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Home » Tracking Tasks » Track task Due date to avoid procrastinations
Track task Due date to avoid procrastinations  

Track task Due date to avoid procrastinations


Discover the procrastinations in time

People often have a tendency to procrastinate with the tasks they have to accomplish. It may cause the stress, understated self-appraisal and the reputation of irresponsible person among other people. That's why it's very important to control the tasks to be accomplished in time. If you get into a habit to track how much time is left before task due date, you will be able to recognize the procrastination in time, take measures to overcome it, successfully complete the task and create a good impression on interested people.

"Avoid procrastinations" To Do List

  • When you create a new task in your To Do List, record the date by which it has to be done
  • From time to time track the tasks in your To Do List and estimate how much time is left before the due date of each task
  • If there is some task you are procrastinating with, take required measures to accomplish it in time
  • Use software to track the tasks by their due date

Action plan

  1. Start your task management software
  2. Display "Due Date" column on Task List grid
  3. Set filter to display only uncompleted tasks
  4. Track tasks' Due Date and pay attention to those ones that must be accomplished soon

See also:

 Don't tackle a new task till you accomplish the tasks you started earlier

CentriQS Tracking Tasks Solution

Task Time Tracking in CentriQS is very flexible. Users can track time they spend on tasks both manually by entering actual/remaining task duration or adding time logs and automatically by using task timer that adds time logs when you pause or stop it. Task property "Deviation" informs users whether they are "On Schedule", "Ahead of Schedule" or "Behind Schedule" by calculating the difference between "Estimate" and "Actual+Remain".

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