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Measure task performance to improve it  

Measure task performance to improve it


“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it” – this is the credo each manager should take into consideration while making decisions about task performance and employee productivity. If task performance was properly measured, it could be successfully managed. This thinking will lead a company to success in the filed of employee management. The best improvements come after measuring task performance. Measuring your employees’ task performance will enable you to gain such benefits as more efficient and focused training for employees, standardized processes, quicker detection of problems, better customer service and more effective business solutions. Business owners and managers can also improve communications, enhance relationships with partners and increase employee participation in the company development.

The use of key performance indicators (KPI) is the way to assess job performance and take right decisions on employee productivity improvements. VIP Task Manager is a complex job management solution which offers effective tools to introduce KPI and assess performance. In business practice, there are a number of KPI aimed to measure employee activities and assess efficiency of processes. For example, it can be quality. Quality indicator can easily be measured in terms of the number of customer complaints or returned products. In VIP Task Manager you can create a new custom field “Quality” and set it up to tasks related to product selling and purchasing. Then you will be able to assess employee performance by measuring these tasks with the mentioned custom field.

Action plan:

  1. Run VIP Task Manager
  2. In Tool Bar go to Tools – Custom Fields.
  3. In Edit Custom Fields Window you can create a list of KPI. Use formula to add specific calculations for KPI.
  4. Set up you custom fields for tasks and task groups by using Custom Field Options
  5. Go to Task Tree View and select Preview Mode on the Tool Bar to configure displaying of KPI

CentriQS Tracking Tasks Solution

Task Time Tracking in CentriQS is very flexible. Users can track time they spend on tasks both manually by entering actual/remaining task duration or adding time logs and automatically by using task timer that adds time logs when you pause or stop it. Task property "Deviation" informs users whether they are "On Schedule", "Ahead of Schedule" or "Behind Schedule" by calculating the difference between "Estimate" and "Actual+Remain".

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