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Step 2. Organizing staff of travel agency  

Step 2. Organizing staff of travel agency

How to improve travel agency productivity
in 3 minutes
How to improve travel agency productivity with VIP Task Manager Professional

In order to register employees of travel agency in a common task management system, there is Resource List view in VIP Task Manager. All the staff can be added to the printable resource list with detailed information, such as "Name", "Department", "Job Title", "Email", "Phone", "Address" and other. Resource List view allows to create and assign roles to employees of travel agency and in such a way to define the area of responsibilities.

There are three key ingredients that should be considered by the managers while organizing staff of travel agency. These ingredients are as follows:

  • Job descriptions for every employee of travel agency should include assignment, responsibilities, and roles. This ingredient enables an employee to answer the following questions: "What is my task list?", "Who works with me?" and "What are my permissions". Good job descriptions take time to write, are best if kept short (no more than a page), and should be acceptable to everyone involved.
  • Clear reporting relationships that identify to whom an employee should report. This ingredient enables the employee to answer the following questions: "What reports are required" and "Who is my Supervisor?" Although some companies incline to assume that employees should multiple bosses, the successful practice shows that it works much better if each employee reports to one person (Supervisor), not a group. The supervisor is motivated by the success of his subordinate ("If you succeed, I succeed").
  • Regular staff meetings and active communications are the life-blood of healthy travel agency staff. Weekly meetings should be conducted at scheduled time. At the meeting employees should take active participation in discussion, make proposals for improving task performance and the team leader should consider them.

With VIP Task Manager the staff of travel agency can be organized in effective manner according to those key ingredients. In Task Tree view the team leader or department head can plan tasks and create task hierarchic structure. For each of the employee the leader assigns task list, set responsibilities and roles. By using Permissions panel, it is possible to set a level of employee permissions to a task or task group so that restricting and privileging his/her role. To describe a task or its specific points, the team leader can use task "Attachment" tab to enclose documents and "Notes" tab which allows to format text and emphasize the most important sections.

VIP Task Manager allows to set supervisors to employees and control task performance by watching task lists or getting e-mail task notifications. To set a Supervisor to employees of travel agency, the team leader can use Watch List tab when adding a new resource in Resource List view.

Good relationships between employees and their supervisors can be based on regular reporting on tasks. VIP Task Manager allows to build reports in text and graph view, and even export task list view into Microsoft Excel sheets. Supervisor can assign task "Build monthly report" to Travel Agents and Accountant. In this task he can set Due Date - the date until which the report should be sent.

VIP Task Manager provides Scheduler view which enables team leaders and supervisors of travel agency to keep their tasks scheduled, build agendas and organize regular staff meetings. The Scheduler has daily, weekly and monthly task view. It displays tasks in calendar area with names and priorities which allows quickly to be focused on urgent and overdue tasks. When planning a meeting, the team leader can create new task "Meeting", assign it to all concerned employees, and set up task reminder to remind them the date and time of the meeting.



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