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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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Creating task reports in travel agency solution  

Creating task reports in travel agency solution


Export task list view to MS Excel

Reporting is a mechanism that allows travel agency managers to analyze the workflow of the travel agency and discover the gaps in task performance to fix them timely. It defines the efficiency of the working processes in the travel agency. To control over task efficiency, the reports on task performance should be built daily and stored in a format convenient for reading and analyzing. VIP Task Manager allows to export daily task reports into convenient software Microsoft Excel. The report can be exported in several clicks.

The travel agent or another employee of the travel agent can just select required data to be included in the report and select option "Export view to Excel". For example, the guide needs to meet a group of tourists at the airport of Bahamas on 20 th of July. He needs to know their names. In Task List view of VIP Task Manager the guide can filter tasks by the task group "Clients", custom field "Direction - Bahamas" and due date "20 th, July". The filtered task list will display all tourists' names who should be met by the guide in Bahamas . He can export the task list view to MS Excel sheet, print it out and take a hard copy to the airport.

Task reports in Text/HTML view

VIP Task Manager has functionality of building reports in text or HTML view. When building a report, an employee of the travel agency can select which items (General info, Assignments, Task History, Notes, etc.) must be included into the report. For example, Supervisor needs to make a revision of all tours for December.

He can filter task list by the folder "Tours", task date started and date completed. To build a report, he should select all filtered tasks, right-click on them and select Export tasks to HTML/RTF view. In Report Options window Supervisor can include/exclude the report items and build the report. It can be saved on hard disk or sent by mail to Director of the travel agency.


Information represented in graph view is convenient and easy to read. The activity of the travel agency can be represented in diagrams. VIP Task Manager allows to build task report as chart or diagrams. There are several types of charts available, such as Line Chart, Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, and Column Diagram. For example, the travel agent can build graph report which shows the progress of tours number for such directions as Hawaii , Bahamas , Europe , Asia , and other. The report can be built as Bar Diagram and printed out

Task History

The way to build quick report on a task is to print out task history. In VIP Task Manager all tasks changes are recorded in special log. They can be retrieved from it in Task History panel. The panel shows task changes in chronological order. For example, the travel agent creates a new task "Book air tickets" for the client "Clarissa Hart" in the travel agency database. The guide can use Task History panel to track date and time when the task was created and what changes were made. He can find out whether the order was paid, air tickets were bought and what the date of client's arrival is. Then he can proceed with planning his own tasks according to the history log. Such a report can be printed out by the guide and handed over Supervisor as a hard copy.

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