task timer that adds time logs when you pause or stop it. Task property "Deviation" informs users whether they are "On Schedule", "Ahead of Schedule" or "Behind Schedule" by calculating the difference between "Estimate" and "Actual+Remain".

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