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Step 8. Tracking travel agency tasks  

Step 8. Tracking travel agency tasks


Tracking tasks of the travel agency's employees is important for management of the agency. The more the supervisor can control task performance of his subordinates the more productive outcomes he will get from them. Tracking is the way the supervisor can fight task procrastinations of the employee and monitor the current work the employee is doing now.

VIP Task Manager allows to track task performance, monitor work in real time and take quick measures to satisfy requests of the employees. The supervisor of the travel agency can use filter to be focused on the tasks of any employee. For example, to track current tasks the travel agent is doing at the moment, the supervisor can filter all tasks by Current Date and Date Last Modified which displays exact time and date of the task changes. The supervisor can set filter by priority and deadline in order to see whether the urgent and prioritized tasks were procrastinated. In order to make task performance more effective, the employee of the travel agency can leave messages for the supervisor in the task field "Comments". Once a message is left, the supervisor will get notification and find out what a problem the employee faced. By receiving incoming notification messages, the supervisor can quickly track issues of the employees and leave feedback in the task tab "Comments".

For example, the supervisor can use comments to notify the related employees that the task "Arrange appointment" in the client's task groups "James Stuart" and "Olga Brown" will be delegated from one travel agent Mike Hilton to another one because of procrastination. All concerned employee will receive notification on new assignment and the employee who got the new assignment can confirm it through task Comments.

VIP Task Manager allows to track task performance by the fields Status and Complete. The field Status shows several task statuses such as In progress, Put on hold, Completed, Paid, Verified, etc. For example, the travel agent has agreed with a client the tour and all related points. The only thing left to do is waiting for the client's payment for the tour.

The travel agent creates a new task "Control payment", assigns it to the accountant and sets the status "Waiting for payment". The accountant of the travel agency can use the status "Paid" when the client have made payment for the tour. When the payment is done, the accountant can set the status "Paid" for the task "Control payment". This will be a signal that everything is ok and the travel agent can proceed with fulfilling the client order.The field Compete shows task completion in percentage, for instance, 15%, 25%, 70%, 100%. The supervisor of the travel agency can group and sort the task lists of the employee by these columns, and monitor current task performance.

VIP Task Manager automatically highlights all overdue tasks so the supervisor will immediately see procrastinated tasks which are marked with orange color and take care of the tasks. For example, the supervisor detected several procrastinated task "Build monthly report" of the travel agent. He can increase the tasks priorities up to Urgent and leave some comments for the tasks stating to complete these tasks first of all.



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