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Step 3. Setting software development company workflow  

Step 3. Setting software development company workflow


The structure of software development company database depends on how big the company is and how many products it has. It can be department-oriented when initially the structure is broken into development department, quality assurance department, marketing department, sales department, etc. It can be product oriented when initially the structure is broken into product 1, product 2, product 3, etc. and each folder contains tasks related to certain software program. In most cases it is a mixed structure with company departments, products, projects and processes.

The workflow of software development company includes a lot of typical processes which take place while developing, testing and releasing software products. For example, each new version of the product requires doing the following tasks:

  • Write press release about new version
  • Submit press release to online media
  • Send press release by email to print and online media
  • Write newsletter about new version
  • Send newsletter to subscribers
  • Etc.

Having created the templates for these typical business processes, software development company can save a lot of time and efforts by duplicating these templates whenever a new process starts.

Software development company usually sets several types of workflow with different statuses, statuses order and statuses parameters. For example, tasks executed be marketing department will differ from tasks executed by quality assurance department, so the testers can create their own workflow type and specific task statuses:

  • New,
  • Acknowledged,
  • Canceled,
  • In Development,
  • Resolved.

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