Task sorting is one of the basic functions for to-do list management as it helps to review order of our tasks from different points of view. If we use traditional paper means it is very laborious and long to sort task list written down on a paper sheet as we should rewrite all tasks again, but if we use software it is just an instant action of one mouse-click. To sort task list is very important action for our activities organization because it allows us to see our agenda through different categories of importance - for example we can perform task sorting to see our tasks ordered according to their priority, most important tasks above, at the beginning of our list, and less important below. In such a way we can sort process (sequence of tasks) of some goal achievement, to see process performane according to importance or urgency of tasks, or maybe to sort task list of process according to both of these characteristics at one time.
VIP Task Manager is real-time teamwork project management tool that has the feature, a small part of its powerful capabilities. This process sorting, planning and controlling software allows you to plan detailed tasks using different adjustable modes (timeline, calendar, task tree, to-do list) and to analyze performance of your workgroup in order to identify project evolution, costs and team efficiency.
VIP Organizer is individual simple task sorting manager that allows you to list you activities in category- and time-specific manner, to set priorities and manage checklists. With a help of this product you can create a project plan to filter, group and sort process tasks in order to define if everything necessary is on the list, what is urgent and what is important.
To sort task list do the following:
- start your task management software
- use Task Tree to break-down your projects into doable activities
- plan processes and to-do list on Task List view
- plan costs, set priorities and assign tasks to performers
- sort process by one or several tasks attributes
See also:
When you are delegated a task, think if you are able to accomplish it
CentriQS Tracking Tasks Solution Task Time Tracking in CentriQS is very flexible. Users can track time they spend on tasks both manually by entering actual/remaining task duration or adding time logs and automatically by using task timer that adds time logs when you pause or stop it. Task property "Deviation" informs users whether they are "On Schedule", "Ahead of Schedule" or "Behind Schedule" by calculating the difference between "Estimate" and "Actual+Remain". |