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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
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What is a Management Dashboard?
The term Management Dashboard defines a wide range of data reporting and visualization tools or dashboards that allow using various performance & efficiency measures to report on an enterprise’s ability to organize and coordinate its activities in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of pre-determined objectives. What is a Management Dashboard?
What is a Sustainability Dashboard?
Sustainability Dashboard is an enterprise-wide reporting system that provides an at-a-glance view of key performance measures relevant to a company’s ability to maintain or support an activity or process over a relatively long period. What is a Sustainability Dashboard?
What is a Business Dashboard?
Business Dashboard is a data reporting system that presents business information in a way which simplifies analysis and decision making. What is a Business Dashboard?
What is a Printable Dashboard?
Printable Dashboard is a kind of business dashboard which allows converting on-screen information into printable format. What is a Printable Dashboard?
What is an Operational Dashboard?
Operational Dashboard is a performance monitoring and measurement system that enables management personnel to understand whether their company runs its operations on target. What is an Operational Dashboard?
Setting Dependencies between Sub-projects
Sub-projects are smaller, interrelated projects that compose larger projects. If sub-projects belong to one and the same project or programme, they are dependent upon each other in some way. Setting Dependencies between Sub-projects
Creating Dependencies between Activities in Task Decomposition
Dependencies are necessary in any task decomposition design that includes at least two elements. Task dependency allows reaching an understanding of how tasks and sub-tasks are linked to each other and in what sequence they need to be executed. Creating Dependencies between Activities in Task Decomposition
Managing Dependent Tasks in a Project
Tasks that belong to one and the same project are usually dependent on each other in some way. They are dependent because they may share common risks, consume the same resource base, or have an impact on each others’ start or finish date. Managing Dependent Tasks in a Project
Establishing Dependencies between Tasks in a Project
Dependencies between tasks can be set within a project or across multiple projects. Task dependencies are logical relationships that show how tasks are linked to each other and how they relate to their parent projects and sub-projects. Establishing Dependencies between Tasks in a Project
80/20 Estimation Method: Using Baseline Duration
80/20 Principle (aka "Pareto Rule") is a popular distribution assessment method that can be used to estimate duration of activities and tasks. The method is applicable to simple and routine tasks that do not require decomposition into smaller pieces. 80/20 Estimation Method: Using Baseline Duration
Risk-based Dependency in Planning Dependent Tasks
Dependencies between tasks can be set by identifying risks that surround these tasks. Risk-based task dependency means that two or more tasks which are impacted by common risks can be linked to a sequence of dependent activities. Risk-based Dependency in Planning Dependent Tasks
Managing Project Scope Changes through Task Duration Re-estimation
Once the scope of a project is defined and approved, usually any scope-related changes are not desired because otherwise the project may reach its completion with more time and cost consumed. Managing Project Scope Changes through Task Duration Re-estimation
Implement Critical Path Method for Defining Task Dependencies
Critical Path is a popular method of project planning that lets define and set task dependencies in projects. The method uses time estimation as the basis for developing project schedules. Implement Critical Path Method for Defining Task Dependencies
Tracking Project Progress through Task Burn Charts
Gaining insight into project progress is a critical activity that ensures success of project objectives. Through task burn charts it is possible to understand current state of a project, track the work done and the work remaining, and figure out what performance level the project will possibly reach in observable future. Tracking Project Progress through Task Burn Charts
Setting Task Dependency through Design Structure Matrix
Design Structure Matrix is an analysis tool to identify and assign task dependency. It is designed in the form of a flat (two-dimensional) table in which tasks appear at rows and columns governed by certain rules of dependency. Setting Task Dependency through Design Structure Matrix
Project Scheduling through Task Duration Estimation
Task duration estimation serves as a good practice of scheduling project activities in line with project requirements. This practice embraces a range of methods and techniques (e.g. Wideband Delphi, Backward Estimation, Contingency Planning, others) that estimate time limits and durations of project tasks. Project Scheduling through Task Duration Estimation
How to Plan for Project Resources Using Task Decomposition
Through decomposing a given project into tasks and smaller activities it is possible to identify and estimate resources required for this project. Task decomposition allows using a resource analysis of individual tasks and activities to develop a resource management plan for the entire project. How to Plan for Project Resources Using Task Decomposition
Measuring Project Performance through Task Burn-down Chart
Task burn-down chart is a favorite way to gain visibility into a project’s performance and status. Such a chart shows relationships between the work done and the work remaining. Measuring Project Performance through Task Burn-down Chart
How to Develop a Project Schedule Using Task Decomposition
Critical path refer to a set of project activities or tasks organized into the longest sequence which is to be fulfilled on time during the project lifecycle, with no delay and failure. How to Develop a Project Schedule Using Task Decomposition
Expert Judgment: Involve Human Experts in Estimating Task Duration
Expert Judgment is a popular project planning technique that can be used to estimate duration of tasks and simple activities. Expert Judgment: Involve Human Experts in Estimating Task Duration
How to Define Critical Path for Tasks in Project Breakdown
Critical path refer to a set of project activities or tasks organized into the longest sequence which is to be fulfilled on time during the project lifecycle, with no delay and failure. How to Define Critical Path for Tasks in Project Breakdown
Contingency Planning: A Parametric Estimation of Task Duration
Contingency Planning is a general approach to estimating and managing tasks and their durations in an emergency situation. The approach is similar to PERT analysis as it uses certain parameters to make duration estimates. Contingency Planning: A Parametric Estimation of Task Duration
How to Establish Dependencies between Tasks in Project Breakdown
Dependencies show specific relationship between two or more tasks which belong to one and the same project. In a project breakdown design task dependencies identify how tasks relate to each other, what common objectives they deal with, and under what constraints they are supposed to be performed. How to Establish Dependencies between Tasks in Project Breakdown
Reserve Analysis: Use a Reserve Pool of Time to Calculate Task Duration
Reserve Analysis is a fundamental analytical technique that determines an estimated time reserve for a task and establishes scheduled duration for this task. The technique allows using time reserves to define and protect duration estimates through offsetting unexpected issues that arise. Reserve Analysis: Use a Reserve Pool of Time to Calculate Task Duration
How to Create and Manage Sub-projects
Sub-projects are smaller projects subordinated to and aligned with broader projects that belong to the same hierarchy. How to Create and Manage Sub-projects
Backward Estimation: Calculate Duration through Task End Date
Backward Estimation is a general estimation method for defining and calculating time length of tasks through a backward analysis. Backward Estimation: Calculate Duration through Task End Date
Bottom-Up Analysis: Estimating Task Duration through Decomposition
Bottom-up Analysis is a kind of synthetic analysis that aims to improve accuracy of the overall estimation process. This technique uses task decomposition as the basis for making time estimations. Bottom-Up Analysis: Estimating Task Duration through Decomposition
How to Decompose a Project into Tasks
Successful planning and management of projects can be reached through creating decompositions of tasks and sub-tasks. How to Decompose a Project into Tasks
Historical Data Analysis: Review Past Task Data to Estimate New Task Duration
Historical Data Analysis is a popular method that helps forecast task delivery time through investigating and re-appraising durations of past-period tasks and activities. The method involves a portion of comparison analysis to predict future time trends of current tasks. Historical Data Analysis: Review Past Task Data to Estimate New Task Duration
How to Use Activity Network in Decomposing Project Tasks?
Activity network can be used in task decomposition to chart the flow of simple activities or sub-tasks between separate tasks within a project. It helps plan project tasks by creating a graphical representation of smaller pieces of work. How to Use Activity Network in Decomposing Project Tasks?
Three-Point Technique: Use Assumptions in Appraising Task Time
Three-Point is an estimation technique that allows considering three groups (optimistic, pessimistic and probable) of scenarios or assumptions in estimating task duration. Three-Point Technique: Use Assumptions in Appraising Task Time
Reach Optimized Task Decomposition through Comparative Analysis
Comparative Analysis can be used as a great method for planning work and decomposing it into smaller items. This kind of analysis offers a comparison-based examination of two or more alternative work plans to understand and review their hierarchies of tasks and sub-tasks. Reach Optimized Task Decomposition through Comparative Analysis
Wideband Delphi: Gain a Consensus-based Estimate of Task Duration
Task reporting is the final step in creating task analytics. Reporting means reviewing results of the task monitoring activity to develop a task analytics report that summarizes data on tasks and their performance by certain parameters and for a specific period. Wideband Delphi: Gain a Consensus-based Estimate of Task Duration
Organize Focus Groups to Plan for Task Decomposition
The method of Focus Groups is used to organize tasks into hierarchies of sub-tasks and create task decompositions. Organize Focus Groups to Plan for Task Decomposition
Creating Task Analytics Reports
Task reporting is the final step in creating task analytics. Reporting means reviewing results of the task monitoring activity to develop a task analytics report that summarizes data on tasks and their performance by certain parameters and for a specific period. Creating Task Analytics Reports
Decomposing Tasks through Historical Data Analysis
Historical Data Analysis is a popular method of knowledge management that can be successfully used in task decomposition. The method makes it possible to decompose tasks into sub-tasks by following already existing rules that have been successfully used in previous attempts of developing task breakdowns and hierarchies. Decomposing Tasks through Historical Data Analysis
Task Monitoring – Track Information on Current Status and Results of Tasks
Task Monitoring is the second step in creating task analytics. This step aggregates and analyzes gathered data about tasks to create a kind of presentation for decision making. Task Monitoring – Track Information on Current Status and Results of Tasks
Delphi Method: Using Expert Knowledge to Decompose Tasks
Delphi is a great method to decompose tasks and develop task hierarchies. It offers specialized forecasting process that involves interactions between groups of people who are experts on the problem of task decomposition. Delphi Method: Using Expert Knowledge to Decompose Tasks
Task Data Gathering – Capture and Log Input Data for Task Analytics
Task Data Gathering is the first step in creating task analytics. It is about collecting, capturing and recording any information that appears to be essential to task analysis. Task Data Gathering – Capture and Log Input Data for Task Analytics
Time-based Decomposition, or How to Decompose Tasks by Time
Time-based decomposition is one of the methods for dividing and organizing larger tasks into smaller activities or sub-tasks. The key advantage of this method is to use time periods as the major parameter for identifying sub-tasks and defining their durations or time-frames. Time-based Decomposition, or How to Decompose Tasks by Time
Visualize Task Performance through Charting
Charting in task analytics helps create a visual representation of task data for performance analysis, monitoring and forecasting. It is an effective task analytics tool that plots various factors on a graph to visualize current task behaviors and provide input data for creating performance forecasts and trends. Visualize Task Performance through Charting
Task Decomposition through Brainstorming
Brainstorming can be used as a method for task decomposition. In the broader sense, it is a process for generating ideas and solutions to a problem through proactive and freewheeling group discussions. Task Decomposition through Brainstorming
Carry Out an In-depth Analysis of Task Performance through Hierarchies
A thorough analysis of task performance can be carried out with use of OLAP cube. The dimensions of such a cube create hierarchies of task attributes, and through summarizing each of the dimensions it is possible to understand what task attributes of what hierarchy cause current failing/winning task performance. Carry Out an In-depth Analysis of Task Performance through Hierarchies
Decompose tasks through effort estimation
Task decomposition can be reached by estimating effort that is required from people involved to perform their tasks. Decompose tasks through effort estimation
Multi-dimensional Analysis of Tasks through OLAP Cube
Analysis of tasks by multiple indicators and parameters ensures weighted decision making because it allows gaining a better understanding of task state and performance. OLAP cube is an analytical method that makes it possible to use multi-dimensional task analysis. Multi-dimensional Analysis of Tasks through OLAP Cube
Use Mind Mapping Technique to Decompose Tasks
Mind Mapping is a popular information management technique that can be used to reach task decomposition or to divide a broad task into a series of interrelated sub-tasks. Use Mind Mapping Technique to Decompose Tasks
Using To-do Lists for Managing Dependent Tasks in Projects
Hierarchical to-do lists let decompose projects into smaller interrelated tasks and sub-tasks for further planning and management. Using To-do Lists for Managing Dependent Tasks in Projects
Viewing task data in various ways through Pivot Grid
One of the ways to gain task analytics for decision making is to use pivot grid within an OLAP cube model. Pivot grid is a two-dimensional spreadsheet that consists of task attributes used as measures and dimensions for OLAP cube. Viewing task data in various ways through Pivot Grid
What is Task Decomposition?
Find out how to plan and manage tasks and activities through decomposition techniques. Read this section to learn about best practices of task decomposition that will explore how to divide broader tasks into smaller activities, how to define sub-tasks, and what methods and approaches to use in creating task hierarchies and project breakdowns. What is Task Decomposition?
Using PERT chart for managing dependencies between project tasks
PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) chart is a project planning tool that helps schedule, organize and coordinate interrelated tasks and activities within a project. Using PERT chart for managing dependencies between project tasks
Accomplish Goals with Full Task Analytics
Successful accomplishment of goals can be reached when all tasks relating to these goals are successfully done. Task-based goal accomplishment is widely used by many organizations to manage business activities and projects. Accomplish Goals with Full Task Analytics
Use KPIs to Reach Optimization in Task Performance
KPIs are special measures in task analytics to evaluate employee performance over a fixed time period. They report on the employee’s ability to reach preset objectives or plans. Use KPIs to Reach Optimization in Task Performance
Keep Track of Your Activity to Avoid Delays and Overdue Tasks
Activity tracking allows you to explore and improve your performance. It helps prevent such probable troubles as delays and overdue tasks. Keep Track of Your Activity to Avoid Delays and Overdue Tasks
See the Big Picture of Task Performance through Visualizing Workload
Visualizing workload through charts and diagrams will help you see the big picture of your task performance. Workload is the amount of tasks and jobs that you are assigned to and that you need to complete over a certain period. See the Big Picture of Task Performance through Visualizing Workload
Measure Your Productivity with Task Velocity Reports
Measuring productivity is a critical activity that helps you determine how fast you do your tasks and whether you adhere to your schedule. Velocity reports are used in measuring productivity to help you understand schedule efficiency. Measure Your Productivity with Task Velocity Reports
Interactive Task Priority Template
We all have to cope with dozens of our daily tasks, and it is easy to lose effectiveness while approaching all this abundance of commitments Interactive Task Priority Template
What is Task Breakdown? (Its definition, formats, and purposes)
Project Task Breakdown (also called WBS, or work decomposition) is a practice of creating a hierarchical structure (representation) of interconnected project deliverables or tasks that need to be performed to accomplish a project What is Task Breakdown? (Its definition, formats, and purposes)
What is Task Priority?
Task Priority definition: It is one of the key features in task and time management, as it stands for rating your tasks by their values for you in order to build your action plans in regard to urgency and importance of your tasks What is Task Priority?
What is Task Dependency?
Discover the methods and techniques of creating dependencies between tasks and activities. Visit this section to find out best practices of task dependency and explore how to plan dependent tasks in projects. Understand how to set various kinds of dependencies and what tools to use in managing dependent tasks. What is Task Dependency?
What is Task Estimation?
Explore this section to find out how to examine and appraise tasks against the time constraint. Learn to estimate task duration, manage due dates, determine start and finish date, and analyze task performance. Benefit from a number of tips and suggestions about the optimization of task time and duration. What is Task Estimation?
What is Project Test Plan
Project Test Plan is a document which describes procedures to be used for assessing the project’s results What is Project Test Plan
What is Employee Recognition
Employee Recognition is a one-time action or consistent systematic practice What is Employee Recognition
What is Task Inventory
Task Inventory is a list of tasks involved into the typical performance of a specific job What is Task Inventory
Product Development Guide
Product Development Definition: a very important process directed at designing new and improving existing business products and services Product Development Guide
What is Task Duration?
Task Duration definition: it is a task characteristic showing amount of time it takes to complete this job What is Task Duration?
What is Schedule Deviation
Schedule Deviation means a lack of convergence between the baseline plan of a project and the actual achievements obtained on certain date What is Schedule Deviation
What is Schedule Slack
Schedule Slack (or float) is a measure of flexibility in the project schedule What is Schedule Slack
What is Employee Tardiness
Employee Tardiness is an employee misconduct meaning that a person sticks to a wrong behavior that makes him or her repeatedly late for work What is Employee Tardiness
What is Process Element
Process Elements comprise all the items and matters which it somehow makes sense to depict at a business process diagram What is Process Element
What is Process Report
Process Report is a common name for a series of documents which are utilized by organizational management What is Process Report
What is Schedule Slippage
Schedule slippage means a delay in project performance which leads to non-meeting of the initially estimated due date of the project completion What is Schedule Slippage
What is Project RBS
Project RBS is abbreviation that can be deciphered in two different ways What is Project RBS
What is Project Tendering Process
Project Tendering Process (also known as Inviation to Tender process) is established to enable an organization to find What is Project Tendering Process
What is Process Reuse
Process Reuse is a driving principle for designing business processes to be unitary for a number of related purposes What is Process Reuse
What is Employee Talent
Employee Talent is a concept which is usually considered in two dimensions What is Employee Talent
What is Employee Roster
Employee Roster is a tabular document (a printed or electronic one) where employers can allocate their staff members to associate them with different shifts, roles and statuses What is Employee Roster
What is Task Partitioning
Task Partitioning usually refers to the process of division of one task into sequential actions which are to be assigned to particular individuals or units What is Task Partitioning
What is Task Rotation
Task Rotation is a method used to create work schedules which are friendly to health of employees and efficient in terms of production yet What is Task Rotation
What is Employee Equity
Employee Equity is a state policy which protects the employment and labour rights of people who often face discrimination, in the most common sense they are What is Employee Equity
Project Management Training Guide
Project management training is a course of exercises which are called to develop special skills of Project Managers Project Management Training Guide
What is Employee Effort
Employee Effort is an earnest, diligent and strenuous working attempt What is Employee Effort
What is Project Termination?
Project Termination is a situation when a given project is supposed to be closed or finalized because there’s no more need or sense for further continuation What is Project Termination?
What is Employee Time Sheet?
Employee Time Sheet is a formal document designed in the form of a spreadsheet that indicates an amount of working hours What is Employee Time Sheet?
What is Process Transparency?
Process Transparency means a process’s capability of being monitored, controlled and managed by decision makers What is Process Transparency?
What is Employee Utilization?
Employee Utilization is a method of utilizing available workforce of a company for the purpose of maximizing the employee efficiency What is Employee Utilization?
What is Process Tolerance?
Process Tolerance is a blueprint specification of a process to describe an unwanted but acceptable deviation from a given dimension of the process What is Process Tolerance?
What is Task Presentation?
Task Presentation is an instructional event intended to communicate some information about planned tasks and to summarize the amount of work to be done What is Task Presentation?
What is Schedule-Driven Project?
Schedule-Driven Project is a project that is performed and managed under the overriding constraint of time What is Schedule-Driven Project?
What is Schedule Sharing?
Schedule Sharing is a procedure of making the whole schedule or certain portion(s) available for accessing What is Schedule Sharing?
Project Management Difficulties
There are a plenty of possible difficulties, obstacles and challenges that may rise against the project management Project Management Difficulties
What is Project Rationale?
Project Rationale is a detailed description of fundamental reasons or principles behind the need for starting a project What is Project Rationale?
What is Employee Turnover?
Employee Turnover is a ratio comparison between the number of workers an organization must replace in a certain period of time and the average number of total workers What is Employee Turnover?
What is Task Uncertainty
Task Uncertainty is what we face when dealing with some new kind of work never done before What is Task Uncertainty
What is Employee Expenses
Employee Expenses are necessary to maintain the employment of a worker What is Employee Expenses
What is Employee Role?
Employee role is a prescribed or expected behavior of a worker who performs certain functions associated with a particular position What is Employee Role?
What is Task Revision?
Task revision refers to a consistent process of revising or correcting a defective task-based activity What is Task Revision?
What is Schedule Plan?
Schedule Plan is a detailed description of how some scheduled activities are supposed to be carried out What is Schedule Plan?
What is Process Effectiveness?
Process effectiveness is a measure of a process’s ability to produce desired results or effect that can be qualitatively evaluated What is Process Effectiveness?
What is Task Element?
Task element is a component or constituent of a task to describe a certain part or the entire entity of the task What is Task Element?
What is Project Resource
Project Resource is any type of tangible or intangible matters which can be estimated What is Project Resource
What is Process Technology
Process Technology is a way to establish a complex of interrelated and mutually involved matters including arrangement of equipment and furniture What is Process Technology
What is Process Risk
Process Risk is a factor that threats successful performance of a process (its timing, costs, quality of results and other success measures). What is Process Risk
What is Employee Training
Employee Training is an educational process which aims to improve employees’ skills, attitudes, knowledge and awareness on recent policies and business situation What is Employee Training
What is Schedule Specification?
Schedule Specification is a common term referring to a supplementing document that describes some additional information What is Schedule Specification?
What is Schedule Availability
Schedule Availability means an amount of working time when a person assigned to a schedule is available for doing work items What is Schedule Availability
What is Task Order?
Task Order is a formal supplementing document that specifies additional liabilities and obligations of a contractor and elaborates a statement of work What is Task Order?
What is Employee Recruitment?
Employee Recruitment is a process of searching, selecting, hiring and orientating new workers to fill open vacancies available in an organization What is Employee Recruitment?
What is Process Roadmap?
Process Roadmap refers to a formal document, often designed in a graph view, to describe a detailed plan of actions What is Process Roadmap?
What is Process Tracing?
Process Tracing is a procedure of identifying and testing causal mechanisms What is Process Tracing?
What is Process Termination?
Process Termination refers to a formal procedure for ending, blocking or shutting off a certain process due to some issues so that further operational What is Process Termination?
What is Schedule Performance?
Schedule Performance refers to the resulting effect of scheduled activities performed by an individual, group or organization within a given period of time What is Schedule Performance?
What is Employee Transition?
Employee Transition is an employee’s movement from current position to a new one with the right to have the same or alike pay range What is Employee Transition?
What is Project Review?
Project Review is a process of examining and auditing planned tasks, activities, procedures, events and other work components of a project to identify whether What is Project Review?
What is Project Report
Project Report (or Project Status Report) is necessary to communicate the status of a project to its staff and stakeholders What is Project Report
What is Project Roadmap
Project Roadmap is a diagram or document that illustrates a high level plan of a project What is Project Roadmap
Office Cleaning Guide: how to create a timetable and what tools to use?
Office cleaning plan is what necessary to compose and communicate to office cleaners in order to maintain proper timetable of office cleaning procedures Office Cleaning Guide: how to create a timetable and what tools to use?
What is Schedule Acceleration
Schedule Acceleration is a set of methods used to minimize the duration of work included into the project in order to What is Schedule Acceleration
What is Process Reengineering
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is a managerial approach that seeks radical redesign of the processes to reach the fundamental improvements What is Process Reengineering
How to create Task Work Breakdown Structure?
There are several different methods to represent (visualize) the task work plans, for example WBS (work breakdown structure) How to create Task Work Breakdown Structure?
What is Schedule Allocation
Schedule Allocation means mapping out the pieces of work (tasks, activities, etc) on a schedule to visually represent their durations and arrangement in terms of chronology What is Schedule Allocation
What is Task Interdependence?
Task Interdependence is a set of rules and requirements to determine how information, materials and expertise will be shared between team members assigned to interdependent tasks What is Task Interdependence?
Time Management List: skills to create and tools to manage
Time management is a conceptual set of physical and mental essentials (skills) that you need to be a successful time manager Time Management List: skills to create and tools to manage
What are Employee Requirements?
Employee requirements refer to a set of needs of an employer to identify what skills What are Employee Requirements?
What is Process Evaluation?
Process evaluation is a systematic assessment of a definite process by collecting What is Process Evaluation?
What is Project Replanning?
Project Replanning is a process for planning an existing project again in the same or some altered way What is Project Replanning?
How to set up Recurring Task with Reminder?
Everyone has some recurring tasks at his/her schedule, for example daily activities such as “to feed the cat”, “to take the vitamins”, etc How to set up Recurring Task with Reminder?
What is Task Execution?
Task execution is a consistent process of doing planned tasks and producing expected results by one individual or a group of individuals joint into a team What is Task Execution?
Recurring Task Calendar for those who cannot afford wasting their time
Recurring Task Calendar is a time-grid that shows up your repetitive tasks and events Recurring Task Calendar for those who cannot afford wasting their time
What is Schedule Adjustment?
Schedule adjustment refers to any modifications and changes made to a given schedule after some issues have been revealed What is Schedule Adjustment?
What is Task Implementation
Once a need for a task (certain amount of work to reach a necessary goal or rectify certain problem) What is Task Implementation
What is Task Evaluation
Task Evaluation is a process of giving an objective estimate to amount of work What is Task Evaluation
Time Management Keys: what you need to know to become a real achiever
Time management key element is your right knowledge about this discipline and about your mind Time Management Keys: what you need to know to become a real achiever
What is Task Report
Task Reports are necessary for project management to capture status of progress made over the tasks previously handed out to performers What is Task Report
What is Schedule Overrun
Schedule Overrun occurs when a project’s time restriction is violated What is Schedule Overrun
Employee Retention Guide: review, ideas, tools
Employee retention definition: it is a business management term referring to policies and efforts of employers focused at retaining current employees in their workforce Employee Retention Guide: review, ideas, tools
What is Employee Empowerment
Employee Empowerment means granting employees a necessary level of authority to support them making self-dependent decisions without obligatory consulting with their bosses What is Employee Empowerment
What is Schedule Adherence
Schedule Adherence is a common parameter that characterizes the degree (percentage) to which particular workers or project teams are sticking to their schedules What is Schedule Adherence
Employee Daily Report: what is it and how to build?
Employee daily task report represents how well the employee performs assigned job throughout workloads delegated to him/her by managers Employee Daily Report: what is it and how to build?
Employee Daily Schedule: software to keep up work planning throughout your projects
Employee daily schedule is an instrument which your employees can rely upon to be aware of their assignments and agenda to follow throughout the project’s timeline Employee Daily Schedule: software to keep up work planning throughout your projects
Employee Scheduling Problems: types, and ways to rectify and avoid in future
Employee scheduling issues are confusing conditions or situations that might seriously reduce employee efficiency and collapse appropriate rhythm of workflow Employee Scheduling Problems: types, and ways to rectify and avoid in future
Virtual Collaboration Advantages and Disadvantages
Modern life-style that requires seeking for more intensive ways of utilizing any resources, including time as one of the most valuable ones Virtual Collaboration Advantages and Disadvantages
Marketing Materials Guide
Marketing materials definition: different printed and electronic informational carriers Marketing Materials Guide
Project Teamwork and Collaboration
The difference between teamwork and collaboration is the following: when people collaborate they have to temporarily work together to pursue their own goals and interests, while people having teamwork are those who mutually support each other to reach their common objectives Project Teamwork and Collaboration
Top Time Management Productivity Tips
There are tons of time management productivity quotes that discover wisdom for us to learn Top Time Management Productivity Tips
What is Project Risk?
Project risk can be regarded as a combination of probabilities of an event and its possible outcomes that are achieved within the lifecycle of some project What is Project Risk?
Project Organizer Tips: how to get rid of traditional managerial tools and methods
Project organizer definition: it is a special type of different office tools (including office stationery and technologies) that assist you on keeping your project-related information, documents, tasks and other matters properly organized and optimally arranged Project Organizer Tips: how to get rid of traditional managerial tools and methods
What is Employee Scheduling?
Employee scheduling definition: it is a regular managerial practice that stands for recording time-related workloads and assignments to let the workers and their managers control business time What is Employee Scheduling?
Product Launch Guide: goals, essentials and tools
Product Launch definition: it is a process of new product or service release on the market. It is vitally important to invent appropriate product launch strategy in order to introduce new product Product Launch Guide: goals, essentials and tools
Time Management Performance: why it is important and how to improve?
Time management performance review: it is a way to define if a person copes well with his time to detect and avoid time wasting, distractions and counter-productive habits Time Management Performance: why it is important and how to improve?
Time Management Guidelines: what are they, where to get them, and how to cope with?
Time management guidelines business is a regular form of personnel consulting service rendered by professional consulting agencies to boost up performance at serviced organizations Time Management Guidelines: what are they, where to get them, and how to cope with?
Task Training Guide
Task management trainings can be arranged to educate personnel of organizations seeking for new ways to improve productivity of their employees Task Training Guide
Collaboration Definitions: different kinds and software to manage
Business collaboration definition: it is a regular (officially regulated and coordinated) process of mutual work-related interrelations between: Collaboration Definitions: different kinds and software to manage
What is Schedule Estimate
Schedule Estimation is an indispensable activity performed on the project planning phase. By this activity we aim to give a maximally accurate appraisal to the project timeline What is Schedule Estimate
What a Team Leader does?
Today, the conception of new leadership is on a roll again What a Team Leader does?
What are Process Requirements?
Process requirements refer to a documented statement of needs a business organization intends to satisfy by identifying methodologies What are Process Requirements?
What is Schedule Overload?
Schedule overload is a time management term used to describe a situation when too many tasks and events are added to a given schedule so a person What is Schedule Overload?
What is Employee Evaluation?
Business collaboration definition: it is a regular (officially regulated and coordinated) process of mutual work-related interrelations between: What is Employee Evaluation?
What are Project Requirements?
Project requirements refer to a documented set of general needs to define what outcome a given project is supposed to produce, how this project is supposed to be started and performed What are Project Requirements?
What is Project Quality?
Project Quality is one of three key constraints involved into so called “Project Triangle” including matters of Costs, Time and Quality What is Project Quality?
What is Employee Efficiency?
Employee Efficiency is a complex measurable parameter which characterizes an output produced by efforts and by achievements of an employee What is Employee Efficiency?
What is Task Routine?
Task routine is a general expression used to describe unvarying repetition of one or more consistent tasks to be performed at fixed or regular time intervals What is Task Routine?
What is Schedule Report?
Schedule Report is a formatted and organized presentation of some information describing current status of events and activities listed in a schedule. What is Schedule Report?
What is Project Escalation?
Project escalation is a process of moving open issues of a given project to a higher level for timely resolution. It refers to the situation when the project and its components (processes, tasks, procedures) can no more be implemented by the team as planned What is Project Escalation?
What is Process Quality?
Process quality is a measure of excellence of interrelated work items (like tasks, procedures, steps). It is a measurement characteristic that indicates whether a given process is carried out with tolerant defects What is Process Quality?
What is Employee Effectiveness?
Employee effectiveness is a capability of employees to produce a specific, desired effect with minimized costs and in strict compliance with initial requirements. What is Employee Effectiveness?
Project Management Package: an electronic toolset with multiple leverages to improve project management activities
When you decide to employ some software product to facilitate collaboration between members of your project workgroup, then it makes sense for you to try appropriate kind of project management packaged software Project Management Package: an electronic toolset with multiple leverages to improve project management activities
Project Management Agenda: how to plan?
The process of the project management requires a big number of meetings, regular procedures and operations making sure that the progress over the undertaken work goes well Project Management Agenda: how to plan?
Task Training Forms
Dual task training is a practice that requires an individual to perform two tasks simultaneously Task Training Forms
What is Task Completion?
Task Completion definition: it is a specific condition of a task, which matches certain “completion” criteria that is a special set of characteristics to recognize that a task was successfully accomplished What is Task Completion?
Task Completion Issues: the most “popular” ones and how to avoid them
The worst difficulty is when the results of a task appear quite doubtful, so process of approving them to managers, customers, owners, etc becomes a stressful activity Task Completion Issues: the most “popular” ones and how to avoid them
Task Database Template
Task databases are used to keep information and details on multiple tasks running in a company or on a business workflow Task Database Template
Task Analysis Training: what skills serve and support the productivity increase?
Definition: it is a kind of training that can be provided to managers and employees of organizations in order to improve their attitudes to planning, designing and organizing their tasks related to whether daily workflow or some long-term projects Task Analysis Training: what skills serve and support the productivity increase?
Time Management in Various Cultures
We can say that Christianity recognizes time as the most valuable resource given to humans by the God, so people can use it to learn the God’s Word and acquire wisdom Time Management in Various Cultures
What is Task Design?
Task Design definition: it is a manner of how a task plan and its workflow are organized What is Task Design?
Product development process can be carried out with help of task management software
Successful practices of product management involve you in planning and managing multiple product development steps can be gathered into a single process Product development process can be carried out with help of task management software
Various methods for estimating task duration: By Due Date and by Completion Date
Estimating task duration can be a real challenge that can cause failure of your project because in case task durations are estimated in the wrong way your team will delay the project’s delivery Various methods for estimating task duration: By Due Date and by Completion Date
Project management functions – Organizing and implementing projects
A project endeavor is always managed under certain project management functions that define how the project will be organized and implemented from start to finish Project management functions – Organizing and implementing projects
Product development tools: Templates, to-do lists, Schedules and Reports
Planning and management of the process for developing a product can be done with help of product development tools. Product development tools: Templates, to-do lists, Schedules and Reports
Business expense guide – Learn to plan and track your expenses
Do you use some business expense guide to plan budgets, track expenditures and measure business efficiency? Business expense guide – Learn to plan and track your expenses
Project management stages: from Initiation and Planning to Execution, Control and Closure
Managing a project is a complex process that always consists of some project management stages Project management stages: from Initiation and Planning to Execution, Control and Closure
Task priority matrix for better task planning and management
Task priority matrix is a very simple yet effective tool that helps with setting and planning tasks and jobs Task priority matrix for better task planning and management
What is task decomposition? How to manage it?
Perhaps, every project manager has to answer the question "What is task decomposition?" because properly developed decomposition of tasks is a foundation for effective project implementation What is task decomposition? How to manage it?
Training task list templates – Use task management software to make lists of training tasks
With help of task management software you can create basic training task list templates and checklists that help you plan your training process Training task list templates – Use task management software to make lists of training tasks
Project management ideas – A list of good ideas that can help you plan and implement your project
Having feasible and creative project management ideas always helps project managers to do their projects in a better way Project management ideas – A list of good ideas that can help you plan and implement your project
Task completion in the workplace – Handling the challenge with help of task management software
Task completion in the workplace is a real challenge Task completion in the workplace – Handling the challenge with help of task management software
What is task complexity How to manage complex tasks
We all have to cope with complex and difficult tasks in our daily routin What is task complexity How to manage complex tasks
Team leader tips that help you carry out duties of your team leader role
Are you new to the team leader role? Team leader tips that help you carry out duties of your team leader role
Time management for success – Learn to plan and manage your time in your workplace
We all know that it’s nearly impossible today to be effective in the workplace without practicing time management for success Time management for success – Learn to plan and manage your time in your workplace
Lawyer software tool for your legal staff
For people involved in providing professional legal service it is recommended to use a lawyer software tool that helps work more efficiently, reduce risks and improve client satisfaction Lawyer software tool for your legal staff
Virtual collaboration technologies for better employee management
Modern virtual collaboration technologies make it feasible for companies to rapidly bring together dispersed employees into virtual teams that perform a variety of tasks and jobs Virtual collaboration technologies for better employee management
Collaboration platform comparison – Look for free download versions
If you need to find a collaborative software solution for task management, most likely you will try to use your favorite web search system to read some collaboration platform comparison and investigate viewpoints of other people Collaboration platform comparison – Look for free download versions
Time management effectiveness can be reached with help of time planning software
Because the pace of today’s life seems to grow faster, we all need to develop time management effectiveness skills that help us make sure we focus on our major personal tasks and organizational goals Time management effectiveness can be reached with help of time planning software
Project management and quality management can be established
Effective project management and quality management are critical to success of any project endeavor Project management and quality management can be established
Product launch event management through task & time planning software
Brand & product launch event management is always a challenge that requires good time scheduling and task planning to ensure success Product launch event management through task & time planning software
Task design guide – Prioritize, schedule and assign tasks of your employees
In terms of employee task management, a task is a sequence of simple activities an employee follows to accomplish an expected objective Task design guide – Prioritize, schedule and assign tasks of your employees
Employee scheduling management software and its basic features and tools
Employee scheduling management is critical to successful planning of working time and tasks assigned to employees Employee scheduling management software and its basic features and tools
Time management office – A better practice of planning and managing employee tasks and time
Today more and more companies try to follow the modern practice of time management office Time management office – A better practice of planning and managing employee tasks and time
Project management department – Is there a need to create such a department?
In organizations involved in many regular and continuous projects it can be reasonable to create a project management department Project management department – Is there a need to create such a department?
Project management gap analysis
Using gap analysis in project management makes it possible to find ways for improvement Project management gap analysis
Employee scheduling examples and task management software
Before you start planning working hours of your workers you can try ready-to-use employee scheduling examples Employee scheduling examples and task management software
Project management Pareto analysis is helpful for planning and managing tasks
Project management Pareto analysis enables you to figure out what 20% of cases cause 80% of problems during the implementation process of a project Project management Pareto analysis is helpful for planning and managing tasks
Project Management Toolkit
Every project is managed with a help of special controls that are assigned to the Project Manager Project Management Toolkit
Time Management Tasks
Time management tasks to do right now are to understand several essential things that you need to learn in order to become much more effective with your efforts in using this discipline Time Management Tasks
Project management hierarchy and its key components
Project management hierarchy is a classification of factors that influence the process of managing a project Project management hierarchy and its key components
Project Management Timeline
Project management timelines are chronological structures or maps of project activities and tasks to be accomplished according to schedule Project Management Timeline
Process compliance management and task management software
Effective process compliance management is a key objective if your business company is well regulated by corporate policies and standards Process compliance management and task management software
Project Management Sheets – electronic tool to operate with different project matters
Project management sheet samples are always used to analyze project’s progress and health Project Management Sheets – electronic tool to operate with different project matters
Project Management Float
Project management float definition: float (or slack) is the amount of time that a task in a project network can be delayed without causing a delay to subsequent tasks (free float) or project completion date (total float) Project Management Float
Project Management Group
Project management group is one of the baseline elements of project execution, as it drives the major workflow & all related processes towards their accomplishment through sets of sequential or parallel actions Project Management Group
How can project management help you
Traditional project management offers a set of powerful tools, techniques and solutions that make it possible to plan tasks and time in a better way How can project management help you
Sales Skills Guide
The Sales Skills definition: these skills are necessary for Sales manager to perform his/her job well – to help the prospects to become real buyers Sales Skills Guide
Employee daily log of working time and activities
For effective employee management it is recommended to use special employee daily logs that include information on working time and activities actually completed by a worker Employee daily log of working time and activities
How to do employee scheduling in several steps
Have you ever asked yourself on how to do employee scheduling? As a manager you should have a good answer for this question; otherwise, you will fail with managing your subordinates because they will not know what tasks to do in what time limits How to do employee scheduling in several steps
Project Management Duration
Project management duration definition: it is a period of time when efforts of the project manager and other team members are applied to manage essential processes Project Management Duration
Business requirements document and task management software
Business requirements are descriptions of desired results to be produced upon successful completion of planned business operations Business requirements document and task management software
Outlook Project Management: its problems and alternatives
MS Outlook project management is an area where a plenty of independent software companies earn their Outlook Project Management: its problems and alternatives
Employee relocation guide and task management software
An employee relocation guide is always a necessary document for persons assigned to managing the process for relocating employees Employee relocation guide and task management software
Mind Management Techniques
Mind management is a methodology working for your motivation and changing your psychological background to let you reach more efficiency while working or doing some things Mind Management Techniques
Employee scheduling websites and task management software
Because the global network makes it easier for people to communicate and share any information in a few mouse clicks, today employee scheduling websites are used by many workers located in different places over the world Employee scheduling websites and task management software
Marketing Plan Guide
Marketing plan definition: A marketing plan is a document that details the necessary set of actions to achieve certain marketing objectives Marketing Plan Guide
Collaboration in the workplace provided by powerful employee management software
Good collaboration in the workplace can be an effective tool of the decision-making process within a company Collaboration in the workplace provided by powerful employee management software
Business process review techniques (BPR techniques) for enhancing company efficiency
To increase your company efficiency you need to use some business process review techniques (BPR techniques) that help make a solid understanding of where you are today Business process review techniques (BPR techniques) for enhancing company efficiency
Employee daily time sheets for tracking employee time and workload
An employee daily time sheet is a table showing how much working time a worker has spent on doing tasks on a daily basis Employee daily time sheets for tracking employee time and workload
Template making tool that helps save time and effort
For everyone who uses a template making tool in daily practice it is quite clear that templates help save time and effort Template making tool that helps save time and effort
Project Management Program Guidelines: how to select and test software for project management?
Project management program definition: it is a computer-based tool Project Management Program Guidelines: how to select and test software for project management?
Project Management Team Building
Project management team building activities include the following elements to be carried out by the managers in order to reach optimal manner of collaboration in their teams Project Management Team Building
Employee daily worksheet and task management software
An employee daily worksheet is a simple to-do list that shows what tasks an assigned employee should do on a daily basis Employee daily worksheet and task management software
Employee daily attendance and task planning software
Tracking employee daily attendance in a business company is an important task of effective employee management that requires managers to reduce time wasting and increase employee productivity Employee daily attendance and task planning software
Project Management – Getting Started
Project management: getting things done – make sure that you have all vital documents at hands, so you exactly know how to follow your project’s roadmap Project Management – Getting Started
Project management assignment guide
What does it mean to get a project management assignment? Let’s consider a number of project management assignment questions reasoning from the following Project Management Assignment Definition: Project management assignment guide
Project Management Growth: how to cope with it?
Project management growth is a positive effect that may follow after company’s development (growth of company’s business scale, expansion of their production, services, trade, etc) Project Management Growth: how to cope with it?
Team Leader Skills: what they are and how to use them?
Team leader key skills help this person to carry out the key tasks – making the team well-organized, productive, motivated Team Leader Skills: what they are and how to use them?
Project Management Team: Roles and Responsibilities
Project management team roles include the following elements to be described Project Management Team: Roles and Responsibilities
Task hierarchy
Task hierarchy definition: it is a structural representation of interrelated work elements Task hierarchy
Project management guide and PM software
A complete project management guide can simplify planning and implementation of projects because it includes all necessary information on how to consolidate and organize tasks, time, budget, scope and other important parameters of projects Project management guide and PM software
Succession planning guide
Succession planning definition: it is a practice of designing the optimal successions between tasks & activities to reach the result with minimal resources spent Succession planning guide
Time management questionnaire as an efficient method for evaluating and improving workforce efficiency
Using time management questionnaires is one of the most efficient methods for evaluating employee time performance and deciding on improvements Time management questionnaire as an efficient method for evaluating and improving workforce efficiency
Recurring task manager software – How to manage repeating activities and periodic events
It is hard to efficiently plan and track repeating activities and periodic events in project without using recurring task manager software Recurring task manager software – How to manage repeating activities and periodic events
Review on Team Leader Strengths and Weaknesses
Team leader behaviors are about being an “alpha executive” (to lead, encourage, support and guide his/her people, but not to reign over them) Review on Team Leader Strengths and Weaknesses
Time management keys to success and time planning software
Today time has become one of the most critical characteristics in this competitive world Time management keys to success and time planning software
Project management getting things done (PM GTD)
The GTD method (Getting Things Done) helps people accomplish more tasks in less time Project management getting things done (PM GTD)
Time management How to Do vs. How to Avoid
When people are searching for time management how to do questions on the Web Time management How to Do vs. How to Avoid
Project management user group – An example of software for managing team roles and permissions
Software solutions for project planning and implementation include an option for setting up project management user groups Project management user group – An example of software for managing team roles and permissions
Project management team risks – Learn to build and manage a productive team
Project management team risks are those uncertainties and threats that have a negative impact on a group of people participating in a project Project management team risks – Learn to build and manage a productive team
Project management program articles – Use Internet to improve your knowledge
Project management program articles and online publications help planners and project managers to develop efficient plans for implementing projects Project management program articles – Use Internet to improve your knowledge
Time management journal and time planning software
Recording your daily tasks and events in a convenient time management journal is one of the most important things you can do to plan your time and tasks Time management journal and time planning software
Free file collaboration in project management
Using a software system that supports free file collaboration allows project managers to save more money and increase productivity of their teams Free file collaboration in project management
Recurring task problem is solved!
People dealing with daily task panning and scheduling know about the recurring task problem Recurring task problem is solved!
Task work groups for project planning and implementation
A task work group is a group of people assigned to a specified amount of work for completion in a certain period of working time Task work groups for project planning and implementation
The task goals theory within the task management discipline
Within the task management discipline, the task goals theory gives an explanation of the goal setting aspect based on a task-oriented approach to planning The task goals theory within the task management discipline
Kitchen cleaning guide – Make and keep your kitchen presentable and nice
As a good housekeeper you need to take care of the kitchen area in your house Kitchen cleaning guide – Make and keep your kitchen presentable and nice
Project management daily report and its key components
Using project management daily reports allows managers and team leaders to get the full insight into daily project performance, review status information and then make decisions on improvements Project management daily report and its key components
Project management simulation tools – Use to-do lists and templates for better employee training
Project management simulation tools are computer-based solutions used for employee training and development Project management simulation tools – Use to-do lists and templates for better employee training
Personal financial planning guide – Start planning for your future today
Using a personal financial planning guide is necessary for gaining good financial knowledge Personal financial planning guide – Start planning for your future today
Project management team skills required for building and maintaining teamwork
It is nearly impossible to build a productive group of people participating in project implementation activities if these people do not have project management team skills Project management team skills required for building and maintaining teamwork
Project management team structure – Get the right understanding for managing teams
The right understanding of project management team structure is necessary for managers and team leaders who need to start a new project with assembling a productive group of people Project management team structure – Get the right understanding for managing teams
Schedule review checklist – Key steps for reviewing a project schedule
Using a schedule review checklist during the project planning phase allows you to make sure that tasks and events of your project are appropriately planned and scheduled Schedule review checklist – Key steps for reviewing a project schedule
Team leader guide – Know your team leadership duties and use task management software
A team leader guide is a series of tips and suggestions that help people responsible for team leadership and supervision with performing their duties in an effective manner Team leader guide – Know your team leadership duties and use task management software
Project management fields – Getting necessary knowledge and using efficient project planning software
In order for you to become a successful project manager you to need to learn project management fields and know how to apply your knowledge Project management fields – Getting necessary knowledge and using efficient project planning software
Time management resources and software
Online time management resources will give you abundance of information about time planning, tracking and reporting Time management resources and software
Collaboration success: The three principles
Achieving team collaboration success is one of the prioritized tasks of project managers and team leaders Collaboration success: The three principles
Project management deployment can be planned by using PM software
To deploy a new project and start the first project phase (Initiation Phase), often a project management deployment plan is used Project management deployment can be planned by using PM software
Mind management tips – How to be positive, self-confident and successful
Numerous mind management tips available in Internet will teach you to keep yourself organized, goal-oriented and optimistic Mind management tips – How to be positive, self-confident and successful
Project Management Advantages and Disadvantages
Project Management advantages and limitations are what should be investigated in every specific case as there is no a single attitude of the project management, while there are a plenty of different methods providing their own benefits Project Management Advantages and Disadvantages
Time management how to
Time management: how to organize your life? Time management gurus say that your success is predefined by how effectively you lead your entire life, so if you adhere to a proper lifestyle, if you set robust goals to attain, and also if you make right efforts towards continuous self-organization, then you will surely reach success in all areas of your life Time management how to
Time management: how to improve?
Everyone faces a need to apply some time management practice in his/her daily life Time management: how to improve?
In general, this is a methodology of collecting time-related data to control progress over your daily schedules
In general, this is a methodology of collecting time-related data to control progress over your daily schedules In general, this is a methodology of collecting time-related data to control progress over your daily schedules
Difference between team leader and team manager
There is no doubt that if you want to organize an effective team able to efficiently do assignments and tasks, you need to know the difference between team leader and team manager, as well as between team leader and supervisors, team leader and follower, etc Difference between team leader and team manager
Project Management Rules to adhere and consider
Project Management rule of Three Constraints (time, costs and quality): it embraces key matters such as project’s Time, maximal Costs allowed to be spent on it, and the level of Quality required for satisfying the customer Project Management Rules to adhere and consider
Project management first! What are the first steps you need to take to start a project successfully?
Perhaps, you are new to project management so it will be helpful for you to know more about project management first steps Project management first! What are the first steps you need to take to start a project successfully?
Project management outline template and software solution for project planning
When you want to plan a new project from scratch, it’s reasonable to create a project management outline template and specify key tasks for planning the project Project management outline template and software solution for project planning
Time management principles and techniques – Making your workday organized!
How to efficiently organize workday? This question is the central one for most people looking for ways for planning working hours and organizing daily tasks Time management principles and techniques – Making your workday organized!
Document control register template and its key components
Using document control register to manage electronic documents and papers is a great opportunity for you to improve corporate records management Document control register template and its key components
Project management slack (float) – When tasks can be delayed…
Project management slack (float) is a time period during which a task can be postponed without causing a delay to subsequent tasks and completion date Project management slack (float) – When tasks can be delayed…
Project management user guide and PM software
It’s hard to start managing a project without using a helpful project management user guide, especially if you’re new to project planning Project management user guide and PM software
Project management growing through using project planning solutions
Planning is everything when it comes to the necessity for project management growing Project management growing through using project planning solutions
Project management tutorial online – It’s easy to enrich your PM knowledge
Project management tutorial online will help you keep your PM knowledge current and sufficient Project management tutorial online – It’s easy to enrich your PM knowledge
Employee evaluation form – Planning for evaluating employee skills with help of task management software
Employee evaluation forms are used to evaluate employee skills and abilities Employee evaluation form – Planning for evaluating employee skills with help of task management software
Project management get things done and software for planning project time
Due to popularity of Getting Things Done method (GTD) for time management, in Internet there’re many books and articles about project management get things done Project management get things done and software for planning project time
Time management how to articles – Make your collection of the best articles about time management
In Internet you can find many various time management how to articles that contain detailed information about particular aspects of effective time management Time management how to articles – Make your collection of the best articles about time management
Project management SWOT analysis can be organized by using task management software
Use of SWOT analysis in project management is proved by many PMPs and PM experts Project management SWOT analysis can be organized by using task management software
Marketing campaign guide – Download marketing plan tutorials and use task management software
To plan and conduct a successful marketing campaign, you will need to use a marketing campaign guide that will show you key steps for planning and implementing your campaign Marketing campaign guide – Download marketing plan tutorials and use task management software
Project management essentials required for successful project planning & implementation
Perhaps, it’s impossible to plan and manage projects efficiently without using project management essentials Project management essentials required for successful project planning & implementation
Time management quality – Better planning of time for workday and leisure
Time management quality determines how well you make your effort to plan and manage your workday and leisure Time management quality – Better planning of time for workday and leisure
Project management importance of
Perhaps, it’s hard to overestimate project management importance of several key project components such as scope, plans, resources, funding, schedules, communications, etc Project management importance of
Time management how to prioritize – Common solutions for handling the challenge of prioritized time management
Prioritization is one of the most essential time management skills a person needs to make the very best use of his/her own efforts Time management how to prioritize – Common solutions for handling the challenge of prioritized time management
Project management reference guide and PM software
Using PM software and project management reference guide in your daily practice for planning and implementing projects will help you be more competent and feel self-confident Project management reference guide and PM software
Process automation handbook and task management software
Using a process automation handbook in daily practice will help you be more productive, make quick decisions and avoid many mistakes Process automation handbook and task management software
Time tracking for projects
Time Tracking and Project Management are two closely interrelated practices, as time tracking is an indispensable component of project controlling making sure that project is on the right course Time tracking for projects
Project Management Facilitation
Project Management Facilitator is often an informal role (or sometimes a formal one) usually undertaken by PM (or his/her assistants) who assume(s) a number of buffering and intermediary functions between participants of different project processes to ensure consistent and integrated work-style Project Management Facilitation
Time management: How to get better?
There are several key rules of time management: how to get better Time management: How to get better?
Project Management Fast Tracking
Project Management Fast Tracking is a technique (method of schedule compression) that is often used when planning a projects workflow Project Management Fast Tracking
Time Management on Projects
Time management in project planning is critically important as it allows completing project on-time, without delays on delivering project’s results, or any mismanagement that causes fails on meeting the contracted obligations and matching the project milestones Time Management on Projects
Project Management and Financial Management
Project Management and financial planning (calculating costs, project budgeting, contracting funds and financial control) are two interrelated processes that are necessary to drive a project towards its successful completion Project Management and Financial Management
Project Management Agile
Today, when businessmen and scientists aspire to reach the absolute efficiency in everything, the Project Management Agile methodology becomes more and more worth of attention for using them and further development (improving these methods and adapting them to work in new industries and circumstances) Project Management Agile
Software for taking note
Software for taking notes is a tool that overcomes the eternal problem of business notes Software for taking note
Project management impact – Correlation between working hours and project results
Project management impact is a qualitative characteristic that shows what influence your project management effort has on your project Project management impact – Correlation between working hours and project results
Project management quick guide and PM software
When you are new to project management and don’t know how to get started, a project management quick guide will be helpful for you. Project management quick guide and PM software
Time management activity
Time management activity is a skillful action that is performed to intensify and direct your working efforts in order of increasing your productivity and efficiency Time management activity
Project management steps guide – Five basic steps for managing projects
You’ve been assigned to a project manager’s role Project management steps guide – Five basic steps for managing projects
Process automation guide – How to automate your processes
How to automate processes? To answer this question you need to have a process automation guide that shows ways for making processes uninterrupted and discovering process automation opportunities Process automation guide – How to automate your processes
Time tracking service – Making time management efficient
The way to make your time management effort more efficient is to use time tracking service which can be provided as a built-in tool of time management software (for example, time tracking Saas service) Time tracking service – Making time management efficient
Time Management and Bible
Until our world exists in a manner we see now, the time won’t stop its running, and we will need to reconcile our needs with insuperable constraints of time Time Management and Bible
Employee review guidelines – Basic steps for reviewing employee performance
Conducting an employee performance review is a necessary activity within employee management aimed at measuring current performance level of employees and generating ideas for eliminating performance gaps Employee review guidelines – Basic steps for reviewing employee performance
Five project management processes and PM software
The best way to manage a project is to divide this project into five project management processes and then perform each of the processes step by step Five project management processes and PM software
Business time management skills
Business time management skills are those abilities that allow a person to efficiently plan and track working hours Business time management skills
Project management failures and PM software
Thousands of project managers faced with project management failures Project management failures and PM software
Employee competency guide and task management software
An employee competency guide is used by employee reviewers and managers who are assigned to evaluation of employee skills and abilities Employee competency guide and task management software
Project management audit
Project management scorecard is a kind of project reports which show different important project characteristics, parameters and indicators in a summarized manner Project management audit
Project management products
Project management products is a class of software including a great variety of different programs that can be used for project scoping, planning, scheduling, sharing, controlling and reporting Project management products
Time management quadrants
Stephen Covey’s time management quadrants are the tools for a better efficiency based on identifying the balance between urgency and importance of your tasks Time management quadrants
Project management effort
Project management effort (energy, working time, skills and knowledge contributed by the project manager) is necessary to accomplish a project Project management effort
Project management facilities and PM software
Project management facilities are those tools, equipment, software, resources and opportunities that help make a project management initiative more efficient Project management facilities and PM software
Project management principles
It is very important for project managers to select and apply correct project management principles and methods to appropriate situations in order to reach success, as not every technique can work in certain cases Project management principles
Case management guide
Case management definition: this is a practice of systematization, addressing, answering and resolving business cases Case management guide
Project management problems
Project management problem definition: they refer to certain inefficiencies in project planning, controlling and administrating Project management problems
Time management news or why you should read newspapers and articles about time management
Time management news are those pieces of information that can help us do things Time management news or why you should read newspapers and articles about time management
Project management study and PM software
Project management professionals as well as PMP candidates use various project management study guides to make things within projects better and gain a broader experience in managing projects Project management study and PM software
Time management personalities, Internet and software
The discipline of time management wouldn’t be so popular today if famous time management personalities had never invented theories, methods and tools for efficient time planning and using Time management personalities, Internet and software
What is effective time management?
It is a time management approach that promotes your ability to complete maximal possible amount of work during a certain period of time What is effective time management?
Program management guide
If organization drives a number of organizational programs (long-term administrative projects undertaken to obtain certain positive effects on the workflow) Program management guide
Project management review
Project management review is a process of a project’s post-implementation analysis of decisions and actions undertaken during all previous project stages Project management review
Time management Pareto principle
Actually, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto didn’t study time management when he discovered his famous rule Time management Pareto principle
Program management functions
Different program management functions are undertaken by special administrative officers who are responsible for successful running of administrative arrangements within company’s workflow Program management functions
Project schedule review
Project schedule definition: this is a plan of project activities mapped out on a calendar, so that their start and finish dates are clearly stated Project schedule review
Time management ideas
As you know one of the main time management ideas that work is the Pareto Rule Time management ideas
Project management facts and assumptions
Effective project management is based on both assumptions and facts Project management facts and assumptions
Project management scorecard
Project management scorecard is a kind of project reports which show different important project characteristics Project management scorecard
Project management waterfall
Project management Waterfall methodology (originally it is software development methodology, but it can be used in other areas as well) Project management waterfall
Project management standards
As far as different companies need to handle different kinds of projects Project management standards
Project management structure
Project management structure template is used when organization elaborates a standardized style of managing its projects Project management structure
Time management assessment
Time management assessment is a process that is necessary for making sure that your approaches in this important question are really effective and adequate to your working style Time management assessment
Project management assessment for improving projects
Project management assessment allows analyzing existing challenges of your project and producing recommendations Project management assessment for improving projects
Project management earned value – Planning and monitoring project cost & schedule
Project management earned value is an index of performance regarding project cost and time Project management earned value – Planning and monitoring project cost & schedule
Following time management theories with help of time management software
Time management theories are used among businesses looking for better ways for time planning and usage Following time management theories with help of time management software
Time management strengths and weaknesses
Today time management is a very popular discipline of self-improvement used in most companies and organizations Time management strengths and weaknesses
Project management presentation as an effective tool for announcing projects
Project management presentations are used during the initiation phase to make a project overview and announce it to stakeholders Project management presentation as an effective tool for announcing projects
Project management summary during the initiation phase and the closure phase
Project management summary is a shortened representation of information on a project Project management summary during the initiation phase and the closure phase
Project management triangle
Project management triangle embraces key matters such as project Timeframes Project management triangle
Time management matrix
Time management matrix template is a great tool to rate your tasks and objectives according to their importance and urgency. Time management matrix
Is time management important?
Yes, time management is important because it helps you to operate with time which is a valuable business resource Is time management important?
Time management techniques
It is extremely important for good productivity to pick up correct time management techniques for work to meet its specificity and needs as far as incorrectly selected technique can lead to counter-productivity while attempting to complete this work Time management techniques
Importance of using proved project management techniques
In order to reach success in project management it is not enough only to have sufficient amount and quality of project resources at your disposal Importance of using proved project management techniques
Contract management guide
Contract management guide is an internal organizational document that explains how to compose Contract management guide
What is a project planner?
What is a project planner? Project planner is a role in project management What is a project planner?
Project management decisions
Project management decision making is an administrative process lying on intersection of different project functional areas Project management decisions
Project management questions and answers
Project management is quite rich and complicated discipline that embraces a variety of sub-disciplines and methods Project management questions and answers
Project management statement
Project management statement is a description of work you need to accomplish, explained in terms of managerial tasks Project management statement
Time management strategies
Time management strategy is a way of operating with time resources you have in your inventory to meet your organizational goals Time management strategies
Project management terms
When a team of people collaborates at some project it is critically important for them to reach unity and consistency Project management terms
Time management log
Time management log template is a tool that can be used in many cases, for example for tracking check-ins and check-outs of employees Time management log
Project management requirements
Project management requirements definition: inputs of different levels, which predefine the project scope, objectives, organization and constraints Project management requirements
Project management transition
Project management transition is a situation when project progress reaches certain critical point or stage when it should be handed Project management transition
Project management types
There are mainly three project management types – Supportive, Controlling and Directive Project management types
Project handover documentation
Project handover definition: it is a process of transferring project from one project team to another team which is supposed to keep working with this project in context of certain duties Project handover documentation
Project completion method
Project completion method characterizes a set of different arrangements which are necessary to close-out (finalizing) the project on certain stage Project completion method
Project management stakeholders
Project management stakeholders (definition): the group of persons who play the critical roles in owing the project and moving its progress towards its successful completion Project management stakeholders
Project charter guide
Project charter objectives are to authorize the project, to outline desired results and constraints of the project Project charter guide
Employee productivity monitoring software
Employee productivity definition: this is a characteristic of workers performance, indicating and measuring their ability to deliver working results Employee productivity monitoring software
Project management phases – Do your project step-by-step by following five key phases
Most project management methodologies (PMBOK, Prince2) outline five key project management phases, such as Initiation Project management phases – Do your project step-by-step by following five key phases
Time management triangle and other tools for project time management
The time management triangle is the relationship between three constraints: Time Planned, Time Consumed and Time Difference. Time management triangle and other tools for project time management
Project management practices and PM software
Various project management practices are widely used by project managers all over the world Project management practices and PM software
Asset management guide will help you manage economic resources of your company
Perhaps, assets are the most valuable resources of any company Asset management guide will help you manage economic resources of your company
Program management method and task management program
When your company has various programs and projects to be accomplished, an effective program management method is required Program management method and task management program
The best project management strategy planned with help of PM software
Every professional in the field of project planning hunts for the best project management strategy example that helps optimize the use of resources, coordinate and standardize project procedures, and define tools for achieving project goals The best project management strategy planned with help of PM software
Project closure example report created at the last project stage
A project closure example report is a formal document stating about the last stage of your project Project closure example report created at the last project stage
Program management tips can be successfully followed by using task management software
When you work on the development of your program for improvement, you need to follow a series of program management tips Program management tips can be successfully followed by using task management software
Project schedule issues and conflicts can be successfully managed by using project management software
When you perform your project, it is quite a natural situation if some project schedule issues occur Project schedule issues and conflicts can be successfully managed by using project management software
Production planning guide
Production planning definition: it is projecting the future quantity and quality of products to produce Production planning guide
Product management guide
Product management definition: it is a methodology and process of managing products or services starting from their early stages, through their development Product management guide
Training plan guidelines for business
Training plan definition: it is a schema of activities and events that are purposed to educate your staff members to better their competence in some questions Training plan guidelines for business
Simple project planner
Simple project planner is required when you dont need any complex solutions that suit complicated needs of large corporations Simple project planner
Project management tips and tools
Project management tips are massively demanded in the modern business environment Project management tips and tools
Knowledge management guide
Knowledge management definition: it is a complex set of special processes required to keep the systematized data arrays in a proper state Knowledge management guide
Project initiation planning
Project initiation definition: it is a process of finalization of all the things that are required to put a project into practice Project initiation planning
Checklist guidelines
Checklist definition: it is a kind of template that helps people to focus on actions or items that they need to complete or acquire in order of reaching certain objective Checklist guidelines
Time management chart
Time management chart (calendar, time-grid) is a tool for managing time-related matters with a help of mapping them out on a schedule Time management chart
Time management calendar
Time management calendar is a necessary tool when you want to give a good visual appearance to your workloads and schedules Time management calendar
Employee work management
Employee work management is a process which is indispensable part of the overall organizational management Employee work management
What is employee management and how to streamline it
Employee management definition: it is a managerial methodology and process that allows directing, guiding, supervising, measuring, evaluating and assigning workloads to employees What is employee management and how to streamline it
Business proposal guide – its meaning and special software to manage
Business proposal definition: it is a process of formulating your business offer in a manner which makes it sound official Business proposal guide – its meaning and special software to manage
Task concepts
There are different task concepts which explain meaning of this simple word. Task concepts
Review on different kinds of Excel task templates and alternative
Excel task template is an additional application that can be used for extending standard MS Excel functionality with specific spreadsheet Review on different kinds of Excel task templates and alternative
Difficult tasks: what they are, and how they can be managed
Difficult task is a work requiring massive spending of resources to be completed Difficult tasks: what they are, and how they can be managed
Project Schedule vs Project Plan
Some people new to project management & planning often do not realize the difference between Project Schedule Project Schedule vs Project Plan
What is a project charter?
A project charter is the first document to be created and approved by key stakeholders after an idea of your project has been identified What is a project charter?
Time management for health care professionals
Time management for health care professionals is about planning time and following daily plans and agendas Time management for health care professionals
Process improvement guide and process management software
Improving processes requires you to use some process improvement guide that lets review your basic assumptions about how you do your job Process improvement guide and process management software
Project management assumptions are estimated by using project management software
Probably, there is no project that begins with absolute certainty Project management assumptions are estimated by using project management software
Project scope importance, or why you should plan a scope of your project
It is hard to underestimate project scope importance, because without having a clearly stated and defined scope of your project, you are likely to fail at the very beginning Project scope importance, or why you should plan a scope of your project
Project documentation guidelines should be established for successful documents management
If you are going to initiate a new project, common project documentation guidelines should be established in order for your project team Project documentation guidelines should be established for successful documents management
Project finance guide is required to efficiently plan and manage project finances
A helpful project finance guide should be used by any project sponsor or investor who is going to make investments in a project Project finance guide is required to efficiently plan and manage project finances
Sales management guide combined with software will help in meeting sales management objectives
Every sales manager needs to follow some sales management guide that helps plan sales activities, determine strategies, and lead teams Sales management guide combined with software will help in meeting sales management objectives
Time management reporting – Creating reports on time management
Developing time management reports is one of the most critical tasks within time management Time management reporting – Creating reports on time management
Using Outlook tasks for GTD and alternatives
Using Outlook tasks for GTD method is one of the most popular practices in modern time management as far as this product is one of the most widespread tools in the world Using Outlook tasks for GTD and alternatives
Take to task – idiomatic meaning vs. project management meaning
If to speak about this sentence as take to task idiom, it has one meaning, and if consider it in terms of project management – it has another meaning Take to task – idiomatic meaning vs. project management meaning
What is time management stress?
Time management stress is an emotional misbalance or tiredness caused by poor time management approaches What is time management stress?
Project management for dummies
Project management for dummies becomes more and more popular today because people often do not need to learn the entire discipline but just explore some basic Project management for dummies
Project management for kids – Let your child figure out how to do more spending less
In a few words, project management for kids is a great opportunity for parents to teach their children to do more spending less Project management for kids – Let your child figure out how to do more spending less
Time management and teamwork can be efficient by using project management software
Time management and teamwork are two factors that drive project success Time management and teamwork can be efficient by using project management software
Project management deliverables examples can be managed by using PM software
Project management deliverables refer to those outcomes obtained by performing project management activities Project management deliverables examples can be managed by using PM software
Time management advantages and disadvantages
Understanding time management advantages and disadvantages will help you evaluate your abilities and skills and start planning your working time better Time management advantages and disadvantages
Project management approach defines the key information for your project
Before considering any information to work on planning a new project, you need to choose a project management approach that is the basis of the project planning process Project management approach defines the key information for your project
Use project management proposal to describe your project
Project management proposal is a formal document that provides a brief overview and summary of the project. A project management proposal example document gives a credible statement of work Use project management proposal to describe your project
Sharing task documentation
The sharing task documentation feature is intended to provide project team with required information regarding project tasks and to support them during project operations and management. Sharing task documentation
Sales planning guide and task management software
Every sales manager who wants to achieve excellence in sales planning and management needs to use a sales planning guide that provides a number of sales planning and control ideas and a variety of operating templates that can be used by the manager and sales representatives to set sales planning definition and prepare operating sales plans for current week, month or year Sales planning guide and task management software
Project management key terms and PM software – Achieving a successful project manager’s career
Understanding project management key terms and using project management software (PM software) are two basic requirements that you need to meet when building a successful project manager’s career Project management key terms and PM software – Achieving a successful project manager’s career
Project closeout document and the final stage of the project lifecycle
Such kind of project management documentation allows stating that your project has been achieved the closeout stage Project closeout document and the final stage of the project lifecycle
Books about time management for beginners will be necessary
Books about time management for beginners will be necessary for reading to those people who are not familiar with time management techniques and do not know how to plan and manage their time Books about time management for beginners will be necessary
What is project time management?
In successful organizations, managers, supervisors and employees involved in planning and performing projects typically have to follow clearly stated project time management definition in order to accomplish project tasks on schedule and keep track of project time What is project time management?
Strategic management guide and task management software
To succeed in managing your company you need to follow some strategy Strategic management guide and task management software
Task property management
Task properties are critically important data pieces essential to task-related processes of task initiation, performance and controlling. Task property management
Job analysis guide
Job analysis definition: It is a process of researching the volume, complexity, scope and requirements for a job, so appropriate worker can be engaged and can be provided with a fair remuneration Job analysis guide
Job evaluation guide
Job evaluation definition: this is a process of analyzing the kinds and amount of resources necessary (generally time, money and labour) to accomplish a certain work Job evaluation guide
Home chores tips: How to create a weekly cleaning schedule?
Weekly cleaning schedule for your house is what necessarily should be followed in order of ensuring cleanness and comfort for living Home chores tips: How to create a weekly cleaning schedule?
Getting tasks done as a philosophy of effectiveness
When you have some tasks to do and you want to stay productive during the whole day, it is absolutely important for you to find a correct philosophy of getting tasks done Getting tasks done as a philosophy of effectiveness
Checklist system software – Following the steps of checklist preparation process
Checklist system software makes it easy for you to plan and monitor your daily tasks and activities. It allows you to create task checklists and to-do lists as well as to plan your time by designing daily schedules and timelines Checklist system software – Following the steps of checklist preparation process
Checklist template download versions can be used in task management software
Using checklist template download versions helps managers and employees do their job better because they can plan Checklist template download versions can be used in task management software
Time management for procrastinators
Time management for procrastinators teaches you to do your work that is what you are paid for Time management for procrastinators
Why is team management important?
For organizations familiar with project management, an understanding of the question "Why is team management important?" is critical because they need to know how to select, develop and manage teams. Why is team management important?
Project proposal guide – Using checklists and task management software to write a project proposal
Following project proposal guide lines means taking steps to efficiently write a project proposal. Project proposal guide – Using checklists and task management software to write a project proposal
Sample project tasks will help you perform projects spending less time
Sample project tasks are those tasks that characterize how a given project will be accomplished in relation to standard decisions and typical implementation solutions. Sample project tasks will help you perform projects spending less time
Resource management guide
A resource management guide should be a reference book for any project manager who wants to achieve success in managing human and material resources. Resource management guide
Team jobs management - rules and tools for team leader
If you are a team head and you want to elaborate the most productive style to manage your team jobs - you need to remember several important rules: Team jobs management - rules and tools for team leader
Goal setting guide and task management software
Goals setting guides can be powerful tools that help you make your effort with no time wasting. Goal setting guide and task management software
Tools to organize Lead time management in business
In general lead time is an amount of time between an operation/process initiation and completion, for example an amount of time required for an item to be available for use from the time it is ordered. Tools to organize Lead time management in business
Time management studies should be pursued if you want to become a successful manager
Completing time management studies is one of the necessary achievements of managers, because each manager has to be well educated in applying flexible approaches and methods to time manage Time management studies should be pursued if you want to become a successful manager
Critical task analysis helps complete project work on time and within budget
Critical task analysis and practices are excellent ways to complete project work properly. By analyzing critical tasks of your project you can reveal imbalances in project performance. Critical task analysis helps complete project work on time and within budget
Crisis management guide can be easily designed and efficiently followed by using task management software
A typical crisis management guide includes a set of recommendations and ideas to resist unordinary conditions caused by a crisis. Crisis management guide can be easily designed and efficiently followed by using task management software
Personal project guide that is always on hand
A good personal project guide is like a project management handbook to be used each time when you need to remember some point of project management basics or to make some records on your Personal project guide that is always on hand
Pre task plan will help reach a safe and productive work environment
Pre task planning is a part of the strategic task planning. It is a method of estimating tasks prior to setting basic task characteristics, such as due date, assignment and priority. Pre task plan will help reach a safe and productive work environment
Business Manager's Software: Project Software to Manage Your Business
Business management is composite activity that consists of planning, organizing, leading, coordinating, and controlling the work of other people in order to achieve specific business goals. Business Manager's Software: Project Software to Manage Your Business
Business Processes Reporting and Tracking Software
Business process is a structured group of tasks which are purposed to reach a particular goal and have relations. Business Processes Reporting and Tracking Software
Scheduling Documents Exchange Automation Software
Project management software includes various tools that help to automate and optimize the most important project management processes Scheduling Documents Exchange Automation Software
How to Choose the Best Project and Task Management Software Tool
Project manager has many duties and responsibilities and should process large amounts of data. How to Choose the Best Project and Task Management Software Tool
Business Development and Project Management Software
Business development is the set of efforts seeking to create and grow a business enterprise. This purpose may be achieved by different means Business Development and Project Management Software
Project Managing and Monitoring Software
Careful project monitoring helps project manager to get abreast of all project activities and prevent possible troubles Project Managing and Monitoring Software
Sales Project Software: Time Trackers, Document Management Control Tools and Others
Business development is the set of activities seeking to create and grow a business. This may be achieved by various means Sales Project Software: Time Trackers, Document Management Control Tools and Others
Staff Management Software: Assessing Demos in Project and Routine Modes
The main role of software in management is increasing the working efficiency and improving the employees’ awareness. Staff Management Software: Assessing Demos in Project and Routine Modes
Multi Project Management Process
Multi Project Management Process: Project Planning and Time Tracking Software Tools Multi Project Management Process
How to improve collaboration skills with a help of special software
How to improve collaboration skills is a question that should be solved by HR departments to reach advantageous climate within the supervised teams. Collaboration skills definition: this is a set of How to improve collaboration skills with a help of special software
Personnel management tips
Personnel management tips are a wide theme that includes complex of scientific researches on the topics of psychology, time management and project management, IT technologies etc. Actually the pe Personnel management tips
Time management ABC theory and software
Time management ABC method is an effective and very popular way of prioritizing tasks when composing to-do lists. ABC time management is popular because of its simplicity. Actually time Time management ABC theory and software
Workforce planning guide
A sure path to support smooth and effective running of a project is to manage workforce correctly. According to different workforce planning definitions Workforce planning guide
What are task functions and how to manage them
In any organization, there are certain tasks that while running keep this organization afloat, or in other word tasks that mean key business activities of this organization. Example of such a task can be a general task What are task functions and how to manage them
Report writing guide – Learning the key components of a typical report structure
Usually report writing guides set different recommendations for composing a typical report structure and creating report content. Here, in this short report writing guide Report writing guide – Learning the key components of a typical report structure
Group project guidelines can be followed by using group project management software
Compliance with a series of group project guidelines is essential to organizations that want to turn their employees into productive workgroups and teams. Group project practices offer man Group project guidelines can be followed by using group project management software
Task Management Tools, Time Sheet Software And More
Project management software is intended to optimize and enhance different project management processes Task Management Tools, Time Sheet Software And More
Project Scheduling and Management Software Tools
Project planning is an obligatory preliminary stage of project management. Project Scheduling and Management Software Tools
Project Management and Time Tracking Software Tools
Project tracking, which consists of time tracking and cost tracking, is extremely important for successful management of project Project Management and Time Tracking Software Tools
Team Management and Team Scheduling Software
Teamwork applied to workplaces means a coordinated effort of a group to achieve a specific business purpose Team Management and Team Scheduling Software
Time Management and Tracking: Task Manager Software Programs
Time management embraces a number of principles, techniques and ideas that help to take full advantage of your time Time Management and Tracking: Task Manager Software Programs
Classroom management guide – How to organize the teaching process and plan curriculums
Using classroom management guides to create a safe environment in classrooms should be an educator's primary concern. Without understanding classroom manage Classroom management guide – How to organize the teaching process and plan curriculums
Several myths surrounding the Work Break Down Structure method
Break Down Structure rules! (WBS rules!) What a great method of project management! Many project managers prefer using this method to plan and execute project tasks and activitiWork Several myths surrounding the Work Break Down Structure method
How does task management work?
First you write all the tasks in a task management tool How does task management work?
How to handle difficult tasks efficiently
Most of people have to plan and do difficult tasks from day to day. How to handle difficult tasks efficiently
Project Management Software Types: Tools and Solutions
Project management software is designed for management of projects. This software type is usually tailor-made for project manager’s purposes. Project Management Software Types: Tools and Solutions
Business case histories – tools that help you to study history of your business cases
. This is even more essential for business managers who aim to real improvement of their businesses. Each business or project Business case histories – tools that help you to study history of your business cases
Network Project Management Software for Businesses and Companies
Network Project Management Software for Businesses and Companies Network Project Management Software for Businesses and Companies
Work planning software helps get our tasks planned and scheduled
Work planning is a practice of using various methods, techniques and tools to improve the quality of work. Work planning software helps get our tasks planned and scheduled
Simple and Easy Project Management & Tracking Software
While implementing the project, everyday workflow control and corrections are required. How to assure simple project tracking? Simple and Easy Project Management & Tracking Software
WBS guide – what is it, and how it may help
Work breakdown structure definition (WBS definition): it is the tool representing the way of division your project into various elements to know how they are interrelated WBS guide – what is it, and how it may help
Short overview of the problem: time wasters guide, or how to optimize corporate time
Time wasters definition: activities that are not connected to the main duties of employee, but disturbing employee, stealing much of employee’s productive time, thereby harming working process, decreasing employee’s efficiency, and dispersing his/her attention Short overview of the problem: time wasters guide, or how to optimize corporate time
Project tracking tools
Project tracking is a very important process that ensures correct course of performance towards project completion Project tracking tools
Project execution guide – simple software for those who collaborate at projects
Project execution definition: it is a process of doing tasks and producing results according to preset and approved plan supplemented with additional guidance and expertise Project execution guide – simple software for those who collaborate at projects
Office manager guide
Office manager guide is a type of software tool helping office managers to be in the center of current situation within entrusted offices Office manager guide
Business software guide
Business software definition: tools designed to support different needs that appear during performing business functions and processes Business software guide
New Business Standard: Integrated Business Management Process & Project Software Products
New Business Standard: Integrated Business Management Process & Project Software Products New Business Standard: Integrated Business Management Process & Project Software Products
A unified team management platform
Those companies which run multiple projects feel a strong need to control their project teams by using a unified team management platform A unified team management platform
Review calendar software to learn more about planning and scheduling tasks
Calendar software helps us manage our leisure time and working hours as well as organize events and plan actions Review calendar software to learn more about planning and scheduling tasks
Project Management Software for Time Tracking
Project management triangle consists of three constraints, namely scope, cost, and time. Project Management Software for Time Tracking
Task ownership – basics and ways of ownership management
Task ownership – is one of the key elements of motivating employees, because it ensures accountability and makes certain team member responsible for completing Task ownership – basics and ways of ownership management
Project estimation guidelines
Project estimation guidelines are what necessary to outline before to get into project planning, and then to observe during this process Project estimation guidelines
Sales process guide – simple software to manage work of sales departments
Sales process guide is what helps to undertake activities related to selling products and services. Sales process definition: This is a process that begins with initial contact with potential Sales process guide – simple software to manage work of sales departments
Task specificity – tool to set task resources and parameters
Task specificity is a set of essential and significant characteristics that heavily influence the way of task performance. Task specificity – tool to set task resources and parameters
Task approach and its types – tool that can help you in implementing winning working style
It is very important for work success to select the right task approach – how to get task into processing so working at this task can be carried out without any issues Task approach and its types – tool that can help you in implementing winning working style
Task plan – why to create and how to manage
Certain task plan is necessary to accomplish any work, whether this plan is on a paper or just in your mind. Task plan – why to create and how to manage
Work plan guide – what is it, and software to manage
Work plan guide is a set of directives, comments and recommendations, supporting work plan through outlining and clarifying how to work at important details in the context of certain project. Work plan guide – what is it, and software to manage
Event planner guide
Event planner guide is special chart that helps in planning certain kind of events Event planner guide
Office work tips
Today, in post-industrial society more and more people work at offices. Office work definition says that office is a special environment with its own micro-climate that influences how well and effective people Office work tips
Project evaluation guide
Simple project evaluation definition: this is a process of analyzing the tasks included into completing a given project, in order to identify optimal amount of resources (usually time and money) need Project evaluation guide
Project Manager's Software Solution
Project manager is responsible for project realization and achievement the project goal. It is a very demanding job. Project Manager's Software Solution
Get your work simpler with work simplification software
Work simplification has saved billions of dollars through providing efficiency for companies, which are focused on their people, and given instruments for further improvements. Get your work simpler with work simplification software
Project Management Software Tools for Team Collaboration and Documents Control
One of the most important project manager’s duties is to ensure proper communication and collaboration within a project. Project Management Software Tools for Team Collaboration and Documents Control
Work breakdown structure techniques
Work breakdown structure methodology (WBS methodology) allows you to break down large units of your project work into smaller activities and subprojects which serve Work breakdown structure techniques
Task graph building – Using task management software to build task charts
The problem of building simple yet informative task graphs is daunting if no task management software is used. Task graph building – Using task management software to build task charts
Effective management tips – Combining software with management skills to achieve better results
Effective management tips – Combining software with management skills to achieve better results Effective management tips – Combining software with management skills to achieve better results
Customer service guide – tool to manage and guide customer servicing
Customer service guide is special corporate charter that outlines the main principles of building up and maintaining good relationships with current and prospective company clients Customer service guide – tool to manage and guide customer servicing
Task team – definition, leadership and management software
Task team (aka action group) is a group of people joined temporarily or permanently to accomplish some task or to be engaged into some project (collective action) Task team – definition, leadership and management software
How to schedule staff by using task management software
Probably, you can hardly find an organization that does not use task management software to organize its employees and control their activities How to schedule staff by using task management software
What is a task journal?
Daily task journals are widely used in project management to keep track of working time spent on tasks on a daily basis What is a task journal?
Online collaboration reviews
Collaboration software tools let you and your co-workers log in a centralized database and share information, make collaborative efforts and contribute to achievement of shared goals. Online collaboration reviews
Event management guide – short industry overview and tool that can be used in event organization
Event management definition: industry where companies and individuals position themselves as professional organizers, arranging business and personal events like conferences Event management guide – short industry overview and tool that can be used in event organization
Collaborative management: group/project collaboration & automation software
The marketplace is rapidly changing nowadays. Hierarchical management doesn’t allow to react fast enough. Collaborative management: group/project collaboration & automation software
Time Management Programs, Products and Solutions
Does time management in fact allow to manage time? Surely, you cannot affect time itself, but you can use it more effectively. Time Management Programs, Products and Solutions
Task structure – what is it and how to create it
Creating a task structure is a method of building work decomposition for breaking bigger task into smaller logically interrelated pieces Task structure – what is it and how to create it
Reminder system that works for you!
Sometimes, owing to intensive agenda, we may have dozens of working and home tasks that should be done and it is normal that even people with much trained memory cannot remember everything Reminder system that works for you!
Software for explaining to do list ideas in terms of practical steps
If you have some time ahead, for example new month, you may aspire to complete as much as you only can during this time, but actually the variety of objectives may confuse you Software for explaining to do list ideas in terms of practical steps
Customer care guide – Treating your customers in the best way
Most customer care guides prove that existing customers are the most important assets of business. The primary rule you should remember when creating customer care Customer care guide – Treating your customers in the best way
Action planning guide – Using software to plan actions and manage employees
Many action planning tips address one important question: How actions can be planned Action planning guide – Using software to plan actions and manage employees
Project management office – Managing and executing projects
Project management office (PMO) is a functional department, a group of people, or an organization that defines project requirements Project management office – Managing and executing projects
Project prioritization – The best use of time and resources
Determining and setting priorities for project tasks are two basic skills that any project manager needs to have to achieve the best results in managing and coordinating project activities Project prioritization – The best use of time and resources
Task driver system for planning and managing tasks
Task driver can be a software system that helps schedule, manage and report tasks and projects. Task driver system lets define a set of tasks required for executing projects and managing scheduling considerations for tasks Task driver system for planning and managing tasks
Event planning guide – Using online resources and software solution to plan and manage events
For event coordinators and event managers it would be great if they could use online event planning tips and tutorials to organize and manage events better Event planning guide – Using online resources and software solution to plan and manage events
Time quadrants – Setting priorities for your tasks
There are people who know some important things about time management, so they can do more tasks and get higher efficiency than others. One of the things that these people know concerns time quadrature Time quadrants – Setting priorities for your tasks
How to make a progress report?
Progress report guidelines – Using software to build reports How to make a progress report?
Task test practice – Using task management software to track and report task test results
Testing is a critical process in development of everything that has a value. Task test practice – Using task management software to track and report task test results
Task vs. activity - Using task management software to organize your tasks and activities
In our everyday life we often do not think about the distinction Task vs. activity - Using task management software to organize your tasks and activities
Groupware definition and groupware example
Groupware definition: groupware is a specialized workgroup software application that uses various technologies and platforms Groupware definition and groupware example
Task force – Definition, guidelines and software
A task force is a number of employees unified into a workgroup and assigned to performing work on a temporary basis to achieve specific and clearly defined goals Task force – Definition, guidelines and software
Task efficiency and task self-efficacy can be enhanced by using task management software
Many managers who need to estimate efficiency and effectiveness of jobs and employees often feel confused trying to understand task efficiency and task self-efficacy Task efficiency and task self-efficacy can be enhanced by using task management software
Action plan guide – tool to define, manage and follow guidelines and directives
Action plan guide is specifically created charter that supports project with providing guidelines and comments on action plan performance Action plan guide – tool to define, manage and follow guidelines and directives
Client server program - client server overview and specific examples
Today, even people who are not experts in computer technologies (but have to use computers a lot) often hear the term client server program Client server program - client server overview and specific examples
To do list forms – the most common forms and useful tools
There are different to do list forms that can be used to manage our daily chores and activities. One of the most widespread to do list forms are to do list cards To do list forms – the most common forms and useful tools
Sorted list – simple tools to streamline your work and time organization
Creating of a sorted list of tasks is one of the main ways to represent our agenda in regard to values of certain task attributes. For example, to sort list by priority means to set out your tasks in priority ascending or descending order Sorted list – simple tools to streamline your work and time organization
Project implementation guide – navigational tool to deploy your project
Project implementation guide is a tool that helps you to navigate through the process of project deployment in real life environment Project implementation guide – navigational tool to deploy your project
Task technology – definitions, methods and tools
Task technology is a set of consistent methods and instruments which together form up certain mechanism for successful performing of tasks Task technology – definitions, methods and tools
Task at hand – synonyms, definitions, meaning and ways to manage
Sometimes, when dealing with work management practice, we may face quite unofficial term – "task at hand". Task at hand synonym is "task-in-progress" or "work-in-progress", but this doesn't completely explain task at hand meaning Task at hand – synonyms, definitions, meaning and ways to manage
Business startup guide – try software designed to help in taking business actions and organizing workflow
Starting a business is quite difficult task, and this process can be managed with a help of business startup guide which contains information and step-by-step plan necessary for success Business startup guide – try software designed to help in taking business actions and organizing workflow
Project work guidelines – software for providing help to your project team
Project work guidelines are required for better work performance as they help to orient in workflow and make appropriate decisions Project work guidelines – software for providing help to your project team
Event scheduling process – Three factors to be considered to succeed in event scheduling
Event scheduling is a process of creating schedules for tasks and allocating available working time to accomplish tasks Event scheduling process – Three factors to be considered to succeed in event scheduling
Day planner tips – Using software for time management that helps accomplish daily tasks always on schedule
Using day planner software means you are able to cope with everyday challenges and accomplish your daily routine timely Day planner tips – Using software for time management that helps accomplish daily tasks always on schedule
Task leader should be well organized and skilled to manage teamwork and supervise tasks
Task leader (TL) is a person who is in a position of authority over a project group and who is responsible for supervising groupwork and reporting to senior manager Task leader should be well organized and skilled to manage teamwork and supervise tasks
Multi users capability of task management software – Supporting collaboration between several users
Multi user definition refers to computer systems, and in fact it means a capability of software that supports two or more simultaneous users Multi users capability of task management software – Supporting collaboration between several users
Procrastination definition and ways to overcome this problem
According to procrastination definition – it is behavior characterized by putting off, delaying or defering a task to a later time Procrastination definition and ways to overcome this problem
Meeting agenda guide – software to orient and navigate within your agenda plan
Meeting agenda guide is software that provides functions to help you with navigation among agenda of your meetings, tasks and other considerable appointments Meeting agenda guide – software to orient and navigate within your agenda plan
Home maintenance guide – Organizing home activities by using task management software
Maintaining your home on a regular basis and following good home maintenance tips are the best ways to protect investments Home maintenance guide – Organizing home activities by using task management software
Staff management tips which you can follow to get your employees task oriented
Staff management is a set of activities undertaken by managers to organize, control and support employees in an organization for the purpose Staff management tips which you can follow to get your employees task oriented
Project quality review – document that defines and introduces project quality
Project quality review is a brief project quality statement that outlines the main responsibilities and goals of project quality management. Project quality review – document that defines and introduces project quality
Task performance – Measuring and analyzing tasks and jobs of employees to get better task performance behaviors
Task performance definition: Task performance is a goal-oriented assessment practice that includes activities to develop task performance measures Task performance – Measuring and analyzing tasks and jobs of employees to get better task performance behaviors
Task assignments can be made easier
Making task assignments can be a challenge. When managers try to assign tasks to employees, they often face task assignment problems Task assignments can be made easier
Task dimensions and task statements: Analyzing tasks in the best way
Methods of task analysis describe tasks as basic, definable, measurable and communicable units of work Task dimensions and task statements: Analyzing tasks in the best way
Task roles for groups – Building a productive team that knows how to accomplish tasks in the best way
Multiple web resources give the following group task roles definition: task roles are those roles to which members of a group are assigned to move the group forward in completing its tasks and mission Task roles for groups – Building a productive team that knows how to accomplish tasks in the best way
Action plan tips – Make a list of your hits and misses to get a clear understanding of where you are now and what to do to realize your action plan purpose
Here are some action plan tips that will help you develop a suitable action plan strategy and substantially improve Action plan tips – Make a list of your hits and misses to get a clear understanding of where you are now and what to do to realize your action plan purpose
Task analysis guide – Improving performance, optimizing workload and reducing non-productive time
Various task analysis guides, such as books, articles and online resources, give the following task analysis definition Task analysis guide – Improving performance, optimizing workload and reducing non-productive time
Progress update – importance of regular project progress updating and tools designed for this purpose
Work progress update is what you should do when you collaborate with your teammates to keep them in touch with project situation Progress update – importance of regular project progress updating and tools designed for this purpose
Meeting agenda preparation – Creating meeting agenda examples to successfully prepare your next meeting
An effective and successful meeting can be organized and conducted if meeting agenda examples are used during meeting preparation Meeting agenda preparation – Creating meeting agenda examples to successfully prepare your next meeting
Employee engagement tips – Managing the greatest assets of any company
Employee engagement definition: employee engagement is an important concept for employee management that gives managers a clear vision Employee engagement tips – Managing the greatest assets of any company
What is team collaboration?
You may find many people who don't understand or understand incorrectly what team collaboration means. What is team collaboration?
To do list tips for improving your productivity
Your productivity is something you can always benefit from To do list tips for improving your productivity
Effective time management – become an effective time manager with easy-to-use tools
Is it an art that should be learned for years before you master it, or is it a skill that can be studied in a fixed term Effective time management – become an effective time manager with easy-to-use tools
What are project success factors? Tool to manage project success criteria and project success metrics
According to opinion of project management experts there are several main project success factors and their list includes the project manager, project team What are project success factors? Tool to manage project success criteria and project success metrics
Update task sheets and timetables through special easy-to-use software
When you collaborate with other people you need to share working plans with them Update task sheets and timetables through special easy-to-use software
Task example – what are task examples, their purpose and tools to manage
Task example is actually an example of how to state and perform certain kind of tasks. It is helpful for any organization to store a library of task examples for every typical procedure as well as to provide guidelines for dealing with unforeseen situations Task example – what are task examples, their purpose and tools to manage
Project success stories – Find a balanced combination of time, human resources and budget to succeed in project management
If you start looking for project success stories that can help you with managing projects, you will find many examples which show how experienced project managers run their projects Project success stories – Find a balanced combination of time, human resources and budget to succeed in project management
Meeting agenda timer – A software tool to create and manage meeting agenda outlines
We all know that sometimes any meeting can run longer then it’s expected. In order to organize and hold an effective meeting Meeting agenda timer – A software tool to create and manage meeting agenda outlines
Mini business plan template – tools to compose and manage mini business plans
Today, it is very popular among large companies to sell their franchises, especially for establishing enterprises in the sphere of mini and small business Mini business plan template – tools to compose and manage mini business plans
Project step management – make your arrangements and projects measurable and controllable
It is easier to cope with everything in our life when it is clear what we should do to accomplish it. Almost everything can be represented as a project so to clarify what to do we should divide our arrangements into Project step management – make your arrangements and projects measurable and controllable
Switch project parts, groups, details and assignments with a help of special software
Many managers who work with project portfolios dream to have a tool that will help them to quickly switch between different projects Switch project parts, groups, details and assignments with a help of special software
Project brief – Making an overview of the forthcoming project activities
When a new project is about to be initiated, a project brief should be created by project manager to show a full and firm foundation for project initiation Project brief – Making an overview of the forthcoming project activities
Procrastination tips and task management software – A great combination to stop procrastinating
Procrastination is one of the most terrible things that will pursue you and your employees all the time. If you want to build a successful career of an office manager and to know how to stop procrastination Procrastination tips and task management software – A great combination to stop procrastinating
Task properties management software – tools to plan and control every task property
Task properties are critically important for the processes of task initiation, task performance and task controlling Task properties management software – tools to plan and control every task property
Schedule analyzer - switch between different modes to review and analyze schedule of your activities
You, as a schedule analyzer, should take care of different factors that ensure workability of your time-specified plan. Schedule analysis stands for plan accuracy and flexibility Schedule analyzer - switch between different modes to review and analyze schedule of your activities
How to build schematic project representation
Schematic project representation is designing (drawing up) a vivid scheme (plan) where tasks are depicted as 'boxes' with lines to describe their relations How to build schematic project representation
Employee list tool integrated into work management system – good solution for business
Creating and maintaining employee list that contains detailed data about employees is one of the main HR tasks for any organization Employee list tool integrated into work management system – good solution for business
Workflow patterns – select a tool to compose, manage and store your action plans
Workflow patterns are action plans (schemas) - “recipes” that show you how some business processes or projects can/should be organized in order to get required results. If some process or project has a very strict procedure Workflow patterns – select a tool to compose, manage and store your action plans
Project deliverables schedule – The way to get a calendar-based representation of works within a project
Project deliverables schedule is a document that outlines a set of deliverables corresponding to your project Project deliverables schedule – The way to get a calendar-based representation of works within a project
Use status manager software to build and share project status management reports
When you manage projects, you need to get status updates and use progress monitoring tools to have a clear idea of project performance and get the latest information for analysis Use status manager software to build and share project status management reports
Use project audit software to improve your projects
Project audit is a periodic or one-time arrangement within a project which is conducted for the purpose of exposing any problems and challenges arisen during project execution Use project audit software to improve your projects
Use workgroup support systems to manage your people
Workgroup support system is team management software designed to improve performance and collaboration of team members Use workgroup support systems to manage your people
Project screen software for controlling, tracking and monitoring projects
Any new or existing project has a risk of failure because of a specific environment in which it is involved. Project screen software for controlling, tracking and monitoring projects
Running parallel projects at the same time is simpler than you may think
Have you ever tried to run several simultaneous or parallel projects at the same time Running parallel projects at the same time is simpler than you may think
Destroying multitasking myth: Be a single-tasker
If to give a simple multitasking definition, it will be like this: multitasking is the ability or practice of people to handle more than one task at the same time Destroying multitasking myth: Be a single-tasker
Exchange checklist software - share checklist among multiple colleagues
In order to initiate working process for several performers, you should design a collaborative worksheet Exchange checklist software - share checklist among multiple colleagues
Target date software – don’t miss important commitments and events!
Target date software is a tool that helps people to follow their commitments and duties. We should always follow our commitments, particularly target dates, in order to achieve required goals and to obtain proper reputation in business Target date software – don’t miss important commitments and events!
Task ID – numeric or alphanumeric attribute for task designation
Task identification is very important when it comes to handling multiple tasks and processes within a project Task ID – numeric or alphanumeric attribute for task designation
Tools for task sorting, filtering and grouping
Task sorting is one of the basic functions for to-do list management as it helps to review order of our tasks from different points of view Tools for task sorting, filtering and grouping
Notes diary software to manage home life events and office work schedules
If you are able to make and store your diary notes, work journal entries, articles, or even anecdotes and poems in single event management software, you are about to start organizing your home life and office work Notes diary software to manage home life events and office work schedules
Quick filter – Use software which has powerful options to filter and sort your projects and tasks
As a rule, featured task management programs have content filtering tools that help easily filter tasks, schedules and records and quickly find necessary information as well Quick filter – Use software which has powerful options to filter and sort your projects and tasks
Task annotations or how to specify tasks
In terms of task management, task annotation is a short description (summary) of tasks that is aimed to show initial information on how to start, do and report tasks by employees Task annotations or how to specify tasks
Project parameters – Looking for project management software that has extended functionality to create specific project attributes and fields
Project parameters are sets of characteristics (project attributes, fields, elements, etc.) that you can define and then add to multiple categories in your project Project parameters – Looking for project management software that has extended functionality to create specific project attributes and fields
Process filter – Quickly find needed information in large projects
Process filtration as well as project filtration is an important mechanism of project management software that helps you quickly find necessary information on processes, projects Process filter – Quickly find needed information in large projects
Sub teams: Running complex projects efficiently
Sub teams offer convenient ways to organize complex projects that may have sub-projects and sub-works Sub teams: Running complex projects efficiently
Task watcher, process watcher, project watcher and schedule watcher: What are these?
All these terms are similar in meaning. They are related to management of tasks, processes, projects and schedules Task watcher, process watcher, project watcher and schedule watcher: What are these?
Instruction template software – tools to create and distribute instructions in format of text and pictures
Instruction template is both methodic and instrumental standard through which instructions should be prepared and distributed to people who need instructions to perform certain jobs Instruction template software – tools to create and distribute instructions in format of text and pictures
Project sorter for organizing multiple projects and tasks
Having multiple projects to manage and dozens of tasks to do may cause inefficiency in your project management Project sorter for organizing multiple projects and tasks
Project background: What parts does it consist of?
What is a project background and do I need it? You may ask these questions even if you are experienced in managing projects Project background: What parts does it consist of?
Instruction list software – tool to provide workgroup with organization and technical instructions with different level of details
Instruction list software – tool to provide workgroup with organization and technical instructions with different level of details Instruction list software – tool to provide workgroup with organization and technical instructions with different level of details
Why and how to keep a daily diary – tools and tips
Keeping of daily diary is a sign of a good life-organizing culture, because a habit to keep a diary means Why and how to keep a daily diary – tools and tips
Team agenda tools to compose consistent, comprehensive and non-contentious plan
Team agenda is a time-table of joint moving towards common goals and common achievements. Team agenda tools to compose consistent, comprehensive and non-contentious plan
How to use special software to create and regulate multi-level system of team permissions
When it comes to teamwork you cannot avoid issues related to confidentiality of shared information How to use special software to create and regulate multi-level system of team permissions
Team document cooperative tools for identifying document roles and measuring processes
Any serious project or professional activity is accompanied by set of team documents that describe and support different organizational and technical project aspects Team document cooperative tools for identifying document roles and measuring processes
What is initiating process group and how it can be managed with a help of software
Initiating process group is the first phase (process group) among other process groups, executed at the beginning of a project in order to perform all pre-requisite activities in order to get prepared for a project. What is initiating process group and how it can be managed with a help of software
Team employee management – Establish good communication between team members
Every good manager knows that a disorganized and unbalanced project workflow in which team employees are involved leads to poor performance and bad project deliverables Team employee management – Establish good communication between team members
Use event sheets in projects to ensure the project team is aware of ongoing and upcoming events
Monitoring the important events which take place in a project is a critical part of understanding the way how the project is supposed to run Use event sheets in projects to ensure the project team is aware of ongoing and upcoming events
Team contributor: Bring up every team member to contribute to team
As advanced theories and methods for team management say, the higher rate of team contribution is fostered between team members, the higher productivity is Team contributor: Bring up every team member to contribute to team
How to make project scenario – what are project scenarios and how to use them?
What is project scenario? This is a vision of your project in action. Making project scenarios can help you to anticipate possible problems and decide how to avoid or solve them How to make project scenario – what are project scenarios and how to use them?
Team office management – Building a winning team
Whether it’s about business, education, sports, healthcare, or anything else, the key to success is in building a winning team first Team office management – Building a winning team
Results management system – New opportunities for work management
Any organization requires implementation of a results management system to track obtained work results, measure performance, and generate new ways for further development Results management system – New opportunities for work management
Project contributors – Let every member of the project team feel responsibility for project deliverables
To provide the clear and straightforward understanding of project management by the team, every team member should be involved in the project contributing process which means a process for planning, scheduling and measuring tasks of the project Project contributors – Let every member of the project team feel responsibility for project deliverables
Memos software: Do your tasks always on schedule
Memos software is like a virtual assistant that works for you all day long helping to avoid the lapse of memory and relieve the stress you suffer every day Memos software: Do your tasks always on schedule
Work interruptions: Revealing the real reason of them and Starting proper planning
Work interruptions are those negative consequences that come after wrong planning. A new manager who works with many people for the first time can face with the issue of interruptions at work. Work interruptions: Revealing the real reason of them and Starting proper planning
Rules and tools for smart action planner
Rules and tools for smart action planner Rules and tools for smart action planner
Staff list saving software – use detailed staff data in work management
Staffing is a topical question for many organizations as today many companies are torn between necessity to reduce costs and save their staff list from dismissals Staff list saving software – use detailed staff data in work management
Team action - take collaboration of ants as a model
Team actions are very important part of any business or organization activities as far as people cannot achieve much without collaboration. Team action - take collaboration of ants as a model
Study task history, because those who don't study history are doomed to fail in future
After performing a certain task it is a good practice to attentively analyze traversed path in order to evaluate obtained experience and avoid possible mistakes in the future Study task history, because those who don't study history are doomed to fail in future
Don’t let your team day turn into a wasted day! Make it a day of common victories!
What is a usual team day within an organization? Team day is one more day of productive collaboration and effective official relations between team members Don’t let your team day turn into a wasted day! Make it a day of common victories!
How to send Team notification to multiple project participants?
What do you need when you manage a team of people moving towards common goals? You need a good communication between team members How to send Team notification to multiple project participants?
Manage, select and insert new list of tasks to put employee into working process
There are four main activities that can be done with worksheets during project evolution – to create new list of tasks, to insert list of tasks Manage, select and insert new list of tasks to put employee into working process
GTD group implementation – problems that can appear and solution
A lot of action management methods are used in team work management. One of them is GTD. As practice shows GTD group implementation – problems that can appear and solution
How to detect a waste of time?
Have you ever kept track of employees (so called time waster) who did actually nothing useful but just wasted their working time? How to detect a waste of time?
Making better group decisions with the stepladder theory
The step ladder theory (also called stepladder technique or stepladder method) is a simple and effective tool that determines how people enter the decision-making group Making better group decisions with the stepladder theory
Accomplishment report
An accomplishment report is a regularly prepared status report that provides an overview of what was achieved during the given period. Accomplishment report
Is group cohesion so important in team building?
The theory gives group cohesion definition. Is group cohesion so important in team building?
Should you avoid groupthink within projects? How to spot groupthink?
There’s a groupthink definition that describes how a team or a group of people can be motivated or directed to reaching one or another objective Should you avoid groupthink within projects? How to spot groupthink?
Project boundary – Manage objectives and deliverables of crossing and merging projects
Project boundary is a limit of project scope referring to its common and distinguished activities that isn’t a part of the project Project boundary – Manage objectives and deliverables of crossing and merging projects
Time is ticking! Use team reminder to avoid time wasting in your team
One of the ways to organize your employees into a reliable team which completes all assignments on-time is team reminder Time is ticking! Use team reminder to avoid time wasting in your team
Task statistics – how to obtain a clear and comprehensive picture of the project
This is even more essential for business managers who aim to real improvement of their businesses. Each business or project Task statistics – how to obtain a clear and comprehensive picture of the project
Reactive decision making: Get an action plan created before a disaster or emergency situation unfolds
People have a tendency to make decisions reactively when facing emergency situations or when a disaster happens Reactive decision making: Get an action plan created before a disaster or emergency situation unfolds
How to build and use project task summary list
Task summary list includes all suitable tasks, picked from different parts of one project or from the different projects How to build and use project task summary list
How to use software in order to define time behaviour of the project/work parameters
Time behaviour study is a researching of tendency and character of how some parameter changes in time How to use software in order to define time behaviour of the project/work parameters
Task class – define task class in hierarchal manner for better manageability
Task classification is a method to differentiate and identify tasks according to some characteristics. Task class – define task class in hierarchal manner for better manageability
What is correct task statement and how it can be realized with a help of software
Task statement is initiating and therefore critically important stage of task performance. Task statement consists of two important parts What is correct task statement and how it can be realized with a help of software
Tools to implement 'Just in time' working style in your company
It is very important in business/production to do everything just in time in order to save money and resources. Actually as a result of this idea the Just in time theory was elaborated Tools to implement 'Just in time' working style in your company
Do you understand the role of kick-off meeting?
A kick-off meeting is a meeting at the beginning of a project or its separate phase to align the project team's comprehension with project goals, plans and tasks, and to initiate the team-building process Do you understand the role of kick-off meeting?
Task Management through the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (PDCA cycle) is a dynamic model of activities designed to manage continuous improvement in the business environment. Task Management through the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
Improving task workflow through progress charting
When doing workflow improvements, should a manager carefully chart the current progress and examine it so as to find opportunities for improvement? Improving task workflow through progress charting
Task management software for shift managers
A shift manager is a person responsible for the overall shift operations, shift management, customer experience, sales management and execution of managerial duties Task management software for shift managers
What is a statement of work and how to create it?
A statement of work (SOW) is a document that defines the scope of work, project deliverables and project timeline as well as detailed requirements and costs per task What is a statement of work and how to create it?
How to ensure on-time delivery of outputs
One of the most important resources in business and production is time, because all other resources exist and develop within dimension of time How to ensure on-time delivery of outputs
Getting better scheduling with a shift roster
A shift roster (work roster) is a scheduled list of hourly assignments and works to members of a project team or office staff. Getting better scheduling with a shift roster
Preventing dead-time by using a shared work rotation schedule
In a promptly growing company the work rotation (activity rotation) is a real challenge because there may be quick re-assignments and work replacements Preventing dead-time by using a shared work rotation schedule
Planning projects by using project timeline
A project timeline is a component of a project plan that states how and when objectives and goals of a project are to be achieved by showing the deliverables Planning projects by using project timeline
Tools for doing a successful Research Project
Whether you are a student or a qualified scientist you can face necessity to carry out a research project. Tools for doing a successful Research Project
Scientific and technical work management instruments
There are a lot of government and private organizations that manage scientific and technical work as a part of their day-to-day activities. Scientific and technical work management instruments
Performance Activator for your company personnel
Many of enterprise managers seek for some magic performance activator that can make their employees more effective and productive. There are a lot of various business trainers and theorists that have made a fortune by giving lectures and selling books on the subject of activating Performance Activator for your company personnel
Ideas capturing tool – how to make your thoughts and actions consistent
Ideas capturing tool is what can be really useful when we want to analyze our flow of thoughts in order to find some helpful ideas that can easily slip our mind next moment so we need to record them promptly Ideas capturing tool – how to make your thoughts and actions consistent
Incentives Management – how to use special tool to detect who deserves a reward
Incentives management is an essential part of managerial activities within modern enterprises. Incentives is proper way to stimulate your team to work better Incentives Management – how to use special tool to detect who deserves a reward
Project condition monitoring tool – tasks completion, time tracking, results
Project is like a machine that consists of separate details which only together can produce an output. This project machine includes different important details such as workgroup members, managers, tasks, processes, procedures, organizational and managerial features etc Project condition monitoring tool – tasks completion, time tracking, results
How to use Cheat Sheets in your daily work?
Cheatsheets may appear very useful tool in the case when you have some irregular situation at your work. Sometimes when we work with abundance of terms, commands, symbols, instructions etc. How to use Cheat Sheets in your daily work?
How to correctly break down goal-achievement into specific steps?
Often when we create action plans we make a lot of mistakes and as a result we get cumbersome and unclear plan that cause completely demotivating effect How to correctly break down goal-achievement into specific steps?
Define tasks that deserve to be put off for 'the last minutes'
Usually postponing tasks 'to the last minutes' of the project is considered as a bad practice that can cause procrastination, but you need to remember that some of your tasks just should be put off for the last minutes because of their specificity Define tasks that deserve to be put off for 'the last minutes'
How to become an Achiever
There are a lot of things that prevent us from being effective with our time and attaining our goals. To become real achievers we need to understand several simple things and then aim to implement them on practice How to become an Achiever
What to do if you don’t like your task because it is unpleasant or boring?
Very often we face tasks that do not seem pleasant or fun for us, but anyway we have to perform these tasks. First of all you should ask yourself “why” you actually need to do certain task and what prevents you from doing this task with pleasure What to do if you don’t like your task because it is unpleasant or boring?
Be flexible with your goals - do not completely change them, try rather to modify
Sometimes goals that we were trying to achieve for a certain time may become just unnecessary because of some life circumstances. Be flexible with your goals - do not completely change them, try rather to modify
Keep the records of office life in a digital archive
There are many reasons to digitize records of office work and securely store them in a digital archive Keep the records of office life in a digital archive
Make task expense report to calculate expenses per task and total task list expenses
Task expense report helps with the financial analysis in a company. It lets analyze expenses per task per assignment and review common task list expenses in the chronological order. Make task expense report to calculate expenses per task and total task list expenses
Finding optimal team size
If you are a team leader or a manager, you probably faced the issue of selecting team members and finding optimal team size Finding optimal team size
Manage your enterprise at the highest level by using enterprise level software
Enterprise level software enables to implement a systematic approach to planning, creating, doing and supporting critical tasks and processes Manage your enterprise at the highest level by using enterprise level software
Do you use a work practice control program to manage your people?
Work practice control is a set of precautionary procedures and measures that reduce the risk of failure at the workflow by altering the ways in which a task is performed Do you use a work practice control program to manage your people?
Easily organize office entertainment and corporate holidays by using entertainment organizer
Entertainment organizer is a special kind of event management program which is designed to provide a manager with tools and abilities to organize holidays and parties at the office Easily organize office entertainment and corporate holidays by using entertainment organizer
Manage your business expenses efficiently with business cost calculator
Business cost calculator is a digital tool, often a built-in module of task management software, which helps identify and calculate the costs per task per employee Manage your business expenses efficiently with business cost calculator
Get office work tracked by using office work tracker
The overall aim of the office work tracker is to support the management of changes in office workflow with help of intelligent task management, work scheduling and tracking technologies Get office work tracked by using office work tracker
Are you looking for a collaborative multi-enterprise workflow management system?
High business standards and close economic connections between separate enterprises or divisions of a holding company require implementation of a collaborative multi-enterprise workflow management Are you looking for a collaborative multi-enterprise workflow management system?
Set your goals rather in positive, than in negative context
Setting goal is a square one for your any affair or work. Incorrectly defined goal can direct you to wrong way and you will not be able to achieve positive result Set your goals rather in positive, than in negative context
How to overcome indecision and select right solution?
Often we have to make decisions and sometimes it can be a very stressful process, because we suffer from indecision How to overcome indecision and select right solution?
How to successfully plan out a corporate event?
Success of any corporate event depends on how it was planned out. Any business owner or manager understands that event planning requires money as well as organizing abilities of staff members responsible for planning it How to successfully plan out a corporate event?
Human expenses management: treat your human resource as expenses rather than resources
Human expenses management lets you look at employee management from a new side. There is a new vision in enterprise management theory stating that human resources are not actually resources but expenses Human expenses management: treat your human resource as expenses rather than resources
Fighting a mess in your business by using a multi-task journal
Live business practice shows that utilizing of a multi-task journal can be advantageous in terms of higher performance and lessened number of downtimes Fighting a mess in your business by using a multi-task journal
Make collaboration easier with team task viewer
Anyone who has ever been engaged in collaborative working in a team can tell what a nightmare the team collaboration can be without a team task viewer Make collaboration easier with team task viewer
Lay out schemes of work by using task templates
A scheme of work (a work scheme) is a plan of actions and tasks which an employee will do during every work session or a shift throughout the month Lay out schemes of work by using task templates
Use hotlists to arrange document management and web surfing
We use internet and various documents each workday to do our job. To help ourselves cope with the routine tasks, we can use hotlists Use hotlists to arrange document management and web surfing
Keep your schedule in connection with your personal values
In modern circumstances of accelerating rhythm of life, when many people feel themselves overloaded with professional and home tasks, when intensive informational flow can make us forget really important things Keep your schedule in connection with your personal values
Get more benefits out of remote team management by using task e-mail notifier
However, it is an effective way to be aware of task status and all changes in the task lists of your team. Get more benefits out of remote team management by using task e-mail notifier
The task overlap: reasons and solution
Organizations which have unbalanced and uncoordinated workflows often suffer from negative consequences of task overlapping The task overlap: reasons and solution
Using task control dashboard to run tasks and projects effectively
The task management becomes more effective if using a task control dashboard in project management software Using task control dashboard to run tasks and projects effectively
Creating a hub for business processes in a company
The business process workflow of a company needs to be managed and controlled by using a hub for business processes. Creating a hub for business processes in a company
Introducing an employee review system into business
Increasingly, business companies use formal employee review systems and evaluation tools to manage human resources Introducing an employee review system into business
Don’t neglect your employees or how to prevent employee burnout
Employee burnout is a negative factor that forces any organization to decreased productivity and fallen profits Don’t neglect your employees or how to prevent employee burnout
Flextime: offering flexible work options
The flextime employees become a usual tendency today. The growing competition in labor market forces a certain percentage of the workers to try to optimally combine the changing needs of professional life with a busy personal life Flextime: offering flexible work options
Is it possible to run multiple tasks and projects at once
The idea of running both multiple tasks and projects at one time is good as a company can achieve more results in a shorter time Is it possible to run multiple tasks and projects at once
Consistent weekly scheduling - orient your daily schedules on weekly goals
If you would like to be really effective with achievement of your goals and keep integrity of your agenda you need to be consistent in your weekly scheduling. Consistent weekly planning means coordination of your daily schedules with general weekly plan Consistent weekly scheduling - orient your daily schedules on weekly goals
How to Prevent work Interruptions?
Work interruptions can be very harmful for your performance, because they frustrate your concentration. When you lose concentration you cannot be effective with your tasks. To avoid work interruptions you need to follow the guidelines below How to Prevent work Interruptions?
Three main skills which you should learn in order to be highly effective with your time
There are only three skills which you should train in order to master the whole time management practice. You should persistently learn and develop these three basic skills and you will easily master any time management methods Three main skills which you should learn in order to be highly effective with your time
Be ready to create different action plans to achieve one goal
Sometimes we have one goal, but there are several different ways to achieve this goal and often these goals-achievement plans could be completely different, so we should decide which plan to choose Be ready to create different action plans to achieve one goal
Why excessive commitments are harmful and how to avoid them
Often we cannot meet our schedules because we take more tasks than we can really complete. Overload is one of the reasons which bring us to disorganization and make us feel overwhelmed Why excessive commitments are harmful and how to avoid them
How to deal with interruptions and distractions in order to stay productive
When you expect to have a busy day with a big number of interruptions - unscheduled visitors, calls, tasks etc. you should be ready to take special arrangements which will help you to keep high level of effectiveness How to deal with interruptions and distractions in order to stay productive
Taskmaster: Simple method of personal time budgeting
Often we feel like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. If you want to take control of your daytime and use it effectively you can use time management method called Taskmaster: Simple method of personal time budgeting
How to arrange quick voting solution within working team
Sometimes it is necessary to find out an opinion of team members regarding some solution, question etc. For example as a result of Brainstorming it can be elaborated few good solutions and only one of them has a chance to be implemented in practice How to arrange quick voting solution within working team
How to disclose progress within employee’s productivity and work execution speed?
Business process is a sequence of certain steps which should be done before it is successfully finished. Business process can be represented as consecution of tasks and each of them may have certain duration of execution which is documented and fits company’s business schedule How to disclose progress within employee’s productivity and work execution speed?
Keep your schedule carefully and think twice before adding new tasks
Remember that all schedules should be built with the understanding that they can be revised. Proper schedule is a plan of how you are going to use your time and if schedule does not work it should be amended Keep your schedule carefully and think twice before adding new tasks
How to spend spare minutes of our daytime wisely?
Even if we are not very organized persons we may have daily a lot of minutes that can be considered as a free time. If we thoroughly study our day-to-day activities we will easily find that each week we spend hours of our time only on transportations from home to work How to spend spare minutes of our daytime wisely?
Did you think about advantages of using ppc to-do lists?
Today’s IT technologies in the filed of personal computerized assistance lead us to situations when a lot of businessmen use ppc to-do lists to arrange personal tasks and manage group jobs Did you think about advantages of using ppc to-do lists?
Slow down and take timeout
The principles of effective time management are not always about working more in less time. They are also about teaching you how to slow your speed down, take timeout and relieve yourself of the stress and job overload Slow down and take timeout
Compartmentalize your tasks
If during your intensive workday you are continually bombarded with a big number of phone calls, e-mail correspondence, questions from colleagues or voice mail messages, it is a great idea to compartmentalize these tasks Compartmentalize your tasks
Don’t be a perfectionist if you have a lot of tasks
In task management methodology a perfectionist is a person who performs his/her tasks with special care by ensuring that each task is perfectly completed. In some cases this is great if an employee does his to-do list perfectly and with great care. Don’t be a perfectionist if you have a lot of tasks
Eliminate managerial blind spots through receiving a complete 360-degree feedback
Performance assessments based on just one team leader's review may be not the most effective way to manage your business. This is because of managerial blind spots. Eliminate managerial blind spots through receiving a complete 360-degree feedback
Macromanagement: choose the right management style for your business
Have you ever heard about macromanagement? This is a specific managerial style which you probably apply everyday. You should know that the company size and education level of staff will determine what a management type is more appropriate for your business Macromanagement: choose the right management style for your business
Improve reaction time through developing your business agility
As today competition is fierce and changes occur fast, it is a real advantage to remain agile rather than focusing on long run tendencies and standards. Business agility means having the capability to react to incoming requests and changes in timely manner Improve reaction time through developing your business agility
How to make sure your project won’t be overspent?
If you were involved in projects management, you definitely heard that sometimes some projects are overdue and even overspent. An overspent project becomes a problem when there are no enough materials and mental resources involved How to make sure your project won’t be overspent?
Take key measures to retrieve ailing projects
When we try to find out what makes successful projects or ailing projects, we actually look at a variety of success measures that help maintain the projects efficiently, or provide a remedy to prevent their failure Take key measures to retrieve ailing projects
Project Plan, Goal Log, Risk Log, Issue Log, and Action Log
Any project requires some paperwork which includes information used for protection when there is an issue. Project Plan, Goal Log, Risk Log, Issue Log, and Action Log
Goal-oriented time management is a real way to become effective time user
To improve our self-organization and performance we need to remember few things. First of all it is obvious that we cannot actually manage time - there are always only 24 hours in a day and we should fit all our activities into this period Goal-oriented time management is a real way to become effective time user
Calculate labour costs to compensate the employees for their work
Labour costs are the most difficult costs to calculate for estimation. Traditionally, there are two ways to calculate labour costs: time-rate pay and piece-rate system Calculate labour costs to compensate the employees for their work
Use implementation plan to plan tasks better
When you initiate a project, you need an effective tool to create, schedule and prioritize events that will occur step by step during the project. Use implementation plan to plan tasks better
Simple and effective technique of prioritizing your tasks
For better focusing and orientation in your priorities you can use technique of task categorizing Simple and effective technique of prioritizing your tasks
Ensure your efficiency during the day by proper planning in the morning
The most important time of your day are those several minutes when you actually plan your day Ensure your efficiency during the day by proper planning in the morning
What powerful tools against disorganization does your arsenal include?
Your effective tools against tasks procrastination and disorganization are simple-to-use and include What powerful tools against disorganization does your arsenal include?
Establish checkpoints within your plan and use them to overview accomplishments
When you build goal achievement plan do not forget to define special checkpoints you will use for having a short breaks, recharging your energy and Establish checkpoints within your plan and use them to overview accomplishments
What is a heterogeneous task and what peculiarities it has
Heterogeneous task is a task that requires doing different types of work from task’s beginning to task’s completion. Any project can be considered as example of heterogeneous task What is a heterogeneous task and what peculiarities it has
Link employee skills to business growth
Most companies treat employee skills as benefits of business. They consider employee performance as a competitive weapon to overcome rivals Link employee skills to business growth
Use job fact sheets to orientate new employees in their duties
When company hires new employees, the manager or department head orientates them by providing the company tour to overview policies, work rules, goals, procedures, the company history, and culture. Use job fact sheets to orientate new employees in their duties
Let your team be accountable for the end results
Project team becomes a good team when people do their best work and feel that they are accountable for the end results. Let your team be accountable for the end results
What is homogeneous task and how it should be managed?
Homogeneous task is a task that requires doing identical type of work from task’s beginning to task’s completion. For example writing a book can be considered as homogeneous task What is homogeneous task and how it should be managed?
What is systematical approach to goal setting
Systematic goal-setting will increase your performance and facilitate attainment of your goals. It requires ability to concentrate and clear understanding of your objectives What is systematical approach to goal setting
What are flexible deadlines and how to set them?
When you plan your goals it is advisable to set several deadlines for one task. This technique can be called floating deadline, because it means setting of several variants of deadline for one task and changing them according to your actual performance. What are flexible deadlines and how to set them?
Do not concentrate on final result, concentrate on intermediate objectives
Let’s say, for example, you want to create a novel with few hundred pages. This task may look overwhelming and impracticable for the first glance. Do not concentrate on final result, concentrate on intermediate objectives
Do you really need a new employee?
When making a decision on whether or not to hire a new employee, the managers usually carefully consider all pro and cons Do you really need a new employee?
Get into outsourcing to gain higher profitability for your company
Many entrepreneurs and managers do not make haste to get into outsourcing opportunities as they have doubts that they may preserve control of their business or operational expenses will grow Get into outsourcing to gain higher profitability for your company
Redesign workflow to minimize stress and burnout
Ineffective allocations of task and irrelevant workflow may be the reasons of poor employee performance and reduced output. In a company which uses inefficient workflow in daily practice some employees work hard to complete tasks while the others just make their minimum to perform assigned job. Redesign workflow to minimize stress and burnout
Don't overload employees with jobs or you get procrastinations
The challenges of increasing customer demand and changing technologies make businesses more complicated and leave the employees feeling overwhelmed Don't overload employees with jobs or you get procrastinations
Use daily workload report to track employee performance
To manage projects successfully, the team leader needs to track employee performance and view the tasks which have been completed or still being outstanding for today. To get exhaustive information for employee performance, the team leader can use workflow reports Use daily workload report to track employee performance
Keep the diary of your activities and monitor your time
Sometimes, in the end of working day, we feel tired, as if we have done a lot, but on practice only small part of our plan was done - most of our energy was wasted on some 'empty' activities such as waiting for something etc. Keep the diary of your activities and monitor your time
How to learn from your own mistakes after completion of task?
After achieving some goal it is a good practice to sit and attentively analyze traversed path. You need to review and evaluate obtained experience in order to use it for future. Try to answer such questions How to learn from your own mistakes after completion of task?
Make your working day really productive with simple method of task allocation
First of all you need to analyze your standard working day. While working write down all of the tasks you complete during day and the time spent to fulfill them. Categorize your usual tasks and allocate them to separate groups according to type Make your working day really productive with simple method of task allocation
Be persistent, think analytically and you will fulfill even hardest tasks
Sometimes, when you have to perform some complicated (but feasible) task, you may feel yourself unable even to start it! Be persistent, think analytically and you will fulfill even hardest tasks
Don't micromanage or avoid too much attention to the employee's tasks
Probably most of the employees faced too much attention and even fault-finding from their bosses. It bores employees, makes them to be uncreative and decrease overall efficiency and performance. Don't micromanage or avoid too much attention to the employee's tasks
Gain more benefits from outsourcing
Outsourcing is an option to choose the best strategy for your business and bring down costs. When the company outsources, there are two immediate advantages that are gained. The first one is cost savings and the second one is the freeing up of in-house human resources to concentrate them on core competencies. Gain more benefits from outsourcing
Organize customer support service team with task management software
As statistics shows, most businesses are at risk to be failed within the first five years of their existence. It is the customer support service that defines whether or not a business reaches success and is well-recognized Organize customer support service team with task management software
How to get business tasks accomplished with less efforts and greater results
Getting your most important business tasks accomplished is not always the easiest thing to do. You may face unexpected issues that force you to put off tasks. As a result, you get more tasks you have to do next day and you may feel guilty as you did not complete all your work this day. How to get business tasks accomplished with less efforts and greater results
Use process status control charts
One of the most important tracking instruments that can help to manage task performance and control processes is process status control charts Use process status control charts
What are main time wasters within your company?
Each day we waste a lot of valuable time for different activities that are not related to our work at all or just do not help us to perform our jobs better. What are main time wasters within your company?
Save a lot of business time by investing into equipment and tools
If time is really important for your business (and we are sure that it is) you should eliminate a lot of time-killers within your company Save a lot of business time by investing into equipment and tools
How to use 'Not To Do' List?
There are a great number of time-killing activities that we knowingly (or unwillingly) perform every day. First of all analyze your usual working day to disclose tasks that you find yourself doing when you lose focus on your main work How to use 'Not To Do' List?
Organized workplace is a half of success in execution of your tasks
Properly organized workplace is the factor that can support your productivity. Organized workplace is not something that you should adapt to. Organized workplace is a half of success in execution of your tasks
What does 'organized workplace' really mean
Often people mistakenly think that 'organized workplace' is some kind of radically ordered workplace, where all things and tools should be in special places only and you should do everything according to strictly determined procedures. What does 'organized workplace' really mean
How to consider the concept of productivity: through quantity or quality?
All companies, which want to be successful within growing market, aim to get higher productivity of their employees and business processes in order to produce more goods, attract more clients, provide more services and so on. How to consider the concept of productivity: through quantity or quality?
Should you work more or should you work less
According to effective task scheduling and time-keeping, the work hours of resources of a project should be planned and scheduled in advance. Should you work more or should you work less
Use task recurrence for regular events throughout a project life cycle
Each project may have a lot of regular and repeatable events which occur from time to time throughout the project life cycle Use task recurrence for regular events throughout a project life cycle
How to calculate employee overtime work
The possibility to know how much time an employee usually spends to complete a regular task allows a manager to make statistics records and performance analyses. How to calculate employee overtime work
Outline task timeframe with start and finish dates
Efficient task scheduling assumes that each tasks should have start and finish dates which show us from what start point we need to begin with doing a task and till what deadline we can complete the task Outline task timeframe with start and finish dates
How to find balance between quality and speed of task execution
The secret of such balance lies in proper system of employee motivation and work controlling. First of all establish quantitative/qualitative metrics for tasks that you delegate to employees. How to find balance between quality and speed of task execution
Use workflow templates for tasks in multiple projects
For some companies standardizing and simplifying of workflow and task management within a project is a good opportunity to streamline project execution and efficiently track task performance Use workflow templates for tasks in multiple projects
Lack of motivation can be the main reason of laziness
Sometimes we just do not want to do something and such 'laziness' can be caused by different reasons. One of the main reasons is a lack of motivation Lack of motivation can be the main reason of laziness
Simple guidelines to remember in project planning
VIP Task Manager is groupware that can provide project planner with convenient task planning, task allocating and task controlling capabilities. Simple guidelines to remember in project planning
How to help employee with completion of problematic tasks
Sometimes employee is not able to execute delegated task self-dependently or in time, in this case supervisor may carry out part of delegated task in order to help employee with task competition, but this should not be backward delegation. How to help employee with completion of problematic tasks
What to do first in order to optimize workflow of your employees?
First of all, you need to analyze working day of your employees in order to find out each hour and minute that do not bring profit to the company. What to do first in order to optimize workflow of your employees?
How can strict time-ordered workflow harm your business
It is important to remember that strict organization of workflow can mismatch some types of businesses and it is important to not overdo with time discipline. How can strict time-ordered workflow harm your business
How to avoid avalanche-like excrescence of unfulfilled tasks?
In spite of the time and task planning, many people still cannot follow their plans and number of unfulfilled tasks increases day by day How to avoid avalanche-like excrescence of unfulfilled tasks?
Establish unified corporate task database to organize your company
If company drives multiple projects and tasks it is advisable to create one database which can be accessed by employees in order to get informed about jobs assigned to them, progress of projects in which they are involved and to make report about their work performance. Establish unified corporate task database to organize your company
Symptoms of ineffectively delegated tasks
These symptoms may indicate that organization has problems with delegation of tasks. It could be ineffective because of some reasons that should be investigated in the course of organizational analysis. Symptoms of ineffectively delegated tasks
How to ensure effective task delegation
To make sure that task is effectively delegated and will not cause serious problems from the side of employee you need to do following How to ensure effective task delegation
Align your employees with the tasks they are good at
Make sure you have the right people are assigned to appropriate tasks. In project management terminology this is called proper human resource assignment Align your employees with the tasks they are good at
Streamline remote employee management
The outcome is a more dispersed workforce when employees work from on-site or home and report to managers located in different states or even across the world Streamline remote employee management
Avoid multitasking or you will waste your time
As task management practice shows, it takes from 2 to 4 times longer to fulfil tasks when you are trying to 'multitask'. People (if they are not Julius Caesars) really cannot perform effectively multiple things simultaneously. Avoid multitasking or you will waste your time
How to take control over lazy workers
Insufficient employee motivation and poor task supervisions are the major reasons why workers waste their time and become lazy. How to take control over lazy workers
Don’t tune your business to software, tune software to your business
Each company belongs to a specific business field. Its workflow includes tasks which may need some specific features. For example, in your Sales department you would like to customize tasks to get more information about a purchase request Don’t tune your business to software, tune software to your business
Analyze task performance through using KPI management tool
Task performance management is the process used to measure how well employees perform their tasks and whether they achieve performance targets. Analyze task performance through using KPI management tool
Guidelines which allow you to fulfill more tasks during the day
The effectiveness of your work is directly connected with effectiveness of your work planning. To perform more tasks during the day you should plan properly your working process. Guidelines which allow you to fulfill more tasks during the day
Plan your daily tasks according to your biorhythm
Study attentively your feelings and working state during usual working day and answer the following key questions Plan your daily tasks according to your biorhythm
Improve team collaboration through making group decisions
Researches in group dynamics and team collaboration show that more ideas are expressed by individuals working in a group environment. Improve team collaboration through making group decisions
Measure task performance to improve it
If task performance was properly measured, it could be successfully managed. This thinking will lead a company to success in the filed of task and employee management. Measure task performance to improve it
Reduce employee time wasting through task tracking
Business owners and managers constantly search for ways to improve efficiency in everyday operations and ultimately increase profitability. Reduce employee time wasting through task tracking
Get feedback on tasks from your employees
Receiving employee feedback is critical for those managers who tries to understand the pulse of their teams. Get feedback on tasks from your employees
How to break down teams into sub-teams and tasks into sub-tasks
Usually majority of the tasks can be broken down into smaller tasks and assigned among several employees (team members) who can perform them. How to break down teams into sub-teams and tasks into sub-tasks
How to ensure that your action plan will bring you to achievement of your goal effectively?
Organized people usually draw a plan of their objectives achievement. Making a comprehensive action plan is an art which can be learned only with personal experience. How to ensure that your action plan will bring you to achievement of your goal effectively?
How to plan the process of your objectives achievement?
Everyone has his or her own personal and professional aims. Usually most of our aims remain unattained. This happens because of many reasons How to plan the process of your objectives achievement?
How to make sure that task which you are going to do is defined properly?
Before performing of any task you need to make sure that task is absolutely clear for you. How to make sure that task which you are going to do is defined properly?
Divide your activities into processes and tasks
One of the common methods which will help you to become more organized is to divide your activities into processes and divide these processes into tasks. Divide your activities into processes and tasks
How to manage tasks in context-dependent way
Often tasks have no distinct timelines, but are connected to certain life circumstances. How to manage tasks in context-dependent way
The quick way to organize the discussion of best offered solutions within Brainstorming
The traditional well-known method of problem-solving by group is the Brainstorming which is designed to get a large number of ideas and possible solutions. The quick way to organize the discussion of best offered solutions within Brainstorming
Quick Computer-supported method to arrange Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a traditional well-known method of generating a large number of ideas for the solution to a problem. Quick Computer-supported method to arrange Brainstorming
Use printable task schedules doing tasks away from the office
Most of us are using laptops to do our work while being away from the office. But what if your laptop battery is run down and there’s no way to re-charge it Use printable task schedules doing tasks away from the office
How to stop missing your appointments and meetings
Probably there is no person who has never missed an appointment in his business practice. How to stop missing your appointments and meetings
Motivate your employees and track their task performance
Good motivation is the reason why some employees work hard at their tasks. Such employees are able to accomplish their monthly plans while others just stuck and cannot do a thing. Motivate your employees and track their task performance
Eliminate time-wasting and optimize task workflow of employees by using special logs
Probably the most time-wasting problem of an employee is disorganization. The employee may think that he is working hard Eliminate time-wasting and optimize task workflow of employees by using special logs
Organize your meeting with planned agenda
Whether you are a team leader or a team member, you take part in various meetings. As a team leader you may need to organize meetings for the team members Organize your meeting with planned agenda
How to control workday of your employees
When it comes to management of your employees, you feel the need to know what your employees are doing during their working hours and how you can control their workday. How to control workday of your employees
How to have only important task details on your task list
In projects with a huge number of tasks requires company staff to use task management software, however there still may a problem of displaying the abundance of tasks in a convenient view. How to have only important task details on your task list
Use task template for creating successful project schedule
Any project cannot run without scheduled dates and timeframes. A project should have clearly determined deadlines and milestones at any phase throughout the project life cycle. Use task template for creating successful project schedule
How to track how much time is left before due dates of your tasks exactly
Sometimes task cannot be placed within strict timelines. In other words such tasks have no distinct start and end dates, but anyway it should be accomplished before certain date and time How to track how much time is left before due dates of your tasks exactly
How to create comprehensive and secure team schedule for a week or/and month
Different organizations may have different work planning style which depends on business specificity. How to create comprehensive and secure team schedule for a week or/and month
Schedule daily workloads for you and your employees carefully
Sometimes task planning within company needs to be done down to the smallest tasks and periods of time. Schedule daily workloads for you and your employees carefully
How to allocate your tasks with a help of Task Tree efficiently
Each project requires proper task allocation How to allocate your tasks with a help of Task Tree efficiently
Use task templates to save time and enhance productivity
The use of task templates is a good chance to save your time and enhance productivity by enabling Use task templates to save time and enhance productivity
How to manage your personal/work files, tasks and computer applications handily
Often average office employee should work with dozens of various documents, files, applications, web-links and so on. How to manage your personal/work files, tasks and computer applications handily
How to calculate actual task duration and use it for task performance analysis
Often it is necessary to know actual task performance duration. This can be necessary for team project management when you need to control how much time the performance of each task takes and compare actual duration vs. estimated. How to calculate actual task duration and use it for task performance analysis
How to delegate and control purchasing tasks and checklists
Often it is necessary to perform some acquiring tasks for the company. These tasks can be delegated to a certain specialist – purchasing manager. How to delegate and control purchasing tasks and checklists
Why it is important to make progress within your team tasks visible
Why it is important to make progress within your team tasks visible Why it is important to make progress within your team tasks visible
Import tasks from MS Outlook into task management software
If you are a Project Manager or Manager involved in controlling business tasks which require you to use a team task and project management software, you will need to import your tasks from MS Outlook into your new task management software. Import tasks from MS Outlook into task management software
Customize workflow of your company departments
Often average office employee should work with dozens of various documents, files, applications, web-links and so on. Customize workflow of your company departments
Use Line graph to track price changes of purchase and sales orders
Price movements are the channel through which a company or its purchasing department gets information about increase or fall of the prices on purchase orders. Use Line graph to track price changes of purchase and sales orders
Count orders of your customers by using Pie charts
Pie charts are used to display groups or classes of task data in proportion to the whole data set. The entire pie chart represents all the data, while each piece represents a particular group or class within the whole. Count orders of your customers by using Pie charts
How to supervise employees and their tasks effectively
n plenty of various styles of supervision each of the style is based upon two major constituents: giving orientation and providing support. How to supervise employees and their tasks effectively
How to set individual performance objectives
Setting performance objectives per employee is an important part of task management which allows to achieve Strategic Goal by dividing it into a number of sub-goals. How to set individual performance objectives
How can team leader control the task changes?
While controlling task performance, a project team leader may need to know a history of all changes over a task. How can team leader control the task changes?
Don't clutter your task list up with tasks that are already done
In large and medium size projects the issue of arranging task list view and storing completed tasks has a significant importance because as much the task list is convenient and arranged as much easily employees can read and fulfil their tasks. Don't clutter your task list up with tasks that are already done
Delegate to employee enough resources to complete task successfully
Team task management requires intelligible planning, organizing, and managing of resources to achieve the successful completion of a task or a project. Delegate to employee enough resources to complete task successfully
Make task schedule visible for team members
Team task management requires establishing of common project schedule visible for all team members involved in one project Make task schedule visible for team members
Leave big enough time lags between successive tasks
When planning your tasks within project schedule, first of all define the time you have available, in other words define time-scopes of your project. Leave big enough time lags between successive tasks
How to disclose the irregularity in work results of employees
Team coordinator should allocate workloads according to each employee’s effectiveness. Individual effectiveness is possibility of employee to perform maximum of tasks during certain period owing to such factors as optimized work process and appropriate professional skills How to disclose the irregularity in work results of employees
How to get printable list of all human resources involved in project
When a project is being initiated, it is very important to bring all employees in the common detailed list of human resources involved the project. How to get printable list of all human resources involved in project
How to customize tasks within different departments
Specific company or department requires specific workflow for its tasks or even several specific workflow types. How to customize tasks within different departments
How to define employee's effectiveness in comparison with other employees
How to define employee's effectiveness in comparison with other employees How to define employee's effectiveness in comparison with other employees
Calculate estimated costs of tasks within projects
Often task management requires not only time and performance management, but costs calculations as well. Calculate estimated costs of tasks within projects
What Project Manager's responsibility and how to set it up
In general, project manager is a person responsible for success of the project and control over each task of the project. What Project Manager's responsibility and how to set it up
Restricting an employee’s permission to tasks and projects
During a project lifecycle there are a number of necessities to restrict or expand appropriate employee's permission level to tasks, and so share them between project participants. Restricting an employee’s permission to tasks and projects
An easy way to build and print out task progress reports by using charts
Graph reports on task progress are a convenient and quick way to get imagination about how your employees perform An easy way to build and print out task progress reports by using charts
How to handle multiple notifications of your tasks
Often companies that conduct a big number of projects and tasks, confront with the issue of receiving a lot of task notifications How to handle multiple notifications of your tasks
How to calculate an employee’s task time duration and improve task time management
Time is the most important and scarce resource a company has. Better management of time spent on tasks execution allows the company to increase employee productivity and gain more profits How to calculate an employee’s task time duration and improve task time management
How to complete tasks in time and to fight procrastinations
How to complete tasks in time and to fight procrastinations
How to work effectively with on-site employees
Some employees within your company can sometimes or often work outside of the office How to work effectively with on-site employees
How to be instantly informed of any changes in tasks and projects
Task progress supposes many changes within its lifecycle, for example, a task should go from initial status till completion status step by step or the deadline of a task can be moved back and forth. How to be instantly informed of any changes in tasks and projects
Setting role for project manager
The project manager is a key person appointed to manage tasks in a project from its initial stage (approval) to project completion. Setting role for project manager
Track how many tasks and with what statuses there are in your Task List
Keep in eye how many completed, canceled, created, etc, tasks you have in your To Do List Track how many tasks and with what statuses there are in your Task List
How to save the time while making up your mind to the task
Help yourself to make up your mind to the task with the help of special anchors How to save the time while making up your mind to the task
How to determine project estimated time
Use specific task management software to quickly determine project estimated time How to determine project estimated time
How to create report on the sales volume of each sales manager
With the help of team management software it’s very easy to make reports on the sales deals How to create report on the sales volume of each sales manager
How to set your main goal
Try to set your main life goal by switching from current tasks to what you want How to set your main goal
Don't put off task accomplishment for a long time
If you put off your regular tasks too often, it can cause great losses Don't put off task accomplishment for a long time
How to set the project and delegate its tasks quickly
Project management software can help you quickly set the project and assign it to required resources How to set the project and delegate its tasks quickly
Look aside from the problem to find its solution
After you devoted some time to solve a complex task, turn your attention to some other tasks in order to find the best problem solution Look aside from the problem to find its solution
Evaluate how much effective your employees are
Calculate the ration between task estimated and actual time and evaluate the effectiveness of your employee Evaluate how much effective your employees are
Compare how much time you need to accomplish the task and the time left before its due date
To avoid procrastinations take the time left before task due date under control Compare how much time you need to accomplish the task and the time left before its due date
Permanent improvement is the security of success
From time to time plan the time to develop new ways to improve your company productiveness Permanent improvement is the security of success
Simplify the process of exchanging the comments about the task among the employees
If particular resources always work with particular clients, assign the tasks related to these clients to required employees automatically with the help of software Simplify the process of exchanging the comments about the task among the employees
Create conditions for accomplishing the task you procrastinate with
If you schedule exact time for the task and do nothing except it, you will finally accomplish this task Create conditions for accomplishing the task you procrastinate with
Motivate your team members by the words of praise and approval
You need to spend several minutes to express your appreciation to employee and you will get more in return Motivate your team members by the words of praise and approval
Schedule a meeting with a task to yourself and you won’t miss it
Imagine that a task, you must accomplish, is a meeting that you can’t miss Schedule a meeting with a task to yourself and you won’t miss it
How to save time on creating reports about completed tasks
Reports on the tasks completed during definite time period can be easily created with the help of software How to save time on creating reports about completed tasks
Don’t forget the task that you put off temporally
When you postpone some task for a while, don’t forget it at all and return to it later Don’t forget the task that you put off temporally
Save time on making similar calculations frequently
Automate the calculations that you frequently make per your tasks Save time on making similar calculations frequently
How to involve into the project rationally
Accomplish some tasks that are similar to the project you need to start and it will help you to make up your mind to its direction How to involve into the project rationally
Compare what you’ve done and what you planned to do
Discover the problems with your time management skills in time and motivate yourself to work productively Compare what you’ve done and what you planned to do
Let your colleagues see that you are busy
Demonstrate to your employee that you have lots of tasks at the moment and are not able to cope with new ones Let your colleagues see that you are busy
Compare project estimated and actual time
Make graphic reports on Estimated and Actual time of the project and make proper conclusions about your time management skills Compare project estimated and actual time
How to increase the productivity of the meeting
Hold the discussions within team groups and then send representatives from each one to attend the meeting How to increase the productivity of the meeting
Save the time your team spends on the meetings
Let your employees save their time by providing them with required information via computer Save the time your team spends on the meetings
Schedule special time for documentation process
Make it a rule to sort out the papers on your desk regularly Schedule special time for documentation process
Ask your manager to delegate the tasks that you are unable to accomplish to other employee
Assign a new task to less loaded employee from a team of equally skilled specialists Ask your manager to delegate the tasks that you are unable to accomplish to other employee
How to make reports on the time spent by different departments or employees
Use software to make reports on task actual time of different departments or employees How to make reports on the time spent by different departments or employees
Note where you stop when you interrupt task accomplishment
If you briefly note where you stop interrupting task accomplishment, you will proceed with this task faster Note where you stop when you interrupt task accomplishment
What can be done to make up employees’ mind to the work
By discussing the work at the beginning of the day you will make up your team’s mind to work productively What can be done to make up employees’ mind to the work
Gather additional information on the problem to take well-considered decision
Before you take a decision on a certain problem, think whether you have enough information to it at the moment Gather additional information on the problem to take well-considered decision
Track your plans and correct them if required
How often you should track your short-term and long-term plans and goals Track your plans and correct them if required
Check if you are able to accomplish a task by its due date
One of the abundant reasons of overdue tasks is incorrect deadline setting Check if you are able to accomplish a task by its due date
Control accomplished tasks in advance before their due date
Reserve enough time before task due to control it and correct the mistakes if required Control accomplished tasks in advance before their due date
Define what you need to achieve your goal
By defining what you need to achieve your goals, you make the first step towards them Define what you need to achieve your goal
Use software to make reports on task due date deviation
Use software to automatically calculate whether tasks are overdue or accomplished in time Use software to make reports on task due date deviation
Track task Due date to avoid procrastinations
Tasks should be tracked by their due date in order to prevent procrastinations in advance Track task Due date to avoid procrastinations
Make graphic reports on the project accomplishment
It’s easier to demonstrate the project state with the help of charts Make graphic reports on the project accomplishment
Keep the manager informed about your task state
Team Management software can help you to avoid distractions and stress and keep your team leader informed about your work while doing the task Keep the manager informed about your task state
Complete undone tasks before you start new ones
Don’t tackle a new task till you accomplish the tasks you started earlier Complete undone tasks before you start new ones
Easy and quick report on particular tasks
With the help of specific software you will be able to create any reports on your tasks easily Easy and quick report on particular tasks
Make graphic reports on each project to control their completion degree
Most often company works at several projects simultaneously Make graphic reports on each project to control their completion degree
Ask the employees to estimate the time they need for the tasks
Consult with your employee about the time that he will need to accomplish the task Ask the employees to estimate the time they need for the tasks
How to make yourself accomplish complex task
Simple tip how to struggle against the procrastinations with the complex tasks How to make yourself accomplish complex task
How to store completed tasks more carefully
Sometimes there is a need to store some completed tasks or even the whole projects in order to track them somehow in the future. How to store completed tasks more carefully
How to manage your long and short term tasks
While planning your work you should find the golden mean: don’t try to schedule the future too minutely when you create your weekly or monthly plans and at the same time don’t let your plans run themselves How to manage your long and short term tasks
Get a profit of each free minute in your working day
Let’s imagine the situation, when you have some free time at the end of your working day and can accomplish one more task from your To Do List. Get a profit of each free minute in your working day
Save your employees’ time
Don’t make your employees attend the meeting that they are not related to work Save your employees’ time
Estimate the time that the task may take to properly plan your schedule
It’s easier to schedule the task when you realize its estimated time Estimate the time that the task may take to properly plan your schedule
Present the information in the form of diagram for better perception
Use graphic presentation of statistics for better perception and memorization Present the information in the form of diagram for better perception
Estimate the time you need to check your employees work
Estimate the time you may need to check the tasks that were accomplished by your employees Estimate the time you need to check your employees work
Take more additional information when you are going to the appointment
While you plan some appointment, it’s very important to have as much information about its place Take more additional information when you are going to the appointment
Control the tasks that you delegate
Don’t remember to track and control the tasks that you delegated to your employees Control the tasks that you delegate
Delegation must be competent and profitable
Reject the task that you are delegated to, if you can provide more profits by accomplishing your own duties Delegation must be competent and profitable
How to accomplish more tasks and spend less time
Simple tip that will help to plan the tasks that are not connected with the exact time How to accomplish more tasks and spend less time
Plan your working day to achieve success in the career
When you plan your working day you should divide your tasks into three groups Plan your working day to achieve success in the career
Don’t make the client wait for the meeting
If your company’s activity depends on the meetings with the clients, you should properly plan Don’t make the client wait for the meeting
Simple tip how to arrive to the meetings in time
People judge the good performance of your business responsibilities by your punctuality Simple tip how to arrive to the meetings in time
Make your daily plan in the morning after the tasks are completely defined
The advantages of planning the tasks in the morning Make your daily plan in the morning after the tasks are completely defined
Set realistic and time-bound goals to achieve them faster
How to set realistic and achievable goals and reach the success in business Set realistic and time-bound goals to achieve them faster
Make it a rule to accomplish one unpleasant task each day
Each employee has some short but unpleasant tasks that he/she doesn’t want to accomplish. It’s obviously very difficult to make yourself start doing the work that Make it a rule to accomplish one unpleasant task each day
Set two deadlines and try to accomplish the task by the first one
We often tend to procrastinate with some of our tasks, especially if they are boring and not interesting Set two deadlines and try to accomplish the task by the first one
Record and compare the time you spend on the similar tasks
One of the ways how to motivate yourself to accomplish similar unpleasant tasks faster is to compare the time that you spend on them each time Record and compare the time you spend on the similar tasks
Visualize the achievement of your goals while setting the tasks
While setting your tasks it is very useful first to imagine how you achieve your goals within your inner eyes Visualize the achievement of your goals while setting the tasks
Give yourself a little rest during the day
When you create your daily schedule, don't forget that your body needs some rest during the day. Give yourself a little rest during the day
Define the hours that you will regularly devote to the important tasks
When you do something that is extremely important to you or for your business, you need to concentrate all your attention on this work. You have to be intent and careful in order to avoid mistakes and fulfill the tasks properly Define the hours that you will regularly devote to the important tasks
Simplify the process of exchanging the comments about the task among the employees
If the task is delegated to several employees simultaneously, as the rule each of them has separate role in its accomplishment. Simplify the process of exchanging the comments about the task among the employees
Attach additional documents directly to the task
It is a usual situation when there is a need to add some documents or any other information that is required for successful task accomplishment Attach additional documents directly to the task
Regularly re-evaluate your company organization system
From time to time each company organization system should be re-evaluated. It’s possible that the organization system that was relevant sometime ago, needs to be updated and modified now. Regularly re-evaluate your company organization system
Set the list of responsibilities for each position of your staff
In the team work it is quite possible that some employee falls seek or is just absent and somebody must implement his or her tasks Set the list of responsibilities for each position of your staff
Start the task in advance to have enough time for unexpected obstacles
When you have a task, try to proceed to it as soon as possible. Even if there are two weeks before its due date, don’t put the task off if you have the possibility to accomplish it earlier Start the task in advance to have enough time for unexpected obstacles
Keep to your working plan to avoid distractions during the day
When you made your working plan, it means that you’ve done the first step to your success. Keep to your working plan to avoid distractions during the day
Ease the access to often used tasks
Manager of a large company with great number of employees may face a necessity to frequently work with the tasks of the same employees Ease the access to often used tasks
Limit the tasks that may waste much of your time
During our working day we have lots of things and habits that waste our time and productivity. As these habits may cost our success and career, we need to recognize and control them. Limit the tasks that may waste much of your time
Make checklists for frequently recurring tasks
You may often face the situations, when you need to repeat the sequence of actions that you had done earlier. Make checklists for frequently recurring tasks
Track completed tasks at the end of the week and feel proud of yourself for them
The best way to motivate yourself for further success is to reward yourself for already achieved progress Track completed tasks at the end of the week and feel proud of yourself for them
Schedule the tasks in such a way that you can accomplish them at one sitting
When you start doing particular task, you make up your mind to it, concentrate your attention and only then can accomplish it successfully Schedule the tasks in such a way that you can accomplish them at one sitting
How to ease reports on your department tasks
You need to make a report about the work of some particular company department. But you don't want to spend much time on describing each task How to ease reports on your department tasks
How to determine the task that has higher priority
It’s extremely important to prioritize the tasks in your To Do List before start doing them How to determine the task that has higher priority
Develop an agenda of the meeting and keep the participants aware of its plan
To prevent the meetings from becoming a time wasters, they should be properly organized Develop an agenda of the meeting and keep the participants aware of its plan
Ask your manager to delegate the tasks that you are unable to accomplish to other employee
If you are delegated a task that you are unable to perform because of your lack of knowledge or time, don’t hesitate to discuss it with your employer. Ask your manager to delegate the tasks that you are unable to accomplish to other employee
Carefully keep all new ideas to process them in the future
New idea may appear in your mind suddenly, and as you can be busy with some other tasks at this moment, it also can be quickly forgotten Carefully keep all new ideas to process them in the future
From time to time motivate yourself with pleasant tasks
Each person needs to be motivated in his/her work. One of the ways of self-motivation is to reward yourself with short break or pleasant task From time to time motivate yourself with pleasant tasks
How to make reports about big projects that have lots of participants
As there may be a group of employees who take part in accomplishing a project, making a report about this project may become time-consuming process How to make reports about big projects that have lots of participants
Feel difference between urgent and important tasks
It is very important to realize the difference between tasks and projects importance and urgency. Feel difference between urgent and important tasks
Plan the time to learn innovations in team work before using them
Any innovations in your team work, such as new technologies, new approaches, new information and so on, require time to learn and get used to them. Plan the time to learn innovations in team work before using them
How to make reports about the group
When you need to make a report about the work of several employees at once, it may interrupt accomplishing your current task for a long time How to make reports about the group
Plan the project together with the employees who will be accomplishing it
When you have an idea of new project and a group of employees who will accomplish it, it makes sense to discuss project’s details with them before planning its stages and tasks Plan the project together with the employees who will be accomplishing it
Make reports of uncompleted tasks with great ease
Imagine the situation when you need to make a report of all the tasks that you haven't accomplished yet. Make reports of uncompleted tasks with great ease
Plan corporative parties to keep your employees motivated and productive
One of the ways to keep your staff motivated and increase their productivity is to arrange corporative parties. It is not only a possibility for everyone to relax and get rid of stress and overwhelming Plan corporative parties to keep your employees motivated and productive
Take into account employees’ differences while collaborating with them
When you collaborate with your staff you should remember that all people are unique. They may have differences that... Take into account employees’ differences while collaborating with them
Keep your staff motivated by serving them as example
As a manager of a company or a department, you should motivate your staff to work in the most effective way... Keep your staff motivated by serving them as example
Take care that you won’t miss any important information when you are out of office
When you go away from your office at the end of workday, you should care of your working place. If you leave everything as it is... Take care that you won’t miss any important information when you are out of office
Keep frequently used information in cheat sheets
It’s a common situation that you look for the same information again and again... Keep frequently used information in cheat sheets
How to save your time when creating reports
Have you ever met the situation when you have to give your manager full report that clearly shows the picture with your tasks immediately? If the answer is "YES"... How to save your time when creating reports
Track your employees' task list to solve any problems they have
If you delegate some tasks to other employees, don’t ignore controlling further process. While you rely that everything goes according to plan, you may lose sight of some problems and pass the moment when you can prevent procrastination because of them. Track your employees' task list to solve any problems they have
Determine the importance of your task before doing it
It’s very important to determine the importance and value of your tasks before you start accomplishing them. If you pick out the most important 20% of all your tasks, they will cause 80% of your future results. Determine the importance of your task before doing it
Schedule definite time for processing new information and don’t interrupt your current work
Each day the managers receive new information, papers, e-mails, calls, etc. They need to process and include them into company workflow. Schedule definite time for processing new information and don’t interrupt your current work
Schedule employee consulting hours proportionally during the working day
When you establish 'visiting hours' policy for your staff, first decide how often it will be more effective for your company to have these visiting hours and when it is the best time for them. Schedule employee consulting hours proportionally during the working day
Use Pareto principle when start doing your tasks
When you want to accomplish particular task, don’t just plunge into doing it. Like everywhere in your life, you can apply Pareto principle in your everyday work Use Pareto principle when start doing your tasks
How to save your time by delegating the project to a group of employees
If you need to delegate a project to a group of employees you should better do it simultaneously. How to save your time by delegating the project to a group of employees
Add new tasks when everything in your To Do list is crossed off
There can be lots of similar tasks in your to do list and while doing them you can meet similar problems and obstacles. Add new tasks when everything in your To Do list is crossed off
Analyze your mistakes in order that you and your colleagues will avoid them in the future
While doing the task you may make some mistakes... Analyze your mistakes in order that you and your colleagues will avoid them in the future
Start doing your part of the task so that everyone has time to do his one
It's a common situation that a task includes several steps to be accomplished. These steps may be assigned to different employees, and each of them has to wait till his colleague finishes his or her stage. Start doing your part of the task so that everyone has time to do his one
Make your short term to do list and concentrate your attention exactly on it
When you have too many tasks in your task list it’s very difficult to orientate in it. Make your short term to do list and concentrate your attention exactly on it
Switch to other task when your mind gets tired from monotonous work
It’s useful to do similar tasks together, but if you are doing them too long, you can find yourself in a routine. Switch to other task when your mind gets tired from monotonous work
Re-estimate the task while doing it, if you underestimated it while planning
It is often difficult to estimate how much time tasks will take at the very start of a project. During tasks accomplishment you can face with unexpected problems that will slow down the process. Re-estimate the task while doing it, if you underestimated it while planning
When you are delegated a task, think if you are able to accomplish it
When you accept each task assigned to you, you always need to give up something else. If this ‘something’ has higher priority than your new task has, it will be more effective to continue your current work than give it up When you are delegated a task, think if you are able to accomplish it
Train your employees before delegating tasks
If you delegate tasks to your employees you should first train their skills for these specific tasks. The team member who you assign the task to may not have enough knowledge to accomplish the task or just doesn’t know what you want to get at the end Train your employees before delegating tasks
Make your goals clear and achievable
Goals are your road map on the way to successful career and as any map it should be clear and smart. When setting your goals make sure that they are achievable Make your goals clear and achievable
Analyze completed tasks to foresee the mistakes of similar tasks in future
There can be lots of similar tasks in your to do list and while doing them you can meet similar problems and obstacles. If you ignore analyzing these problems when you first meet them you’ll be doing the same unnecessarily work each time you have to accomplish similar tasks. Analyze completed tasks to foresee the mistakes of similar tasks in future
Work out coordinated schedules for all team members
Someone’s lack of planning can destroy your company plans. The work of the whole team is often interrelated and each team member’s workflow may influence others. Work out coordinated schedules for all team members
Why do you store some tasks in your to do list for months
Have you ever thought why you procrastinate with your tasks? If you find out the problem it will be easier to struggle with it. And vice versa if you ignore analyzing the reasons why you put off doing some of your tasks Why do you store some tasks in your to do list for months
Don't try to achieve your life-time goal at once
When setting your goals don’t try to achieve your long-life dream at once. It is like a muscle that may be strained or torn if you try to bench press too much weight at once. Don't try to achieve your life-time goal at once
Give yourself a little more time than you expect the task will take
All of us faced the situation when the due date of the task expires and we are still far from completing it. Give yourself a little more time than you expect the task will take
Modify your goals if the situation has changed
When you set your goals it doesn’t mean that they are already final. While achieving them, goals may give you valuable feedback and tell you whether you are making progress or not Modify your goals if the situation has changed
Set goals for the tasks you have already started to do
If you want to achieve anything significant you need first set your goals. However, in spite of the importance of goals setting we often pay little attention to this process. One of the excuse we have is lack of time. Set goals for the tasks you have already started to do
Consider employee's choice with whom he or she would like to team up
If you want your staff to work productively and successfully you have to provide them with favorable work conditions. One of these conditions is the ability of your employee to influence the choice about the person he or she has to work with. Consider employee's choice with whom he or she would like to team up
Subtasks should be prioritized too
Complex tasks usually have a number of subtasks, which are defined while task setting. Some of these subtasks are more important and others are less significant for the result of this task. Subtasks should be prioritized too
Change your habit of leaving things unfinished to getting things done
Leaving things unfinished is a habit that many people suffer from. It’s your enemy on the way to success. An unfinished project is of no value. Change your habit of leaving things unfinished to getting things done
Employee is not a chair which is easy to replace
One of the widespread problems any company faces sooner or later is lack of people that are capable to replace talented employees. It’s easy to replace a chair or a computer but it’s often too hard to replace a qualified team member Employee is not a chair which is easy to replace
Develop individual approach for each employee who you delegate to
Each person has his or her own skills and capabilities and this has material effect on their work and effectiveness. Develop individual approach for each employee who you delegate to
Take breaks while accomplishing the time-consuming task
One of the reasons of procrastination is time-consuming task. Some of the tasks may seem so big that you even don’t know if you’ll ever be able to finish it. Take breaks while accomplishing the time-consuming task
Avoid meetings that are useless for you
Meetings are the important part of business life but they can be great time wasters. It may seem strange but it’s true. Avoid meetings that are useless for you
Over plan your working day
The fewer things we need to do the more time we spend on them. We tend to procrastinate before start doing the task, because we realize that have plenty of time to accomplish it. Over plan your working day
Keep your staff aware of what is going on in the company
It is good when everybody in the company knows what is going on. Everyone should know his tasks, his colleagues' tasks which are closely connected with his own tasks, the events he involved in, meetings he should take part in, etc Keep your staff aware of what is going on in the company
Assign similar tasks to the same time
During the day business people may have endless list of tasks and there may be many similar ones among them. When doing them separately, it may take twice more time. Assign similar tasks to the same time
Don’t try to heap everything on your shoulders
Very often business owner tries to do the whole work by himself. In his opinion he and only he can do everything and will accomplish the whole work better than others Don’t try to heap everything on your shoulders
Plan your tasks even it is obvious for you how to get it done
There is nothing as sensible as a plan before you are going to do something. It’s a common truth but how often we forget about it Plan your tasks even it is obvious for you how to get it done
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
People often postpone the important or urgent tasks which they can do just now. It happens due to different reasons, but the main one is that they are used to do so Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
Create a task that will remind you to track your team’s tasks
As a manager you clearly realize what should be done to reach your goals. To be sure that everything takes a normal course you should check what your employees do Create a task that will remind you to track your team’s tasks
Track 'completed' task to make sure they are completed
Team leader not only delegates tasks, but also tracks the tasks to see if they are really completed. Your employee may think that he has completed the task well, while you will find some mistakes or gaps in his work. Track 'completed' task to make sure they are completed
Discuss the task while doing it
While doing a task your employee may have many questions on the task to discuss with you. The questions may arise due to some intermediate results he achieved, methods he should apply, unexpected changes in situation, an obstacle, etc Discuss the task while doing it
Time Sheet Tracking and More Benefits of Time Sheet Software Programs
Time Sheet Tracking and More Benefits of Time Sheet Software Programs Time Sheet Tracking and More Benefits of Time Sheet Software Programs
Don't keep the details of tasks in your mind
Almost all tasks may contain some additional information which is usually stored in mind. Let's say you have a task to write an advertising article in two weeks. Don't keep the details of tasks in your mind
Being busy vs. being effective
Busy people are always on the go. They have noisy phones, bursting e-mail inboxes, back-to-back meetings, they are always doing something, but it doesn’t mean they spend their time productively. Being busy vs. being effective
Schedule your interruptions
It's obvious that when you work without interruptions you would increase your own personal productivity, but it would be a short-term victory. Schedule your interruptions
Check if the person you delegate the task is not overloaded
If you add one more task to the person who is overloaded, it won’t help you to accomplish the work but will make him feel more stress Check if the person you delegate the task is not overloaded
Organize your paper and electronic documents
How often do you search for an important document you need immediately among great number of different papers on your desk or in your file cabinets Organize your paper and electronic documents
Make reports on estimated and actual time
The reports that show the difference between estimated and actual time not only help you to see if you or your employees are productive. Make reports on estimated and actual time
How to make sure you will have a report from your team
When your employee accomplished his task and changed its status to 'complete', task management software makes it easy for you to generate a report How to make sure you will have a report from your team
Save time on scheduling tasks you receive by emails
Very often email letters we receive turn into tasks we need to do. The question is what to do with these emails as some of them require urgent actions while others can be put on hold or scheduled to a certain time. Save time on scheduling tasks you receive by emails
Plan your phone calls to avoid wasting much time
Telephone is one of the greatest inventions but it is a two-edged sword. When used correctly, it can be a great time saver, but very often it becomes a time killer Plan your phone calls to avoid wasting much time
Get rid of tasks that will never become important enough to get done
If you are up to your neck in your work and it’s your everyday state, it's a high time to do the task tracking. Get rid of tasks that will never become important enough to get done
Assign one person to one task
If you assign two or more people to do one task it means that this task is not correctly set. Assign one person to one task
Start setting a task from goal setting
Goal setting will give you the motivation you need to get the results you want. Start setting a task from goal setting
Scheduling the right tasks at the right time
Besides the recommendation to do the most challenging tasks at our peak energy time, we would recommend to schedule different types of tasks at a specific time of the day. Scheduling the right tasks at the right time
Focus on what you are doing at the moment
Focusing on the tasks we are doing is 50% of its successful completion. Focus on what you are doing at the moment
Prioritizing is the key to getting things done
One of my friends is constantly telling me that she has no time, she doesn't manage to do all the things she has planned and as a result she almost always stays at work late after the working day is over. Prioritizing is the key to getting things done
Win-win reporting
Many employees consider reports to be inevitable evil which take time that could be spent on doing their job. Win-win reporting
Track tasks by projects or groups
Tasks within one group or project often should be done in a certain order following one another or they may depend on each other. Track tasks by projects or groups
Clear and tidy your desk before you go home
If you sorted out tasks you completed today or reassigned to tomorrow, you should bring order to your workplace as well. Clear and tidy your desk before you go home
Do the worst task first
If you start your day by swallowing the frog the rest of your day we seem perfect. Do the worst task first
Make sure your team members know the goals
When team members don't know why they do certain tasks, they can do the tasks not in the way you want them to. Make sure your team members know the goals
If you don’t have 'sense of time' you should better use Calendar (instead of To Do List)
If you are constantly rushing, always being late for appointments and very often missing deadlines, you just don't manage your time or you manage it the wrong way. If you don’t have 'sense of time' you should better use Calendar (instead of To Do List)
Break the tasks down until it is possible
If the task you set is too big you or the person you delegate this task to can start procrastinating. Break the tasks down until it is possible
At the end of the day plan tasks for tomorrow
If you come to work in the morning and think "what should I do today?", this tip is exactly for you. At the end of the day plan tasks for tomorrow
Sort tasks before planning tasks for tomorrow.
Before planning tasks for tomorrow take a look at all the tasks assigned for today. Sort tasks before planning tasks for tomorrow.
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